7.6.1 Packet Tracer - WAN Concepts PDF

Title 7.6.1 Packet Tracer - WAN Concepts
Course Introduction to Statistics
Institution University of the People
Pages 3
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Packet Tracer - WAN Concepts Objectives In this activity, you will investigate various types of WANs by exploring a topology that uses diverse connectivity technologies. 

Describe different WAN connectivity options.

Background / Scenario You will explore WAN technologies that are used to connect business and home users to data services. Note: There is no scoring in this activity.

Instructions Part 1: Investigate Consumer WAN Technologies for Home and Mobile Devices. Step 1: Explore Consumer WAN Technologies. In this step, you will explore three consumer WAN technologies and home networks. a. Look at the two home networks. Question:

What are the WAN technologies in use?

Thehomenet wor ksusecabl eandDSLWANt echnol ogi es. Type your answers here. b. Examine the connections used in the network topology by selecting the Connections icon (the orange lightning bolt) in the PT devices menu. Hover over the media icons to display their names in the white box at the bottom of the PT window. Question:

What media is used to connect the two home networks to the ISP? What devices in the home networks are directly connected to the ISP?

TheCabl enet wor kusescoaxi almedi at oconnectt heHomeCabl eNet wor kt o t heI SP.Thecoaxi almedi aconnect st ot hecoaxi alspl i t t erdevi ce.Phonecabl e connect st heDSLnet wor kt ot heI SP.Thephonecabl econnect st ot heDSL modem. Type your answers here.


Click the DSL modem and open the Physical tab. Questions:

What ports are available on the device and what is connected to them?

TheDSLmodem hast wopor t s.Onei sconnect edt ot hephonel i nef r om t he Tel co.Theot herpor ti sconnect edt ot hehomeLANoverEt her net . Type your answers here.

 2019 - 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

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Packet Tracer - WAN Concepts

What is the purpose of the DSL modem?

I tconver t st het el ephonedat anet wor ksi gnal st oEt her netf ort hehome net wor k. Type your answers here. What is the type of connection between the ISP/Telco/Cable Company network and the Home Cable Network? Why is the splitter necessary?

Theconnect i ont ot hehomei smadewi t hcoaxi alcabl e.Thespl i t t eri s necessar ybecauset hecabl ecar r i esbot hdi gi t aldat aandvi deosi gnal s.The spl i t t erspl i t st hemedi asot hatt hedat asi gnalcanbesentt ot hecabl e modem andt hevi deosi gnalt ot heTV. Type your answers here.

d. Look at the ports on the cable modem. Questions:

What does the cable modem do? What connections does it have?

Thecabl emodem conver t st hecabl edat asi gnal st oEt her netsi gnal s.I ti s connect edt ocoaxi alcabl ef r om t hespl i t t erandUTPcabl ef r om t heEt her net i nt er f ace. Type your answers here. Which port does the cable from the cable modem connect to on the home wireless router? Where did the interface IP address come from?

I tconnect st ot hei nt er neti nt er f ace.TheI Paddr esscamef r om t heI SP net wor koverDHCP. Type your answers here. e. Look at the Smartphone. Question:

What is its IP address? Where did the IP address come from?

TheI Paddr essi s198. 51. 100. 100.Theaddr essmusthavecomef r om t heTel co net wor koverDHCP. Type your answers here. What data service is the cellphone currently using (cellular data or Wi-Fi)?

Thephonei scur r ent l yusi ngcel l ul ardat af r om t he3G/ 4G net wor k Type your answers here.

Step 2: Explore the Business WAN In this step you will explore the business WAN. The business is a retail tire store. It has a local headquarters where most of the business functions occur, and three stores that are connected to the business WAN. a. Look at the Connections menu. Question:

What different types of connections do you see in use in the Business network?

 2019 - 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

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Packet Tracer - WAN Concepts

Et her netovercopperandfiberandal soser i al . Type your answers here. b. Open the physical view for the StoreNet switch. Question:

What types of interfaces are present? You may need to zoom and scroll the view to see.

Theswi t chhasGi gabi tEt her netcoppermedi apor t sandi thasf ourmodul ar por t s.Ther ear et hr eeGLCLHSMDfiberopt i cSmal lFor mFact orPl uggabl e ( SFP)modul esi nser t edi nt ot hemodul arpor t s.Thesemodul esenabl et he swi t cht oconnectt ofiberopt i cEt her netnet wor ks. Type your answers here.

Which interfaces and media are used to connect the store networks to the Business Headquarters network? Why was this done?

Thest or esar econnect edt ot heSt or eNetswi t chwi t hEt her netoverfiberopt i c cabl es.Thi swasdonebecauseoft hedi st ancer equi r edt or eacht hest or es.I n r eal i t y,anot herpr ovi derwoul dpr ovi det hi sfiberopt i cser vi ce,butt hi shas beensi mpl i fiedf ort hepur posesoft hi sact i vi t y. Type your answers here.

What type of WAN service is used to connect the Business Headquarters router to the ISP?

Ther out erusesaser i alWANconnect i ont oconnectt ot heI SP. Type your answers here.

Part 2: Explore Connectivity Questions:

Ping devices within the Business WAN and the Consumer WAN networks. Also ping between the networks and the between the networks and the web server. Can all hosts ping each other and the web server?

Host si nbot hnet wor kscanpi ngt hewebser ver ,buthost sont heBusi nessWAN net wor kscannotpi nghost sont heConsumerWANnet wor ksandvi cever sa. Type your answers here.

Is this a good situation?

Yes,t hesenet wor ksshoul dnotbedi r ect l yr eachabl ef r om out si def orsecur i t y r easons. Type your answers here. End of document

 2019 - 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

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