76495 chem8Asyllabus MW F20 PDF

Title 76495 chem8Asyllabus MW F20
Author Lão Gia Gia
Course Organic Chemistry
Institution Pasadena City College
Pages 6
File Size 202.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 6
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CHEMI STRY8A ORGANI CCHEMI STRYLECTURE& LABORATORY Fal l 202 0( M, W Se c t i on7 649 5) I ns t r uc t or

Dr .Pe t e rP .Ca s t r o SV8 L

Ema i l :

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Offic eHo ur s : Cl a s sHo ur s :

TBA ONLI NE2 : 00 PM4 : 2 0 PM ( M, W) ;La b .1 : 00 PM5 : 2 5P M (Th)

Description: Organic structure and characterization through the study of: Electronic orbitals and bonding theories, molecular modeling using Spartan Plus software, trends and correlation of physical properties with structure, stereochemistry of molecules and stereospecificity of reactions, reactions and reaction mechanisms, application of a series of reactions toward synthesis, theory and application of spectroscopy, and application of chemical principles in the laboratory. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in Chemistry 1B. Required Materials: 1. Textbook: David Klein: Organic Chemistry. 3nd Edition 2. HGS Molecular Model Kit. # 1 01 3 A-" Or g a n i cCh e mi s t r ySe tf o rSt ud e nt " ( ht t p : / / www. ma r u z e n. i n f o / h g s / c a t a l o g / p r od u c t _ i n f o . ph p ? p r o d uc t s _ i d =6 16 ) 3. Lab Book: Anne B. Padias - Making the Connections: A How to Guide for Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques. Ha y de n Mc Ne i lPu b l i s h i n g , 1st or 2nd edition. 4. College Ruled Composition Book 5. Safety goggles or safety glasses. 6. Scientific Calculator, black or blue sharpie pen, stapler. Recommended Materials: 1. Student Study Guide and solutions manual to accompany Organic Chemistry Klein 3nd edition. Grading: POINT DISTRIBUTION FOR CHEM 8A: APPROXIMATE GRADING SCALE Exams, Lect. Final, Lab Final ……………………… 50% Lecture and Lab quizzes …………………………...…..20% Laboratory Experiments………………………………..25% Study Assignments ……………………………….......5%

85-100% = A 73-84 % = B 60-72% = C 48-59% = D

The lecture portion and laboratory portion of this course will have separate final exams. The 150-point final will cover only lecture material and is scheduled for the two hours exam period during the final exam week. You need to get a minimum of 50% in the lecture portion of the course in order to achieve a “C” grade or higher in the course. 1


The lecture portion will have the major exams. The laboratory portion of this course will have quizzes. See separate lecture and lab schedules for exact exam dates. Lecture exams will cover the lecture topics and the assigned reading or handouts from lecture. First, exams can only be made up if arrangements are made in advance and if there is a proven valid reason. Missed exams can only be made up before an exam is returned and discussed. Late exams may be penalized up to 20 points.

Attendance: Attendance is required. Absences of more than three lectures will generally result in dismissal from the class. Also lab will keep its own attendance requirements. Canvas:

Important announcements, additional problem sets, answer keys, etc. will be posted on Canvas. (https://pcc.instructure.com/login). Students should log-in at least twice a week to check for announcements.

Homework: You are expected to do most of the problem exercises at the end of each chapter in the Klein’s textbook, assignments in lecture and lab package and additional assignments posted on Canvas. The answers to all problems in Klein’s book will be found in the student solution manual (copies are available in the library’s reserve section). For additional practice, students may also do online problems from wileyplus.com (access to this site is packaged with the new textbooks) and Unit Review Test problems from Carey’s organic chemistry solution manual 7th edition (available in reserve section in the library). Molecular modeling assignments are to be done in the chemistry computer lab using SPARTAN software. It has been our experience, that complete understanding of problem-solving is very important to your success on the lecture exams. Lecture Quizzes: You will have five lecture quizzes covering the topics in lecture and from the book. No make up quizzes will be given. Cheating:

Any form of academic dishonesty, whether it occurs inside or outside of the classroom, will result in a score of zero for that exam, quiz, or assignment and may result in dismissal from the course. If, in the judgment of your instructor, one student knowingly allows another student to copy from his/her paper, both students will be punished.

Drop Deadline: It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the course. Check the schedule of classes for drop deadline. Cell Phones: ***Cell Phones must be turned off during lecture and lab. During quizzes and exams the cell phones must be put away in the backpacks. *** No recording of any type is allowed in lecture or lab unless you have explicit permission from instructor.


Chemistry 8A M,W(#76495)


Fall 2020

Week 1

Dates 8/24 8/26

Lecture Topic Bonding, Molecular Properties Molecular Representations

Klein Reading Chapter 1 Chapter 2


8/31 9/2

Molecular Representations Acids and Bases

Chapter 2 Chapter 3


9/7 9/9

Labor Day (No Class) (Quiz 1), Nomenclature, What’s in my Medicine Cabinet



9/14 9/16

Stereochemistry of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes, Stereoisomers Stereoisomerism

Chapter 4 Chapter 5


9/21 9/23

Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms, Review (Quiz 2)

Chapter 6 Chapter 6


9/28 9/30

Exam I on chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Substitution Reactions

Chapter 7


10/5 10/7

Substitution Reactions Alkenes – Structure and Stability

Chapter 7 Chapter 8


10/12 10/14

Alkenes – Preparation via Elimination Reactions Alkynes Introduction (Quiz 3)

Chapter 8 Chapter 9


10/19 10/21

Alkynes – Addition Reactions Radical Reactions

Chapter 9 Chapter 10


10/26 10/28

Radical Reactions Exam II on chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9

Chapter 10


11/2 11/4

Multistep Organic Synthesis Multistep Organic Synthesis

Chapter 11 Chapter 11


11/9 11/11

Conjugated pi systems Veterans Day (No Class)

Chapter 16 Chapter 16


11/16 11/18

Aromatic Compounds (Quiz 4) Aromatic Compounds Cont.

Chapter 17


11/23 11/25

Exam III on chapters 10, 11, 12, 17 and 18 Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

Chapter 18


11/30 12/2

Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (Quiz 5) Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

Chapter 18




Lecture Topic

Klein Reading Final Exam TBA


CHEMI STRY8 ALABORATORY Description: Laboratory to accompany Chemistry 8A lecture. The laboratory topics will include melting point determination, recrystallization, distillation, extraction, chromatography, refractive index, spectroscopy, preparation of products on a microscale level. Molecular modeling exercises using PC SPARTAN will be done to understand the concept of structure and bonding, conformations and MO theory. The CHEM 8A final grade is determined by total points in both lecture and laboratory sections. Required materials:  A college ruled notebook  Lab Book: Anne B. Padias - Making the Connections: A How to Guide for Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques. Ha y de n Mc Ne i lPu b l i s h i n g , 1st or 2nd edition.  Laboratory Safety Goggles (to be worn at all times in the laboratory)  Recommended-A laboratory coat or apron Quizzes:

Quizzes will be given during the lab lecture period and will cover laboratory procedures, experiments and handouts. Calculators may be needed. No make-up quizzes will be given.

Attendance: Attendance during all lab lecture and laboratory session is expected and required. Absences equal to or exceeding 12 hours of lecture and/or laboratory time will generally result in dismissal from the course or receiving a grade no greater than a D. Failing to complete the check-out procedure with the stockroom for whatever reason will result in a $20.00 fine and a hold on your records. Laboratory Assignments: Lab reports will be due at the beginning of the next lab. Five Points will be deducted for any lab reports handed in late. All reports that are more than one page must be stapled. Reports will not be accepted more than a week late. Notebooks:

It is essential that you keep your lab notebook current and that you enter all data directly into the notebook. To make sure of this your lab notebook will be checked periodically in the lab.

Academic Dishonesty: All experimentation and laboratory analysis is to be performed individually unless specifically approved by your instructor. Any copying of information from another student or any form of plagiarism is forbidden. These, as well as all other forms of academic dishonesty that are detected, will result in your immediate dismissal from the course. Safety:

An organic chemistry laboratory can present some serious hazards that can lead to injury or death. Unsafe practices and behavior will not be tolerated at all. Any student 4

who is deemed a hazard will be asked to leave the laboratory and a grievance will be filed with the dean.

Che mi s t r y8AF2 0 t e Week Da













7 8

10/8 10/15











14 15



Thur s da yLab


Lecture Topic-Experiment-Thursday Lab

Safety Video, Introduction to laboratory equipment and (virtual) laboratory notebook. Intro to experiment 1 Safety Quiz, Recrystallization, Basic techniques and Demo of recrystallization. (Video) Start Exp. 1 (Quiz 1) Melting Point Introduction (Video) Start Melting Point Experiment 2 What’s in My Medicine Cabinet (Presentation) Experiment 1 Due Distillation Introduction: (Distillation of THC and CBC) Video. Distillation Assignment (TBD) Exp. 3 Quiz 2 IR Spectroscopy (lec.) Demo of IR (Video) Spartan Samples of IR. (Worksheet) IR of Unknown sample (In lab Handout) 1 H NMR and 13C Spectroscopy, (Video and in lab worksheet) Quiz 3 Mass Spectrometry (Video) In lab worksheet. Spectroscopy review, Practice problems Spectroscopy Unknown Ex c e dr i nLa bSt a r t Quiz 4 SN1 and SN2 reactions Excedrin

Reading Assignments Making the Connections Chapter 1

Reading Assignments Klein

Chapter 3 Recrystallization

Chapter 2 - mp. of solids Chapter 3- Distillation, GC

Chapter 2 – Spec intro and

Chp. 15

IR spec

Chapter 2 – IR spec Chapter 2 – NMR,

Chp. 15, 16 Chp. 15, 16 Chp. 15, 16 Sapling Chp. 7

Chapter 2 Chapter 4 All Chapters

Chp. 17

Thanksgiving (Quiz 5 Optional) Lab Final: Cumulative



St ude ntLe a r ni ngOut c o me s( SLO’ s ) 1. Apply critical thinking skills to predict and analyze the physical structure, properties and chemical reactivity of organic molecules. 2. Demonstrate competency in scientific communication. 3. Utilize various scientific technologies and organic laboratory practices to collect, evaluate and interpret laboratory data. 4. Utilize the principles of organic chemistry to study environmental and societal issues facing the global community.


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