A very old man quiz - practice quiz PDF

Title A very old man quiz - practice quiz
Author Jenna DeFrances
Course Human Growth & Development
Institution Furman University
Pages 3
File Size 117.9 KB
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A VERY OLD MAN WITH ENORMOUS WINGS 1. What language did Father Gonzaga assume the angel spoke? He thought the spoke Latin.

2. When the angel did not speak this language, what was Father Gonzaga’s reaction and why did he have this reaction? He was in shock because he thought only true angels spoke Latin.

3. The author, Marquez, says, “The whole world had been sad since Tuesday.” What leads him to say this? Because the weather had been bad since last Tuesday and everything was gloomy including the sky. 4. When Marquez says the woman next door “…knew everything about life..”, what do you think the author is trying to say? He said this because the women was older and had lived a lot longer than most people and learned a lot about live and how the world works. She knew a lot of things and was very wise. 5. What does this woman next door say is a food permissible for angles? The women next door said mothballs were food permissible for angles. 6. In your opinion, does the angel seem to be in a stupor? Justify your opinion with facts from the story. I think so because he needed time to adjust where he was and didn’t eat the mothball. 7. Describe the conditions of the angels wings. Be specific. The angle’s wings were very large. They were very dirty and had mud on them. Parts of the angle’s wings were plucked.

8. Why do you think Marquez put this description of the angel’s wings in the story? I think this decription was in the story because it showed that the angle was in danger and the wing’s weren’t how they were supposed to be.

9. Once word had spread, a crowd came to Pelayo and Elisenda’s house to see the angel. Some of them suggested plans for him. What were two of the suggestions people in the crowd made? How many times could he fit on the head of the pin and does it’s dialect have any connections with Armaic.

10. What part(s) of this story did you find comical. Explain your answer. I find it funny how moth balls were food permissible for angles because it just reminds me of my grandma because her house always smells like mothballs and it was just really random. 11. How does the angel leave? He fley away after trying to many times.

12. Why would the Pope care if the angel had a navel? To know if the angle was truly and angel or a human. 13. Why had the woman been turned into a spider? She didn’t listen to her parents.

14. What sprouted out of the lepers’ sores? Sunflowers sprouted ou of the lepers’ sores. 15. The story has a message about human beings. Tell what you think this story’s main message is, and support your answer with facts from the story. The message is that people are so quick to judge others just by how they look. Its sad because not everyone is how they might seem and we shouldn’t jump to conclusions so quickly.

Select 5 of the following words and use each one in a sentence that clearly show you know the meaning of the word. grandeur

magnanimous frivolous ingenuous impertinences hermetic cataclysm decrepit The ingenuous young girl sat and watching as her peers did things, she knew were wrong. The decrepit women looked back at the things she did when she was younger, she knew she was too old to do those things now. The hurricane was a cataclysm. The popular girl was magnanimous after the freshman accidently stepped on her shoe. The history textbook from the 1800’s was hermetic....

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