AANP updated study guide PDF

Title AANP updated study guide
Course care of adult 1
Institution University of West Florida
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The first thing I want to say about the boards is some is straight forward, but most are scenarios. Read the question and specifically read the last sentence and WHAT it is exactly asking for. Take Walden BRONZE and LIVE to pull everything together and PASS! There will be some crazy answers you can just throw out. And sometimes it will come down to 2 but there is only one correct answer. This is where you must know the foundation of the disease. For example, the scenario may be (and is on the test) that a patient returned from visiting family in north Carolina and she went hiking while she was down there, you should be thinking Rocking mountain spotted fever already or Lyme disease, then look your answers(paying NO mind to anything else in the scenario. If one of those are listed, boom that is your answer….BUT maybe the answers are antibiotics….so you must come to the conclusion it is one of the illnesses above to even know which antibiotic. In this case, both are treated with doxycycline Topics that ARE on exam, these are from my experience, Walden review, other peers exam topics and study guides listed on here and some updated I included with it, the original document I did not own but this revision is mine. There are different versions of exams, but just as Walden states this is an “entry level” exam. You will not be picking big diagnosis , these are the common things that may present in an urgent care/ER/family practice. 1. Cranial nerves- need to know oculomotor (which ones to test) – 3,4,6 trigeminal is 5 and facial is 7(see attached face diagram, I used this on my scrap paper during test). Cardiac 2. Know S3 & what it means. You will hear a 3rd heart sound. S3 was not an option 3. Know S4 it is a sign of what? They describe a patient. Sounds like Tennessee. 4. A murmur that is loud and heard with your scope plus thrill is 4. A loud murmur that you don’t need a scope for is 6 5. What does a grade III/VI murmur sound like? Moderately loud 6. They tell you a systolic murmur one that radiates to the neck (Aortic Stenosis) and one the radiates to the axilla (Mitral regurgitation) 7. How do you rule out AAA -Ultrasound gold standard in 65 and older especially if they smoke 8. You have a pt with HTN and osteoporosis what medication do you put them on for HTN- thiazides 9. HTN drug for DM with neuropathy- ACE or ARB

10. You have a patient that on eye exam you notice copper and silver artioles AV nicking what else do you assess them for – HTN 11. You have an elderly patient with Isolated systolic hypertension also known as ISH(on exam) what medication do you start? CCB 12. PAD pt what is treatment- exercise 13. PAD what test- brachial index or ABI 14. Know chronic venous insuff- edema, thick skin discolored 15. Test you do for stable angina – stress test 16. Know Systolic and Diastolic Murmur was asked about heart murmur with high pitch holosystolic and the other one is mid systolic. 17. Know the difference between Peripheral Arterial Disease and Chronic Venous Insufficiency. 18. Question about JVD causes- occlusion, stenosis, or CHF 19. Know Bacterial endocarditis (There was a pt. with gradual onset of fever, hemorrhages on nail beds, painful raised red nodules) Osler’s nodes and janway lesions 20. Questions about carotid bruit signs can signifies what- narrowing of the carotid GI 21. High triglycerides increase the risk of – pancreatitis 22. You have a pt with chronic Hep C what will be high the a) AST b) ALT or c) Both 23. First line tx GERD- PPI or H2 antagonist-for this exam it will be one or the other, they wont have both 24. You have a positive psoas maneuver. This will be in a scenario- most know this means Appendicitis 25. Rovsing sign? Appendicitis 26. Pt. with GERD and Barrett’s esophagus: Refer to Oncologist (worried about cancer) 27. Question about pyloric stenosis (Hint is non bilious vomiting, olive like firm mass palpated on right upper quadrant) 28. Common causes of GERD- CCB calcium channel blockers because they open everything up

29. Increase in triglyceride can cause pancreatitis 30. First line treatment for Ellis Zollinger is PPI- unknown reason for attack of the gastric system Skin 31. What is honey crusted lesions how do you treat? Impetigo. Muprocin 32. Actinic keratosis precursor to Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SSC)- bony growth out of face chin head- Both presentation and that it is a precursor is on examtreatment is also on there- cryotherapy 33. Rosacea (know the presentation) tx with metronidazole gel 34. How do you treat shingles – acyclovir 35. Older induration that has been there awhile what do you do? Bx it 36. Basal Cell Cancer: Waxy, pearly, telangiectasia, ulcer center lesion they will be in a scenario format- just know it is basal cell carcinoma 37. Melanoma question: Know ABCDE. Described it. Irregular, 3 different colors. 38. Subungual Hematoma tx: Make a hole and drain the blood- ON EXAM 39. Tx for moderate acne – will be case scenario that patient has tried OTC and your answer will be tetracycline 40. Review your skin issues for adult and kids. Question about Rubeola (Koplik), 41. How do you treat a skin fungal infection? clotrimazole- any med with azole in it Peds 42. What puts a new born at high risk for hyperbilirubinemia the answer is cephalohematoma 43. Tanner stage III female 44. 14 yo boy cc of bony mass on anterior tibial tubercle-OsgoodSchlatter 45. They describe a weak baby, doesn’t feed well sleeps a lot- it has congenital heart defect 46. ADHA question- answer is neurobiological 47. First line tx of ADHD – SSRI

48. Coarctation of Aorta: Know that systolic BP on lower extremities is supposed to be greater or equal compared to upper extremities. In COA it will be lower. Look for weak radial and bounding femoral pulse 49. ADHD is a behavior disease 50. Most common cause of death in children. Options are a) poisoning b)Motor vehicle accident, c)drowning, and can’t remember the fourth one 51. Question about molliscum. Question described the disorder. White plug.on infant, be thinking of sexual abuse) 52. Peds pt has sausage like mass this is what- intussusception. 53. If you have a both parents with a genetic defect what is the percentage the child will have it. 25% 54. Baby is 6 days old. Has eye discharge. What is it. STD Psych 55. Know how an anorexia presents 56. Antipsychotics lead to risk of obesity, DM2 hyperlipidemia 57. You put a patient on zyprexa what do you monitor- BMI and wt check every 3 months 58. The most common side effect of Paxil – erectile dysfunction. Question said man comes in complaining ejaculation problems. These are his meds. Which one is causing it? 59. You will get a young female with depression what med do you start? SSRI 60. You have an elderly female with depression what med do you start SSRI if they list celexa choose it. Has the shortest list of interactions 61. Kava Kava question- something about what not to mix it with- benzo, CNS depressants or hypnotic 62. Which medication causes low sperm count for a patient (SSRI) 63. Question about grandiosity (Bipolar) 64. They will ask you what is MME and then they will give you a question like you are asking an elderly patient to repeat three words. What test are you doing? MME 65. A patient 77 yo is on benzo’s how do you get them off- wean them 66. Zyprexa (What lab and intervention to put in place such as weight check, DM,

67. Question about what’s the common bug in children with diarrhea.- roto virus 68. What drug do you give in an ACUTE anxiety attack? Benzos (Xanax) short term Gero 69. You have an elderly patient that has new rapid onset of confusion what are labs to check for reversible causes? CBC, TSH, BMP and UA (pick one with UA). The main medication that causes this is? Benadryl 70. Sensorineural (Presbycusis)- happens in older generation 71. Know types of Alzheimer’s: Question about a pt. experiencing memory loss, and increase in confusion and she has a history of stroke, HTN, What type of Alzheimer. Options include (Dementia with lewy bodies, Vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia). Neuro 72. Your patient has essential/familial tremor what is first line treatmentpropranolol 73. How do abort migraines drug? Triptans 74. Prophylactic tx migraines? Propranolol 75. They describe a pt with Trigeminal neuralgia symptoms without stating dx, how do you treat? Tegretol 76. Treatment of cluster HA high dose O2 77. Teen with dizziness and lateral gaze and returns to normal- this means what? Normal 78. Papilledema is a s/s of ICP 79. Question about Pt. complaining of worse headache of life after trauma: Options include a)post-concussion headache b)subarachnoid bleed and c)Subdural hemorrhage). 80. Question about Migraine headache: Know the description and duration of headaches as well 81. Question about CN 3,4,6 (EOM) 82. Question about Romberg test and how it’s done? Eyes must be closed. 83. Question about a pt. complaining about upper arm tremor that seems to be hereditary. What’s the treatment? options include (Xanax, lorazepam, topolol and cant rember the last one)

Legal 84. I did have a question about HIPPA. Something like sharing info to a boyfriend is an example of HIPPA violation, they throw out like beneficence and non- maleficence Hemotology 85. Your pt has as big beefy tongue they have- B12 anemia 86. You have a pt on coumadin INR is 1.4 hx of DVT what do you do? Increase it 87. Your pt t-score is -1.5. what does that mean? Osteopenia 88. How do pt present for temporal arteritis and they ask for the gold standard? Bx of artery 89. Anemia question, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Folate. Men’s Health 90. What is the first line treatment in BPH and HTN? Hytrin-only one you need to know specifically 91. Look up how acute prostatitis presents they ask you how to treat it. 35 yo male doxi 100mg BID X 10 days and Rocephin 250mg. What symptoms is NP looking for to test for STI? Suprapubic pain. STD 92. If the patient is older than 35 its not likely STD but LUTS cipro BID or Levo 4-6 weeks 93. They describe a patient with BV symptoms and clue cells seen. What is it? treat with Flagyl 500mg Bid X 7 days. Do not drink ETOH 94. They tell you your patient has strawberry cervix with green discharge. How do you treat? Flagyl 95. If you treat gonorrhea you also treat what? And how? Chlamydia (Rocephin and Azith) 96. If you have an HIV pt with a TB test that reads 5mm they ARE considered positive 97. They describe a pt with papular, non itchy lesion to palms and soles of feet, what lab do you draw? RPR (Syphillis) 98. How to tx genital warts TCA trichloroacetic if prego 99. Question about chlamydia what drug you give

100. Question about genital wart tx 101. Question about treating HIV pt. with antiviral and CD4 count still less than 200. What should NP tell the pt he is qualified to be diagnosed with AIDS according to CDC Women’s Health 102. Know the difference between probable, possible and positive signs of pregnancy. Leik book 103. Naegeles rule 104. I had a pregnant patient in her 3rd trimester painfull vaginal bleeding- what is that how do you treat? Abruption, c-section. 105. Same as above but painless. What is it and how to tx? Placenta previa. Csection as well 106. What abx do you give a preg pt for UTI answer is nitrofuration/Macrobid 107. Question about contraceptive pills mini pill is ok for smoker??? If under 35 no other risks 108. Question about a pt. pap’s smear noted with Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions and High Grade Squamous Epithelia Lesion noted on the report, what should NP do? referring for colposcopy, 109. Question about NP palpating right ovaries on a 1-year postmenopausal woman. Answer is to r/o ovarian cancer start with US 110. Another question about who is at high risk for ovarian cancer? Patient with a family history 111. High risk for ectopic pregnancy: Salpingitis 112. Preeclampsia tx bed rest, laying on her side and 113. Question about a pregnant female at slightly above symphysis pubic and Fundal height is 23cm (above the umbilical. What should be done (I picked to have Ultrasound done to) 114. Coombs test= Detects presence of RH antibodies 115. Ovarian CA risk. options are a) multipara b)family history and smoking). 116. What test needed to differentiate lesion/cyst found on a breast? Ultrasound Pulm

117. Asthma first line treatment? SABA 118. They describe a pt with TB- fatigue fever cough upper lobe infiltrates on Xray 119. What causes the greatest increase in RR? hypercapnia 120. You suspect sleep apnea which includes everything but -obesity, enlarge tonsils, macrognathia or microglossia 121. RML CXR- Tuberculosis 122. Acute bronchitis description. Do not treat with what? Antibiotics 123. Croup/Epiglottitis: Question about what condition would make you order Lateral X-ray of the neck. Options include: Drooling, Unable to do ROM of the neck / stiff neck. 124. Question about CURBS: Which of the options does not require hospitalization for pneumonia Review CURBS: It’s a criteria for pneumonia hospital admission 125. Which among the list can cause increase in respiration. Options include a)low oxygen b)high oxygen c)hypercapnia or d)hypocapnia HEENT 126. What is the most common pathogen of otitis externa and how to treat 127. Weber test- lateralization to only one ear is abnormal 128. They describe a bilateral allergic conjunctivitis 129. Retinoblastoma- look up all SS of this and what it means. Google it for an advance search they do not give you basis info 130. Question about AV nicking. What does NP assess for? HTN. 131. Question causes of IOP 132. Question about horizontal nystagmus that stops when eye is close to midline in a college student its normal 133. Weber/Rhinne Test 134. Question about someone eating, painful lump noted on the jaw that comes and go. Options include , sialolithiasis – also Caculi or salivary stones”, is a condition where a calcified mass or silaolith forms within a salivary gland usually in the duct of the sub mandibular gland also term Wharton’s DUCT Orthopedic- know them all 135. Treatment for mild ankle sprain RICE

136. Treatment for medial tibial stress syndrome- shin splint RICE 137. A lot of Musculoskeletal questions: Know what the Lachman and Drawer tests for. 138. lateral epicondylitis Tx, 139. Morton’s Neuroma description as someone has a mass or nodule on the 4th/5th toe) 140. Question about an 88/yr. old patient in for follow up secondary. She’s been treated with Tylenol for Joint arthritis. Her SED rate was checked after 6 weeks of treatment and it was 28. Normal range is from something to 25. How would you treat the pt. (Do nothing, Increase Tylenol, change to NSAID, and pt. is expected to have a high SED rate due to age). I think it should be changed to NSAID cuz SED rate is a sign of inflammation, 141. Question about medial Tibia Stress 142. Question about osteoporosis risk factors. Options include (low estrogen level, obesity, sedimentary lifestyle, cant remember the last one) 143. Tx to prevent fracture in a pt. with low vitamin d hydroxyl, high TSH and low Hct (Option include Calcium carbonate 600mg, vitamin d 800 IU don’t remember….. 144. Navicular fx don’t show up on Xray right away they will in 2 weeks- they will try to trick you but pick up on the fact that the patient returns and still has pain after 2 weeks, repeat xray! 145. Pageants disease first line treatment- I picked surgical Renal 146. How do you dx a kidney stone- US not CT 147. Old lady with new onset of incontinence- you do what. UA and culture 148. Know UTI is leukocytes on point of care stick with bacteria, also know all the incontinence, I have stress incontinence- it will be in scenario form ENDO 149. Hyper and Hypothyroidism 150. Question about FRUCTOSESAMINE TEST. Test for how long sugar storage in system. Options include (2-4 week, 3-8 weeks 4-6 weeks and cant remember the rest). The answer is 2-3 or 4 weeks 151.

152. Cancer 153. Question about pencil like stoools---- descending colon CA is the answer 154. Dacryocystitis-how it presents 155. Know how mortons neuroma presents 156. I had to choose the best prophylactic antibiotic for a geriatric patient who is fairly healthy, undergoing knee surgery-options were vanco, a tetracycline a cephalosporin and something else. I think it’s the cephalosporin. 157. Know S&S of CHF-particularly breathing difficulties (orthopnea, etc) and what heart sounds you might hear… not S3 but when and where you hear an S3. Third heart sound etc. 158. Causes of tachycardia? Anemia, hyperthyroidism and infectionstraight forward like this 159. 6 day old infant with conjunctivitis—STD (I think chlamydia was the only STD option) 160. Intussusception 161. Atypical antipsychotics-adverse affects(lab wise) 162. How nasal polyps present 163. Addisons disease—they give a question about how they present without telling you that’s what it is and ask you what labs you expect to see-high cortisol levels, hyperkalemia, low sodium, etc 164. Lichen sclerosis-how it presents (white streaks) 165. Lichen planus- bottom of feet 166. Hyperthyroid-how it presents and treatment 167. Erysipelas-how it presents on the face 168. Auspitz sign in Psoriasis-know what it is 169. Age related changes in the elderly-I had two questions, the one was about BP or HR and you had to pick the pathophysiology about why it happens....

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