ACT 201 Course Outline Spring 2018 PDF

Title ACT 201 Course Outline Spring 2018
Course Accounting Principles
Institution BRAC University
Pages 5
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Course Outline Spring 2018...


BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL Fi na nc i a lAc c o unt i ng[ ACT2 01 ] SPRI NG 2 0 18 Se c t i on:5& 6 Cl a s sSc he dul e :MW 8:00AM-9:20AM and ST11:00 AM - 12:20 PM I n s t r uc t or : Ad i baNa o s hi n Offic e : UB2 07 04 Ema i l : a di b a . na os hi n @b r a c u . a c . b d Offic eHou r s : ST:- 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM MW:- 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Thursday (Prior appointment needed) I. Rationale: This course is designed to get an in-depth knowledge on Financial Accounting principles and techniques. Student will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare and maintain financial records with integrity and manage the financial affairs of a company. Whether the students do their own business or work in an organization, this course will help them understand the financial condition of the organization better and evaluate accordingly. This is the only financial accounting course for many undergraduate students and the first financial accounting course for accounting major/minor students. II. Course Aims and Outcomes: Aims 1. What is accounting? Importance of accounting in everyday lives. 2. Understand the theory, concepts and principles underlying accounting practice. 3. How do we use accounting and how do the organizations provide accounting data? 4. How to read accounting reports (Financial statements) and evaluate investor decisions. Specific Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:  assess the role of accounting in society.  analyze and record business transactions in a manual environment.  complete the accounting cycle, and prepare financial statements.  develop the skills to read and understand company Annual Reports III. Format and Procedures: The course will be conducted principally as a class room lecture, with some in-class discussion and activities involving the application of accounting principles. I will also provide class exercise on TSR which will be practiced and solved in the class. There will be an assignment to relate the class room learning with its application in real business world. All homework and assignment will be hand written.


IV. My Stance: This is the first course of accounting in your university life so no prior accounting knowledge is needed. I will mostly follow the book and expect students to practice problems at home for the exams. Your evaluation will be based on classroom learning and practices from the books. V. Course Requirements: This course ensures that our students read and prepare the financial statements. It includes collection of an annual report, analyzing the financial statements from a listed PLC. It includes several quizzes, midterm and a 2 hours final examination in order to test the understanding of the accounting cycle. 1. Course readings: (a) Required text: Weygandt. J.J. Kieso, D.E. Kimmel, Accounting Principles, 11th Edition, published by John Wiley & Sons 2. Reference texts: 1. Introduction to Financial Accounting y Horngren, Sundem, Elliott & Philbrick, 9th Edition, Pearson Education. 2. Intermediate accounting by Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 12th edition, John Wiley & Sons. VI. Grading Procedures: Assessment Areas

Weights (%)

Cl a s sa t t e n da n c e( a spe rBRACUp ol i c y )


Qui z z e s( 1o u to f2)


Mi dt e r m Ex a mi na t i o n


Te r m Pa pe r+As s i g nme nt s (1 2+3r e s pe c t i v e l y )


Fi n a lEx a mi na t i on( c o mp r e h e n s i v e )




Class attendance and participation policy: Firstly,if any student misses 7 Classes, s/he will not be allowed to take the final exam as per the BRAC University rules. Secondly, I have an open-door policy but any student entering the class after the first 10 minutes of the class will be marked as "Late" and 3 Late will be counted as 1 absent. Finally, every class is equally important for the final grade, so please be prepared for every test from the beginning of the semester, and study in advance.

VII. Grading Policy: 2

The grades will be awarded as per BRAC University’s grading policy as follows: Range of Marks

90 85 80 75 70 65 60 57 55 52 50...

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