Patho Open Quiz 3 - Practice quiz PDF

Title Patho Open Quiz 3 - Practice quiz
Author Jessica Widner
Course Pathophysiology
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 2
File Size 62.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 28
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Practice quiz...


Patho Open Quiz 3 1) What happens in the lungs when the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles relax? Air is forced out of the lungs. 2) The respiratory mucosa is continuous through the: 1. upper and lower respiratory tracts. 2. nasal cavities and the sinuses. 3. nasopharynx and oropharynx. 4. middle ear cavity and auditory tube.

3) Which of the following activities does NOT require muscle contractions and energy? Quiet Expiration 4) The maximum volume of air a person can exhale after a maximum inspiration is termed the: vital capacity 5) Which of the following applies to the blood in the pulmonary artery? PO2 is low 6) Which of the following causes bronchodilation? Epinephrine 7) The central chemoreceptors in the medulla are normally most sensitive to: Elevated Carbon Dioxide levels 8) Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the blood because: pO2 is lower in the blood 9) Carbon dioxide is primarily transported in the blood: As a bicarbonate ion 10) What would hypercapnia cause? Respiratory acidosis 11) Which of the following would result from hyperventilation? Respiratory alkalosis 12) Which of the following values is always decreased with respiratory alkalosis (compensated or decompensated)? PaCO2 13) What would be the most effective compensation for respiratory acidosis? The kidneys producing more bicarbonate 14) What is the acid-base status of a patient with the following values for arterial blood gases? Decompensated respiratory acidosis serum bicarbonate 36.5 mmol/L (normal range: 22-28) PCO2 75 mm Hg (normal range: 35-45) serum pH 7.0 Decompensated Respiratory Acidosis 15) What does carbaminohemoglobin refer to? Carbon Dioxide attached to an amino group on the hemoglobin molecule 16) Approximately what percentage of bound oxygen is released to the cells for metabolism during an erythrocyte’s journey through the circulatory system? 25% 17) Choose the correct information applying to laryngotracheobronchitis: Viral infection in child, 3 months to 3 years 18) Signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis usually include: Severe localized pain in the facial bone and tenderness in the face 19) What are early signs and symptoms of infectious rhinitis? Serous nasal discharge, congestion, and sneezing 20) Why does the influenza virus cause recurrent infection in individuals? Viral mutation reduces immunity from prior infections 21) What are typical signs and symptoms of epiglottitis? Sudden fever, sore throat, and drooling saliva

22) What is the most common cause of viral pneumonia? Influenza virus...

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