Topic Guide Semester 1 2021 updated PDF

Title Topic Guide Semester 1 2021 updated
Author Qian Zhao
Course International Business Context
Institution Flinders University
Pages 17
File Size 474.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
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Topic Guide: BUSN2019 International Business Context – Semester 1, 2021 Topic Coordinator: Dr. Sharif Rasel

This topic guide should be read in conjunction with the College of Business, Government and Law Website and the Flinders University Website

Feb 2021








Lecturer & Topic Coordinator

Dr. Sharif Rasel


8201 5809 [email protected]


Dr. Frank Nyamrunda


8201 2226 [email protected]

TOPIC AIMS The aim of this topic is to give students an understanding of many of the aspects of engaging in international business in an increasingly globalised world. The topic introduces students to the range of overlapping forces that impact on businesses when they trade or invest in foreign markets. The topic looks at the forces of change driving the increasing momentum of globalisation and aims to assist students to assess and think critically about these issues and about how a business can organise for sustainability and success in an ever changing international business environment. Focus is given to students developing and practicing their communication and teamwork skills; important attributes for international business.


LEARNING OUTCOMES AND GRADUATE QUALITIES Expected Learning Outcomes By the time students complete the topic they should be able to: • identify and describe specific internal and external influences that an organization should consider when considering moving beyond the domestic market into foreign markets through exporting, foreign direct investment or other collaborative venture • describe the fundamental concepts and tools used in the study and practice of international business • differentiate between domestic and international business • design, lead and manage interactive seminars on international business issues and case studies • demonstrate effective communication skills appropriate to a business environment • work efficiently and effectively in study teams.

Graduate Qualities Bachelor degree programs at Flinders aim to develop, along with more program-specific professional competencies, the core qualities listed here. These expected graduate qualities shape the more detailed educational aims and learning outcomes which are specified for each course and topic. Flinders University’s Bachelor degree programs aim to produce graduates: • who are knowledgeable • who can apply their knowledge • who communicate effectively • who can work independently • who are collaborative • who value ethical behaviour • who connect across boundaries. Topic Guide | BUSN2019



LECTURE AND READING GUIDE Lectures are digitally audio-recorded [video-recorded], with the recording of the lecture available from the Flinders Learning Online (FLO) site for the topic. Please see the FLO Student Support Site how to watch recorded lectures: Every student should attend a tutorial class (50 minutes) every week. For this purpose, they should choose a session out of seven tutorials designed in this topic (five face-to-face and two online tutorials). Tutorials start in Week 2.

2021 Semester 1 Week/ Week Lecture Beginning

Lecture Topic


March 1

Introduction to International Business


March 8

International Business Model: A Firm-Location Interplay


March 15


March 22


March 29


April 5

International Business in the Age of Semi-globalisation Distance Still Matters: Differences in Political and Legal Systems

Textbook Chapter Ch. 1 Ch. 4 & 6

Additional reading * -

Ch. 1


Ch. 2


Distance Still Matters: Differences in Culture

Ch. 3


Understanding Location Advantages

Ch. 5


Mid Semester Break: April 12-23 7

April 26

Entering the Global Market


May 3


Offshoring, Reshoring and Nearshoring

Ch. 12 Ch. 14


May 10

Exchange Rates

Ch. 7



May 17

Ch. 8 & 9



May 24


May 31

Regional Economic Integration Technology, Innovation and Digital Disruption Business Ethics and the Challenges of Climate Change


June 7

Ch. 15 Ch. 10

Yes Yes


*Additional readings are available on FLO. Please see ‘Readings’ under ‘Topic information and resources’ section.

Topic Guide | BUSN2019


5. TUTORIALS This topic will involve 12 tutorials (1 tutorial lesson = 50 minutes). Tutorials commence in the second week of semester. After week 3, changes to allocated tutorial times can only be made through the topic coordinator. Generally, changes will not be allowed due to the group activities inherent in each tutorial. Students unable to attend a tutorial for valid reasons will need to provide proof of this (e.g. medical certificate or other appropriate documentary evidence) and undertake alternative assessment (e.g. written answers to questions) in order to receive a mark for the quiz test for the week in question. Tutorials that fall on a public holiday will have a make-up tutorial delivered online (or face-to-face if possible) during the same week that students can attend.


FEEDBACK PROVIDED IN THIS TOPIC Students will receive feedback on assessment components as per the Statement of Assessment Methods. This will include: • • •

Feedback on participation. Feedback on multiple choice quizzes. Peer review and tutor feedback provided in the International Business Project submissions.

7. ASSIGNMENTS You should note the following requirements relating to the assignments in this topic: •

Assignments must be submitted electronically on FLO.

You must keep a copy of the final version and drafts of all assignments you submit.

Failure to submit any or all of the assignments for this topic is deemed to constitute failure to meet the assessment requirements for the purposes of eligibility for supplementary assessment on academic grounds. (See also the Statement of Assessment Methods (SAM) form)

Plagiarism or collusion and other forms of academic dishonesty are treated as serious offences by the University and are subject to harsh penalties, which may include expulsion from the University. Ensure that you have read and understood the University’s policy on academic dishonesty, as contained in the Student related Policies and Procedures Manual, for further information refer

To ensure academic integrity, Flinders University currently uses Turnitin which is a text-matching software . It provides a report highlighting how much of the text of an assignment matches with other sources. You are expected to familiarise with the software. For more information, please see the following link:

Topic Guide | BUSN2019



EXTENSIONS AND LATE SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS Extensions for assignments may be granted on medical or compassionate grounds or in exceptional circumstances. A student must approach the Topic Coordinator prior to the submission deadline to seek such an extension. Documentary evidence supporting the requested extension (e.g. a medical certificate covering a sufficient relevant period prior to the due date) will be required. However, students are not required to provide evidence to support an extension of up to 3 days (see Section 4.2(c) Assessment Variation Procedures). For more information, please access the Assessment Variation Procedures in the below link: Where no extension has been granted late submissions will be dealt with as follows: •

A penalty of 5% of the allocated mark per day or part thereof overdue, up to the return date.

Zero grade for submissions after the return date unless an approved extension has been provided prior to the due date.

Assignments submitted after the return of assignments without an approved extension will not be marked.

Late submission will not be allowed after two weeks of the original due date (see Section 5(b) Assessment Variation Procedures).

9. ASSESSMENT TASKS Assessment will be based on the following components : COMPONENT


Assessment 1: Quiz Test (Best 10 of 12 quizzes will count toward the grade)


Assessment 2: Interactive International Business Project


Assessment 3: Group Presentation and Report




Eligibility for academic supplementary assessment task may be affected by the failure to submit any or all assignments.

Topic Guide | BUSN2019


Assessment 1: Quiz Test (30%) During each of the tutorials, you will be required to undertake a 20-question multiple choice quiz, covering the content of the relevant lecture for that tutorial. The test will take place after a brief tutorial discussion. Please note that it is an individual activity. The best 10 of the 12 quizzes will count toward your final mark. Accordingly, each quiz will represent 3% of the total 30% allocated for this assessment. Students unable to attend tutorials for valid reasons will need to provide proof of this (e.g. medical certificate or other appropriate documentary evidence) and undertake alternative assessment (e.g. written answers to some of the end of chapter questions) in order to receive a multiple choice quiz grade for the week in question. The purpose of this assessment is to provide feedback to students on their comprehension of the key concepts cover in the lecture. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZZES SCHEDULE


Quiz test

Textbook Chapter

Week 1

No test


Week 2

Test 1

Ch. 1

Week 3

Test 2

Ch. 4

Week 4

Test 3

Ch. 6

Week 5

Test 4

Ch. 2

Week 6

Test 5

Ch. 3 Mid semester break

Week 7

Test 6

Ch. 5

Week 8

Test 7

Ch. 12

Week 9

Test 8

Ch. 14

Week 10

Test 9

Ch. 7

Week 11

Test 10

Ch. 8 & 9

Week 12

Test 11

Ch. 15

Week 13

Test 12

Ch. 10

Topic Guide | BUSN2019


Assessment 2: Interactive International Business Project (40%) The Interactive International Business Project is a ‘peer review’ assessment piece aimed at applying concepts learned in the topic to real world environment. At the commencement of this topic, you will be required to select a project from the list provided on FLO under ‘Assessment hub’. The project output is divided into three components. During the topic, you will apply the concepts learnt in the relevant lecture(s) to your chosen project and submit 3 (three) essays for each component. Dividing the task in three parts will enable you to receive feedback on your ongoing work. You will analyse information from the chosen company/industry and apply your learning through analysing, explaining, and justifying responses to the assessment questions. The responses to the questions provided will be graded by your peers, moderated by your tutor, and count towards a total of 40% of your grade. Each assessment piece should be a maximum of 1000 words and in essay format. In answering the submission questions, you must demonstrate your knowledge of the theories and concepts learnt, together with your ability to apply them to a real-life example. Harvard referencing is a requirement, and a minimum of 3 academic references (peer-reviewed journal articles) are required in each submission. Once your 1000 word submission has been submitted through the special submission link, you will be required to assess and grade three of your peers’ submissions and provide them with a suitable grade in line with the rubric in addition to at least 100 words of constructive feedback. The submissions that you will be required to mark will be anonymous. A timeframe of 1 week will be provided for you to assess and grade your peers’ work. Your Topic coordinator/tutor will moderate the peer review grades. All three of the peer reviews must be submitted on time, failure to complete the three peer reviews will result in a reduction in grade of up to 30% for the submission. The submissions are due online by Wednesday 4pm of the relevant week, the three (3) peer reviews are due 4pm the following Wednesday. Each submission should be lodged online through the assessment link in addition to the Turnitin portal. The first two submissions are worth 10% each, the final submission is worth 20%. For further details (including the submission questions), please review the rubric for each submission, explore the assessment submission link in the ‘Assessment hub’ and review the SAM. The International Business Project will be due in the following weeks: Submission Due (4pm Wednesday)

Peer Reviews Due (4pm Wednesday)

Related Lecture

Grade Weighting

1 st Submission Week 6

Week 1 of Mid Semester Break

Lectures 1-3


2 nd Submission Week 9

Week 10

Lectures 4-7


3rd Submission Week 12

Week 13


20% 40%

Topic Guide | BUSN2019


Submission details are listed below: 1 st Submission (lectures 1-3) For your chosen project, research the company, and its home and host markets. Using this understanding, discuss and assess with references and application of theory/concept, the company’s resources and competitive advantages. Ensure you justify your reasoning, use specific examples and include a minimum of 3 peerreviewed sources. 2 nd Submission (lectures 4-7) In the second submission, discuss with references and application of theory/concept, the opportunities and risk for the business in the host market. Ensure you justify your reasoning, use specific examples and include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources. 3 rd Submission (open) Following two previous submissions, provide an appropriate, clarified and justified assessment of the company’s internationalisation in the host market with references and application of theory/concept. Ensure you justify your reasoning, use specific examples and include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources.

Feedback on your progress in this assessment will be provided within 3 weeks of each submission. The purpose of this assessment is for you to apply your learning to a real company/industry. It is aimed at building your ability to analyse information, apply theory, and justify your position. It is also an opportunity for you to review and assess your peer’s work, providing context for your own submission and a greater understanding of the application of theory to a broad spectrum of businesses. Assessment 3: Group Presentation and Report (30%) Students will be required to form groups of 2-3. After the group formation, each group will be allocated a business case from the textbook on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Thus, students should attend tutorials in the first couple of weeks to join a group and secure a case. The group should prepare a 12-minute presentation that addresses the case questions outlined in the following table. The presentation should also contain a brief discussion of the company background. Each group will be presenting its allocated case in the given week at the tutorial session. Your presentation should have a well-structured approach with a logical flow in presenting ideas into well-crafted academic presentation. Group presentations will start in week 5 and run till week 13. Each group should submit the group report by 4pm Friday, 18 June 2021 . By referring to international business concepts, the group report should encompass the following Topic Guide | BUSN2019


structure: 1. Introduction 2. Answers of the case questions 3. Conclusion Additional guidelines: • • • • • •

Students should incorporate concepts and business examples wherever necessary. Students are encouraged to conduct adequate research in order to find relevant information to strengthen arguments. The consistent use of references must be maintained throughout the report. The Harvard style is preferred. Students are encouraged to conduct adequate research in order to find relevant information to support their arguments. Students need to make references to at least 5 (five) peer-reviewed journal articles. The group report should not exceed 1,500 words.


Integrative case

Case questions

Week 5

Group presentation case: Xiaomi challenges global smartphone leaders. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 1.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Week 6

Group presentation case: SSI Schaefer: Internationalization of intra-logistics. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 2.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Week 7

Group presentation case: ESET: From livingroom to global player in antivirus software. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 11.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Week 8

Group presentation case: Beko washes clothes across Europe. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 13.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Week 9

McDonald’s Group presentation case: reinvents itself in India. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 12.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Week 10

Group presentation case: Bharti Airtel acquires resources and companies. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 4.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Topic Guide | BUSN2019




Integrative case

Case questions

Week 11

Group presentation case: Fan milk in West Africa. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). International Business (Third edition). Part 6. Integrative Case 10.

Answer questions 1, 2 and 3.

Week 12

Group presentation case: Cars made in Britain, Post-Brexit. Peng, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). Internation...

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