9 Success Factors by Case Easy PDF

Title 9 Success Factors by Case Easy
Course Immigration
Institution Ashton College
Pages 15
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Success Factors for immigration practice...


9 Ways to Grow Your Immigration Firm In Canada Automating and growing your firm in a crowded market.

Brought to you by

CaseEasy.ca | Canada’s Premier Immigration Software


About the Author

Orane Cole Founder & CEO, CaseEasy.ca

In this e-book, I’ll share my insights gained through examining hundreds of immigration firms and having identified key factors to their success so that you can also have an edge to build something great!



Let’s begin. 2

Contents 1



Social Proof


Online Events


Paid Ads


Content Marketing


Innovative Offer


Client Experience


Automation Tools


Referral Program

The future depends on what you do today. M. GANDHI

10 Collaboration 11 What’s Next?


Introduction This e-book is all about helping you get an edge in a crowded immigration market. Having spent years helping immigration firms execute some of the tactics and strategies I am about to share, I have had the privilege of seeing what works and what doesn’t and hope the content presented will inspire you to do things differently to remain competitive and relevant in a crowded marketplace. Orane Cole CaseEasy.ca Founder & CEO

Flagship Products CaseEasy CRM Our all-in-one CRM solution helps small-to-medium sized Canadian immigration firms automate and increase revenues. CaseEasy Sign Get important documents electronically signed and collect payments faster. Anywhere, Anytime, Any device! Supports all Government Forms and Generic PDFs.

Success Factor #1

Social Proof There’s no better way to sell your services than through the voice of your client. Google Reviews

On Your Website

Having your clients leave reviews via Google is a great way for others to find you on the internet and hear about the great work you are doing to serve immigrants.

Post your top reviews on your website for others to see.

Facebook Reviews Most of your clients are on social media, having them leave reviews there for others is a great way to boost your credibility. Conclusion Reviews are by far the best way to build credibility with potential clients and reduce the time spent on nurturing the relationship to get them to choose you as their trusted immigration advisor. 5

Success Factor #2

Online Events Hosting online training and educational sessions are currently trending due to the current global lock-downs and worth exploring. Webinars Hosting a webinar is a great way to engage your potential and existing clients to establish yourself as an authoritative figure and differentiate yourself from your peers.

Conclusion Hosting a webinar is an effective way to get new prospects. Ensure to collect sufficient contact details before giving access to Webinar so that you can follow up. 6

Success Factor #3

Paid Ads Want to supercharge your inbound prospects, try paid advertisement. Paid Advertisement


Paying to get your message to your ideal client may be a viable option and provide a good return on investment.

Google Adwords, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more are all great places to advertise. It’s best to start with one platform at a time to see what works best.

Conclusion With millions of potential clients on the internet every day, paying to get your message to them may be a good option to help you increase your prospect base. 7

Success Factor #4

Content Marketing Your prospects are constantly searching for content to help them on their immigration journey, content marketing is your way to stay relevant. Social Media Posts Blogs Constantly posting relevant content for prospects to find on the internet is a great way to provide them with value which will then lead them to choosing you as their immigration advisor.

Posting regularly on all your social media feeds is a great way to reach potential prospects and to get a broader reach due to social sharing.

Conclusion Content marketing is how you build organic traffic over time so that prospects naturally find you in Google Search results and on Social Media. 8

Success Factor #5

Innovative Offer Don’t be like everyone else, it’s time to innovate with your immigration services. Specializing

Flexible Plans & Pricing

Instead of focusing on all immigration categories, you may consider specializing in one category. This differentiates your firm from the competitors and drives prospects to you due to your niche focus.

Create plans & pricing that’s more economical to your clients. Instead of doing the entire immigration process on behalf of client, it’s possible to offer review services only or better payment terms to attract more clients.

Conclusion To compete in a crowded market you have to differentiate and innovate. Specializing in one area of immigration gives you the ability to focus all your resources to being the best and differentiating yourself enough to win clients. 9

Success Factor #6

Client Experience Creating an exceptional client experience will help you get additional business and referrals. Treat them exceptional It goes without saying, providing exceptional client experiences should be your standard. From the way you conduct their initial assessment to when you review and file their documents, keeping your clients engaged and informed will help put them at ease.

Conclusion Providing exceptional client experiences will make your clients naturally want to refer you to their circle of friends and colleagues. Simply show your clients that you care and they will help you grow. 10

Success Factor #7

Automation Tools As you grow, it’s best to streamline manual processes to ensure your clients are getting a consistent client experience when dealing with your brand. Case Management


Managing your firm will require you to implement adequate systems to help you automate mundane tasks.

Use systems that have the ability to integrate with other systems to make your life easier. Look for systems that integrate with payment gateways, emails, CRM tools and more to help you save time as you grow.

Conclusion Automation plays an important role in helping you grow your firm and increase revenues. Invest in an immigration software that meets your requirements and provides the ability to integrate with tools you use today or provides full automation. 11

Success Factor #8

Referral Program Create a customer referral program to get your clients engaged and happy to refer warm prospects to your firm. Reduce CAC

Exponential Growth

CAC stands for Customer Acquisition Cost, this is the single most important figure you should be aware of as it will tell you how much it costs you to get a client. The more “free” referrals you get, the lower your CAC.

If each client you bring in refers 2 other clients, this means for every 1 client, you have the potential to get 2 “free” clients, hence exponentially increasing your revenues.

Conclusion Focus on determining your CAC and building your Referral Program to help reduce what you would pay to get client. CAC is calculated by adding up all you spend on marketing, ads, sales team etc, then dividing it by the total clients gained in a month. E.g. CAC : $500[marketing] + $100[ads] +$3,000 [sales team] / 10 new clients= $360. This means it costs you on avg. $360 to get a new client. 12

Success Factor #9

Collaboration This is by far one of the greatest success factors we have seen. Finding other immigration practitioners to partner with may be the best solution to grow quickly. Dream Team

Creating a dream team of like minded immigration practitioners will help you pool resources together, leverage different expertis and be able to compete wi bigger players in the mark

Conclusion Finding a way to work together is an effective way to reach to your financial goals sooner. Although an effective strategy, not many firms have been able to put this to practice, for those who have, they have been able to reap the benefits. 13

What’s Next? Don’t get left behind!

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Thank You! It’s a pleasure helping Immigration Practitioners automate and grow their firms through our Case Management & CRM software CaseEasy.ca. I trust you found these insights useful and will begin putting them to good use.

Orane Cole Founder and CEO

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