9799 Assignment 2 2018 S1 PDF

Title 9799 Assignment 2 2018 S1
Author Nadia Kaddour
Course Foundations Of Occupational Therapy Pg
Institution University of Canberra
Pages 6
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this is an assigmnet summery for the course for an portfolio assigment ...



ASSIGNMENT 2: E-PORTFOLIO Submission due date & deadline: Monday 9 April, 12:00pm (midday) (Week 9) Professional Conversations: Conducted by appointment during Weeks 9 & 10 Weight: 45% CONTEXT Increasingly, ePortfolios are used in applications for employment, as part of professional registration, and in creating a professional presence online. In this task you will create an ePortfolio in Mahara, provide some background on yourself, form a plan for your future based on addressing skill gaps, and further hone your reflective practice. You will then discuss your ePortfolio and future employment and/or study intentions within a one-on-one professional conversation with a staff marker. In subsequent units it is likely that you will continue to revisit, build, and add to your ePortfolio as you progress through your degree. Please remember that all assessment tasks need to be attempted in order to have a chance of passing the unit. WHAT IS RE QUIR E D? Your ePortfolio will consist of a number of components, all of which should complement each other: •

A photograph of yourself (ensure it looks professional) and personal details (i.e. name, email address)

Reflection on Industry Analysis Essay (~200-300 words)


Reflect on the feedback you received (either from peers, an ASK Advisor, StudySkills Advisor, tutor, or your staff marker) for Assignment 1 by using Borton’s Framework of Reflective Thinking. Ensure that in the ‘Now What?’ stage you consider how your insights have directly influenced your work in relation to your ePortfolio. (Borton’s Framework was covered in lectures and tutorials. Review the lectures if unfamiliar.)


You should include a copy of your final Industry Analysis Essay submission as part of your ePortfolio, however you will be marked on your reflection in this assignment, not the Industry Analysis Essay itself.

Cover Letter (~200-300 words) o

This introduces you and sets the scene in your portfolio.


You should use formal letter formatting for this letter as it is a professional document.


There are two ways you can approach the cover letter. You can choose to do a general cover letter, describing yourself, your skills, and the kind of professional opportunities you are currently looking for (e.g. part-time work in a related field). Or, you can choose instead to find a current job advertisement for a current or graduate level position and focus your cover letter towards this particular position.

Resume (equivalent of 2 A4 pages maximum) o

A resume is a concise overview of your previous work experience, education, and other qualifications or experiences from which you gained skills relevant to employment.


Through Mahara you should include supporting documentation (eg. scanned in copies of transcripts, certificates, other qualifications) as evidence of these achievements.

5 Year Plan (equivalent of 3 A4 pages maximum) o

Identify 3-5 goals that are important for your life over the next 5 years. Describe these in terms of SMART goals, and consider academic, professional, personal, and skills-focussed goals. (The SMART goals framework was covered in lectures and tutorials. Review the lectures if unfamiliar.)


Describe your plans (strategies and actions you will undertake over the next 5 years) to achieve these goals. Your plans should be as specific as you can make them, and be based on the knowledge of your industry gained from Assignment 1 as well as evidence from other areas.


Ensure your goals and plans are realistic by discussing them with support services here at UC (eg. Study Abroad, Study Skills, UC Careers, etc) or contacts you may have in the industry. Incorporate their advice to give your plan more detail. For example, rather than simply stating “I want to go overseas to study at a foreign university for a semester”, instead go to visit the Study Abroad office on campus and include their


suggestions for actions you can take along the way to ensure you are successful in this goal. You should refer to these sources of advice in your plan itself. WHAT W ILL IT LOOK LIKE ? Your ePortfolio will be presented in Mahara as a ‘Collection’ of ‘Pages’ which will then be jointly submitted on both Mahara and Canvas. Please ensure that you have created a ‘Collection’ of all your work before you submit so that everything is included when assessed. Think of Mahara a little like a Facebook account – you can’t really break it. Experiment to find your way around, but be careful with the kind of information you put on Mahara until you fully understand how the privacy settings work. After you have completed your ePortfolio you should review it holistically to see that everything fits together and makes sense as a whole picture. You should consider the visual aspects of your ePortfolio, such as the theme and layout, in addition to the content of each component. There are a considerable number of how-to videos and help resources in Canvas that explore Mahara and how you can use it in this task. HOW DO I SUBMIT MY E -POR TFOLIO? Just like any other assignment your ePortfolio is submitted for assessment online. Because full integration between Mahara and Canvas is still occurring as part of the transition of university systems, you will need to submit your ePortfolio in two separate places as follows: 1) As a secret URL on Canvas through the Assignment 2 dropbox This ensures that your work can be marked using the assessment rubric and that any adjustments can be made (for example, applying approved extensions or late penalties). 2) As a submitted ‘Assignment’ on Mahara itself This ensures that your ePortfolio is captured and submitted so that it can be assessed as a ‘frozen snapshot’ without any changes being made to your work after your submission. Make sure you submit your work in both locations so that your work can be assessed. Read the more detailed submission instructions for this task available on Canvas ahead of the due date to help ensure you are familiar with them. There is also a video availale to show what the submission process looks like. To ensure that your submission goes smoothly, make sure you leave yourself enough time to submit to both locations before the deadline on the due day. HOW WILL IT BE MARKE D? Your ePortfolio will be marked during a one-on-one Professional Conversation with a staff member from your field or a closely related field. Professional Conversations are around 20 minutes long, during which you will be given feedback on your ePortfolio and leave with an indicative mark. No written feedback will be provided. You are encouraged to use this opportunity to ask questions about your profession (for example if you aim to enter a postgraduate program after you complete your current degree, or want to undertake competitive internships), and seek advice on your goals and plans. It is intended to be a two-way conversation rather than a one-way feedback session.


MAR KING CRITE RIA – E-PORTFOLIO (FPP 9799: 2018 SE MESTER 1 ON -CAMP U S & ONLINE ) Cover letter & Personal Details (LO 3) Resume (LO 1, 3)

Reflection (LO 1, 4) 5 Year Plan (LO 2)

Portfolio (LO 3, 4)

Professional Conversation (LO 3, 4)

5 A clear, professionally appropriate introduction of self is presented that summarises relevant skills, experience and goals within the profession and includes personal details such as name, contact information, and a professionally appropriate photograph. 5 Resume describes either current and/or intended education, employment and other relevant experience clearly and concisely, with a skills-focus. Links to supporting documentation are included. 5 A clear and critical reflection on feedback received for Assignment 1 is included, using Borton’s framework, with some of the feedback used to inform aspects of the portfolio. 5 SMART, professionally relevant goals are identified which establish intentions for academic, professional, skills-based and personal directions for the next 5 years.

3 A clear introduction of self is presented that identifies skills, experience and goals for the future, and includes personal details such as name, contact information, and a professionally appropriate photograph. 3 Resume describes current or intended education, employment and other relevant experience clearly.

2 A brief introduction of self is included that identifies some skills, experience and goals for the future, and personal details.

0 Introduction of self is unclear and does not fully describe professionally relevant skills, experience, goals, or personal details.

2 Resume describes current or intended education, employment and other relevant experience.

0 Resume does not describe education, employment, or other relevant experience or is not included.

3 Borton’s framework is used to reflect upon feedback received for Assignment 1.

0 Little or no reflection of feedback received for Assignment 1 is included.

5 Interrelated and specific strategies to achieve goals relevant to academic, professional, skills-based and personal aspirations for the next 5 years are clearly articulated, with consideration for ongoing work/life balance shown. 5 Plans are evidence based, incorporating advice, recommendations for success, and information on appropriate pathways, etc from a variety of credible sources or relevant services. 5 Portfolio has a professional appearance and clear structure, with appropriate technical tools aiding the coherence and displaying confidence with Mahara, and is structured with clear sections or categories that are relevant to the profession. Each component of the portfolio actively complements the others and all are clearly focussed on common professional aspirations. 5 Portfolio is clearly articulated throughout, with professionally relevant language and terminology.

3 Appropriate plans to achieve professional aspirations for the next 5 years are clearly articulated.

2 A general reflection of feedback received for Assignment 1 is included. 2 Professionally relevant goals are listed, with reference to academic, professional, skills-based or personal directions for the future. 2 Plans to achieve professional aspirations for the next 5 years are described.

3 Plans are largely evidence based, and are consistent with information on appropriate pathwaysfrom credible sources or relevant services. 3 Portfolio has a professional appearance, with use of various tools in Mahara, and a clear structure. All components of the portfolio are consistent with each other.

2 Plans are somewhat consistent with information from external sources.

0 Plans do not show consistency with evidence from the field and will not reasonably lead to achievement of goals.

2 Portfolio has a mostly professional appearance, and related items are grouped together. Most components of the portfolio are consistent with each other.

0 Portfolio displays an unprofessional or inappropriate overall appearance, and has no clarity of structure. There are inconsistencies and contradictions between components of the portfolio

3 Portfolio uses clear sentences with appropriate spelling and grammar.

5 Approached session confidently and professionally, and was able to discuss all aspects of the portfolio. Took the lead by seeking advice from mentor, and responded clearly to questions about the portfolio.

3 Behaved professionally during session and was able to discuss all aspects of the portfolio. Sought to clarify understanding of the profession, and clearly responded to questions about the portfolio.

2 Portfolio largely uses clear sentences with appropriate spelling and grammar. Errors present. 2 Showed reluctance to engage with mentor, but responded to questions with only minor delays.

0 Aspects of the portfolio cannot be understood due to significant spelling and grammatical errors. 0 Appearance or behaviour was unprofessional. Student could not discuss aspects of the portfolio. Struggled to respond to questions about portfolio and was reluctant to engage with mentor.

3 Professionally relevant goals are clearly identified, with reference to academic, professional, skillsbased and personal directions for the future.

0 Goals relevant to professional aspirations are not included.

0 Plans to achieve professional aspirations for the next 5 years are not described.


/45 3


WHE RE CAN I GET E XTR A HELP WITH MAHARA? An extensive guide on using Mahara is available on Canvas as part of the topic resources for ‘Building Your ePortfolio’ along with a collection of video tutorials looking at Mahara generally as well as specific features. Additional resources are available to all UC students via the Study Help site (via the ‘Help’ link in the Canvas menu). The Study Skills team also run workshops on Mahara throughout the semester. These are open to all students, not just students in this unit. The ASK Advisors (details on the Study Help site) are able to provide individual assistance both on-campus and online. DO I HAV E TO USE MAHARA TO BUILD MY E PORTFOLIO? Yes. Whilst there are other Portfolio tools available, Mahara is supported by the University and is part of our LearnOnline suite of educational technologies. There are several reasons to use Mahara rather than these alternative services: 1.

2. 3.

The information you load into Mahara is stored securely, and cannot be accessed by anyone outside the University unless you choose to enable this. The information in your ePortfolio can be very personal, and we are keen to help you protect your privacy throughout this assessment task. The use of Mahara, instead of external services, is one way we can do that. Submission via ‘Assignment’ on Mahara will lock the sections you have submitted so that you can’t change them until they have been marked. This helps to ensure equity in assessment across the unit. Mahara is a tool used by the whole University, not just in this unit. It is very likely you will revisit Mahara in other units in your time here. Your Mahara ePortfolio is a collection of evidence about your professional practice that you can slowly build during your time here (this unit is only the beginning), and you can continue to access it even after you graduate. This assignment is an excellent opportunity to begin learning about the range of different tools Mahara makes available to you.

DO I HAV E TO GE T A P R OFESSIONAL P HOTOGRAP H TAKEN TO USE IN MY E-PORTFOLIO? No! You do not need to get a professional photograph taken specifically for this ePortfolio task. You can use a recent photograph you already have or get a friend or family member to take a picture for you. Choosing an image in which you are well presented and look approachable would be appropriate for use in this context. A head-and-shoulders shot in which you are smiling is fine for this task. An example of an image that is inappropriate would be a photograph in which you are dressed inappropriately and dancing drunk at a club. Think about how you wish to portray yourself in an employment context to a future potential boss and colleagues. I DON’T R EALLY HAVE ANY EMPLOYMENT E XPE R IE NCE OR E DU CATION H ISTOR Y OTHE R THAN HI GH SCHOOL – W ILL I GE T MARKE D D OW N FOR THIS ? No! In this assignment we are marking you not on how much experience you have, but on how you describe it. This is an opportunity for you to consider what kinds of experience is valuable in your field, and get feedback on a resume that might help you apply for those opportunities later on. I’M A MATU RE -AGE STUD ENT – D O I R EALLY NEE D TO INCLU DE ALL M Y EMPLOYMENT HISTORY AND SUPP OR TING DOCU MENTATION ON MY RE SUME ? This assignment isn’t about recounting your entire employment history – approach it as a test-run for job applications after you graduate. Just as you would with a regular job application, you might include some of your experiences but not others. You can then get feedback on your resume, cover letter, and intentions for the future and seek advice on how these would be perceived by a potential employer in your desired profession.


I ALRE ADY KNOW WHAT JOB I W ILL BE GOING INTO IN THE FU TURE – W HAT DO I WR ITE MY PLAN ABOUT? This task, and others in this unit, are designed to give you a thorough foundational understanding of how your intended industry functions so that you can capitalise on opportunities later in your degree that will assist your success once you graduate. In addition, over time, aspects of your job may change, or you may change careers entirely. Many of the skills you use will be transferable. Your plan, regardless of your eventual intentions, will feature your goals in terms of academic, professional, personal and skills development that will help you to succe ed and your strategies for reaching those goals. You are encouraged to take a holistic view of your life as a whole, not just one job. WHE N W ILL MY PR OFE SSIONAL CONVE RSATION BE HELD? You can choose a time for your professional conversation using a booking system linked in the Calendar in Canvas. The system will open for bookings prior to the due date for Assignment 2. All sessions are held during Weeks 9 and 10. WHAT W ILL HAP PEN IN MY P ROFESSIONAL CONV E RSATION? You can think of this session as something part way between a practice job interview and a career advice session. You should approach it professionally (dress appropriately, speak with confidence), but you should also come with your own questions. Your professional conversation is the time when your portfolio is marked. Your mentor will sit down with you, with your portfolio open in front of them, and you will discuss your work together as they mark it. You will get verbal feedback on your portfolio during your session, and you will leave your session with a preliminary mark. Your mentor will also be able to provide advice to you – you will be matched up with a staff member from the general field you want to work in after your degree (this may be your tutor, or may be someone else). They can provide insight into whether aspects of your 5 Year Plan are realistic, how your resume would be seen by employers in the field, and answer questions you might have about aspects of the industry. DO I HAV E TO COME TO THE UNIVE RSITY IN P ERSO N FOR MY P ROFE SSIONAL CONVE RSATION? For on-campus students, yes – sessions are held in person on campus. However, students who registered for online study will be able to choose between an on-campus session and an online session, held using video conferencing software or by phone. Online students who choose this option will need to have access to an internet connection, as well as a speaker, microphone and webcam (most laptop computers have these components built in). WHAT HAPP ENS IF I D ON’T ATTEND MY PROFESSIONAL CONV ER SATION AS SCHED ULED ? If you couldn’t attend because of extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness, an accident, etc.) you must let your tutor and/or mentor know as soon as possible. Circumstances like this are treated in the same way as extension requests, so you will be required to provide evidence of your situation (e.g. medical certificate, police report, etc). If you have appropriate documentation, your session can be rescheduled for another time so you are not disadvantaged. If you simply forget, are late, or did not book a session (even if you just booked late and your desired sessions are full) your portfolio will be marked without you present. As a result, you will receive ‘0’ for...

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