Abortions - essay PDF

Title Abortions - essay
Author sabrina palmer
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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Sabrina Palmer Dove Grand Canyon University PHI-105: 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Dr. Squire January 31st, 2021

Abortions Through every choice in life, there is a decision that one must make. Abortions have been a huge debate over the last few decades, deciding on whether it should be legal or illegal. Some states in the U.S. have made abortions legal, while other still make it very hard for a woman to get an abortion even if it is due to medical issues, or even rape victims. Therefore, women should have the right to their own bodies. Abortions should be legal in the United States to support women’s rights, rape victims and illnesses that can lead to fetal harm. Women have been fighting for their rights since the 1960 – 1970’s. Women have overcome many obstacles but in today’s age, women are having to fight for the right to get a medical procedure. Abortion is a medical procedure that is done to terminate a pregnancy. The procedure can be as simple as the women taking a pill to abort the fetus or if the pregnancy is to far along that is when the medical procedure will come in play. Most of the time when a woman needs an abortion it is not because they want to it because they need it due to the circumstances that they are in. Women rights movement fought for women’s sexual rights to demonstrate that women should be allowed to decide whether, when and how to get pregnant or terminate a pregnancy; this was the main agenda in the fight for women’s self- determination (Siller & Hochleitner, 2017). Women must fight to be able to do what they want to do with their own bodies because of the laws that are in place. Women also get denied abortions due to parental rights, where the father gets to say whether it is okay. It does not matter the relationship between the two parents the father will still have a say whether it is okay to happen. Having a child is supposed to be the best moment of a women’s life not a moment that is not wanted.

In addition, rape victims should have the right to get an abortion. Approximately 25,000 – 32,000 of those women who were raped result in pregnancy (Nelson, 2008). There are many cases where abortions are used to terminate pregnancies in result of rape and incest. When the choice was made many women made that choice because they knew they could not see themselves carrying a child from a man that had assaulted them (Soares et al.,2014). Some places this human right is prohibited, and women are forced to give birth to a baby created from one of the most horrid moments of her life. Causing women to live in fear knowing that they must deal with their rapist for the rest of their lives. Not only does rape victims face challenges, so do women who development medical illness that can cause fetal harm.

Lastly, abortions should be legal because a women’s worse fear is carrying a baby full term, knowing that it may not make it out alive. Most medical providers only allow women to get an abortion up to 18 weeks of the pregnancy even if there are medical issues that can lead to fetal harm. There are a multitude of disease that can led to fetal harm and potentially death. For example, Fetal cystic hygroma and Amniotic band syndrome, etc. Cystic hygroma has a worse prognosis when associated with hydrops fetalis and cardiac, urologic, cerebral, skeletal malformations. We demonstrated several perinatal and postnatal bad outcomes such as spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, and postpartum death. These associated anomalies further deteriorate the neonatal outcome of live-born fetuses (Yakistiran.,2019). This is one of the awful moments a mother must go through when they are denied abortion due to an illness that their baby may not make it. Going through the whole pregnancy knowing that your baby may not be alive can cause bad post postpartum depression. Government funding due to abortions not being taken seriously. Meaning that the laws on abortions should not be so strict

and allow a woman to get an abortion when needed due to a medical illness. Women who suffer from medical illness should be able to get an abortion without wondering if them or their baby is going to live. Finally, when it comes to abortions being legalized, women should right especially if they are rape victims or have metal illnesses that can lead to fetal harm. Rape victims already have to deal with the trauma of what they have been through, let alone bring a child into the world where they will have to see their rapist for the rest of their lives. Also, women who development medical diseases that can lead to fetal harm or potentially death all because women do not have the rights to their own bodies. Women should have a right to their body, which is why abortions should be legalized.

References: Nelson, L. J. (2008). United States law and managing the terminally ill fetus and newborn. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 13(5), 301–304. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.siny.2008.03.008

Siller, H., & Hochleitner, M. (2017). Abortion as one aspect of women’s health. Health Care for Women International, 38 (9), 907–912. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/07399332.2017.1345561

Soares, M. C., Silva, G., Medeiros, C. M., Araújo, V. S., Cordeiro, R. C., & Dias, M. D. (2014). Meaning and influences of domestic violence: feelings reflected by women in the state of violence. Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 6(5).

Yakistiran, B., Katlan, D. C., Yuce, T., & Soylemez, F. (2019). Prenatal diagnosis and fetal outcomes of cystic hygroma: Experience of a tertiary hospital. Gynecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine, 1, 4. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.201613/GORM.2018.789...

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