CYB105 Understanding Audiences Study Guide Semester 1 2021 PDF

Title CYB105 Understanding Audiences Study Guide Semester 1 2021
Course Understanding Audiences
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 7
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Download CYB105 Understanding Audiences Study Guide Semester 1 2021 PDF


CYB105: Understanding Audiences

Semester One, 2021

Study Guide

Course Details CYB105: Understanding Audiences, Semester 1 2021 School of Communication, Creative Industries Faculty, QUT

Teaching/Learning Modes and Contact Hours This course is structured by a weekly 1.5 hour lecture that introduces students to each topic’s critical ideas and concepts. These ideas are further explored and applied in a weekly 1.5 hour tutorial. Tutorials will also provide opportunities to develop research skills. Student learning is dependent on active engagement with a set reading(s) each week. Please bring along notes, ideas, and thoughts on required readings to maximise your understanding and engagement with the course. The lecture occurs each Monday from 10:30am – 12:00pm in KG-N515. In-person tutorials transpire at the times and locations designated in the below table. For online students, the inperson lecture will be recorded and made virtually available as soon as possible upon completion. Online tutorials transpire over Zoom at the times designated in the below table.

Staff Contact Details Coordinator and Lecturer Dr Christopher M. Cox Office: Z6-506 E: [email protected] Tutors Dr Katherine Kirkwood Mr Godwin Iretomiwa Simon Ms Eliza Rossiter Ms Christel Antonites Ms Melissa Herburg

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

In-Person Tutorials Time



Tuesday 9am - 1030am Tuesday 1030am - 12pm Tuesday 12pm - 130pm Tuesday 130pm - 3pm

KG-Z2305 KG-Z13101 KG-Z13101 KG-Z13101

Katherine Kirkwood Eliza Rossiter Eliza Rossiter Melissa Herburg

Tuesday 430pm - 6pm


Melissa Herburg

Wednesday 3pm - 430pm


Godwin Iretomiwa Simon

Wednesday 5-630pm



Godwin Iretomiwa Simon Katherine Kirkwood Katherine Kirkwood Katherine Kirkwood

Thursday 1030am - 12pm Thursday 1pm - 230pm Thursday 230-4pm

KG-N413 KG-H301




Wednesday 1030am - 12pm


Christel Antonites

Wednesday 1pm - 230pm


Christel Antonites

Thursday 9am - 1030am


Christel Antonites

Thursday 1030am - 12pm


Christel Antonites

Thursday 1pm - 230pm


Christel Antonites

Online Tutorials

For timetable change requests, please go to:

Course Overview This unit provides an overview on two critical aspects of understanding media audiences: 1) the ways in which media and entertainment industries imagine, construct, and commodify audiences; 2) the ways audiences interpret, use, and interact with media creators, content, and technologies. Week 1

Date 1-5 March


8-12 March

3 4

6 7

15-19 March 22-26 March 29 March – 1 April 5-9 April 12-16 April 19-23 April


26-30 April


3-7 May


Topic Welcome and What is an Audience? Constructing and Conceptualizing Audiences Economics and Business Models Ideology

Tutorials Begin Week 2


Public Holiday Good Friday, 2 April

NO CLASSES Active Audiences Participation No Lecture on April 26 Workshop Week in tutorials NO CLASSES


Public Holiday Monday, 26 April Public Holiday

Monday, 3 May 10 11 12 13

10-14 May 17-21 May 24-28 May 30 May - 4 June

Fandoms Domestication Reception and Rituals Review and Development Workshop

Assessments This course has two assessments: ● Annotated Bibliography (40%) ● Audience Development Challenge (60%) Both assessments must be submitted to Turnitin by the due date.

Assessment One (Annotated Bibliography) Due: Tuesday 6 April, 11:59 pm Length: 1500 words Weighting: 40% Task: This assessment requires you to develop an annotated bibliography in APA citation style. To do so, you will consult the sources used for one of the textbook chapters assigned during Week 1-5 to identify five relevant sources that you will acquire via the QUT library. The point of the bibliography is to assess your ability to comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize the most important aspects of the sources you identify. Based on which textbook chapter you choose, your annotated bibliography will cover one of the following topics: ● Constructing and conceptualizing audiences (Weeks 1-2) ● Economic motivations and business models of media industries that shape how audiences emerge (Week 3) ● Ideological forces that influence the composition of audiences and what they do and/or believe (Week 4) ● The commodification of media audiences (Week 5)

Assessment Two (Audience Development Challenge) Due: Tuesday 11 June, 11.59pm Length: 2000-2500 words Weighting: 60% Task: For this assessment, you will choose from a series of prompts that place you in the role of a practitioner working for a media company. Each prompt will present a challenge you face as you attempt to better understand your audience. You will develop a solution to this challenge by using theories and concepts introduced during Weeks 6-12. Prompts will be made available on Blackboard at the end of Week 7.

Academic Integrity As a student of the QUT academic community, you are asked to uphold the principles of academic integrity during your course of study. QUT sets expectations and responsibilities of students specifically stating that students “adopt an ethical approach to academic work and assessment in accordance with this policy and the Student Code of Conduct (E/2.1)". Students need to be aware that academic integrity refers to text and non-text sources, i.e. "copying or adapting non-text based material created by others, such as diagrams, designs, musical score, audio-visual materials, art work, plans, code or photographs without appropriate acknowledgement" (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). It also includes self-plagiarism, this “involves the re-use by a student of their own work without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Students should seek express consent from the unit coordinator prior to re-using their own work in an assessment submission" (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). Students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always acknowledging the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy all or part of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may be reported for academic misconduct. If you are unsure and need more information


Due Date



Annotated Bibliography

Tuesday 6 April,

1500 words


2000 words



Audience Development Challenge

Tuesday 8 June, 11.59pm

Learning and Tutorial Guide Please actively read the required source before tutorials. All material is located in QUT Readings. Bring annotation and questions to tutorials. Tutorials begin in Week Two Week 1: 1-5 March: Reading:

Unit Overview and “What is an Audience?” “History and Concept of the Audience” Chapter 1 of Sullivan, J. L. (2013). Media audiences: Effects, users, institutions, and power. Sage Publications.

Week 2: 8-12 March: Reading:

Constructing and Conceptualizing Audiences “Audience: Industry Perspective” - Chapter 4 of Potter, W. J. (2019). Media literacy. Sage Publications.

Week 3: 15-19 March: Reading:

Economics and Business Models “The Economics of the Media Industry” - Chapter 3 of Croteau, D., & Hoynes, W. (2018). Media/society: Industries, images, and audiences. Sage Publications.

Week 4: 22-26 March Readings:

Ideology “Media and Ideology” Chapter 6 of Croteau, D., & Hoynes, W. (2018). Media/society: Industries, images, and audiences. Sage Publications. Marwick, A. (2017). Silicon Valley and the social media industry. Sage Handbook of Social Media. Sage Publications.

Week 5: 29 March - 1 April Reading:

Commodification “Media Ratings and the Political Economy of Audiences” Chapter 4 of Sullivan, J. L. (2013). Media audiences: Effects, users, institutions, and power. Sage Publications.


The Merchants of Cool (2001).

2-9 April


Week 6: 12-16 April Reading:

Active Audiences “Audiences and Creators” - Chapter 8 of Croteau, D., & Hoynes, W. (2018). Media/society: Industries, images, and audiences. Sage Publications.

Week 7:19-23 April Readings:

Participation “What Constitutes Meaningful Participation” Chapter 5 of Jenkins, H., Ford, S., & Green, J. (2018). Spreadable media: Creating value and meaning in a networked culture. NYU Press.

Marwick, A. and Partin, W. (2020). “QAnon shows that the age of alternative facts will not end with Trump.” Columbia Journalism Review, Oct. 5.

Week 8: 26-30 April

NO LECTURE on April 26 Workshop Week in Tutorials

Week 9: 3-7 May


Week 10: 10-14 May Readings:

Fandoms “Why Still Study Fans? Introduction to Gray, J., Sandvoss, C., & Harrington, C. L. (Eds.). (2017). Fandom: Identities and communities in a mediated world. NYU Press. “The Power of Fandom.” (2019). Troika.

Week 11: 17-21 May Readings:

Domestication Silverstone, R. Hirsch, E. and Morley, D. (1992). “Information and Communication Technologies and the Moral Economy of the Household,” pp. 15–31 in Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces, edited by R. Silverstone and E. Hirsch. Routledge. Scheerder, A. J., Van Deursen, A. J., & Van Dijk, J. A. (2019). Internet use in the home: Digital inequality from a domestication perspective. new media & society, 21(10), 2099-2118.

Week 12: 24-28 May Reading:

Reception and Rituals “Reception and Rituals” Chapter 7 of Sullivan, J. L. (2019). Media audiences: Effects, users, institutions, and power. Sage Publications.

Week 13: 31 May – 4 June

Review in Lecture Workshop Week in Tutorials

Your Audience Development Challenge is due Tuesday 11 June by 11:59 pm...

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