8 Importanteb 2 Practice Exam KEY Feb 2021 PDF

Title 8 Importanteb 2 Practice Exam KEY Feb 2021
Author Regalo Regalo
Course Circuitos Electrónicos Digitales
Institution Universidad de Sevilla
Pages 1
File Size 72 KB
File Type PDF
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8 Importanteb 2 Practice Exam KEY Feb 2021...



I love it but unfortunately even though I always take my lap top; it’s really hard for me to get much writing done when I’m on the road. There’s too much to see and do. I’d love to be able to do more travel but my writing schedules mean I often have to say “no” to invitations to talk about my work abroad. [QU. 26]


What advice would you give to a young writer starting out?


I’d tell them how much fun it is but I’d remind them that not everyone earns enough from their writing to survive. If they really want to make a lot of money, they should think about another career. In my case, I really think I didn’t have any choice. I don’t think I would have been good at anything else. Other jobs seem so much more difficult to me. [QU. 27]

Task B Example My language school organized a weekend trip to Liverpool and I was really looking forward to putting into practice everything I’d studied, but I didn’t get a chance because I didn’t have enough time to do anything. I should have organized myself better. I rushed round all the sights, there wasn’t any time to speak to anyone and when I tried to buy something in a shop, I couldn’t understand a word the shop assistant said and that made me nervous so I didn’t dare to buy anything. I was in a state of nervous tension all weekend and wasn’t able to enjoy it at all. Speaker 28 - C When I was at school we went on a trip to the zoo once. I remember that we were all looking forward to it and everyone was very excited on the coach on the way there. We went around in small groups, each group with a teacher, and we must have seen just about every animal in the place. The keepers showed us all sorts of things but what I remember is that after a while we all got very tired and lost interest. We were there from early morning until late afternoon and we'd all had enough after a couple of hours. Speaker 29 - F I went on a business trip to a conference last month. I got to my hotel OK and I registered for the conference and got my name tag and all that and everything seemed fine. But the whole event was chaotic after that. A lot of the information we were given was wrong. Events weren't in the rooms that it said on the list and some of the times of events were different. So people were just wandering around in a confused state, not knowing where to go or what to do. And there was nobody to ask, so the whole thing was a mess. Speaker 30 - G As part of my course, we went on a college trip to the Museum of Photography. We were all really keen on the subject and enthusiastic about going. We got there really early - they were only just opening the doors! And I must say I was really impressed by the place and the exhibits. It was great to see things that I'd only seen in books before and it made me really want to produce things as good as them. I could have stayed there for ages and it was disappointing when we had to leave. But they were closing then. I hadn't noticed the time because I was running around looking at one fantastic picture after another. Speaker 31 - A A group of us from work went to an adventure centre for a day a few weeks ago. I hadn't been looking forward to it because I don't normally like things like adventure sports. I thought I'd be scared when I was doing some of the activities and I wasn't wrong about that! The very first thing involved climbing to a great height and swinging on a rope and that was enough to put me off straight away. I never recovered from that and spent the whole of the day terrified. I managed to do all the activities to some extent but I couldn't wait to leave. Speaker 32 - D I went on a college trip to 'the big city' last week. I must say I wasn't looking forward to it at all, in fact I was dreading it. It didn't sound as if anyone knew what was going to happen or what we were going to do. But in fact when we set off in the coach that morning we found out that there was a schedule and we were given maps and all sorts of information. We split up into small groups and did some sightseeing and some shopping and it was fine. Maybe it wasn't the most thrilling day I've ever had but it was worth doing. Speaker 33 - B For our 25th wedding anniversary, my husband and I took a trip back to the hotel where we’d stayed on our wedding night. We had a slap-up romantic candlelit dinner and then went up to the roof to have champagne cocktails and sat there chatting and admiring the view. A couple of hours later, we returned to our room and everything went headsup. I started having acute stomach pains and then passed out, hitting my head on the bath tub as I did so. An ambulance was called and I was rushed to hospital and spent the next 2 days in intensive care. So much for trips down memory lane....

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