Adventures with essential and less stuff, more happiness PDF

Title Adventures with essential and less stuff, more happiness
Course English composition
Institution North South University
Pages 2
File Size 70.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Adventures with essential and less stuff, more happiness Graham Hill talked to a group of Americans about our modern world being too obsessed with having stuff. He encouraged everyone to change their attitude towards having stuff and adopt a policy of “less is more”. He encouraged everyone to edit their lives and experience the benefit of having less stuff and living in a smaller space in order to maximize happiness. Graham Hill explained that we think we need space and stuff, but we would be a lot happier with less. He said that if we edit ruthlessly, think small, and make our stuff more multifunctional, then we will have a smaller environmental impact, save money, and live with more ease in our lives.

Graham Hill followed the Monroe Motivated Sequence. He began by giving statistics about Americans and how their need for space and stuff has increased in the past years. In his introduction, he also used a box metaphor that he returned to at the end of the speech to explain that it does not matter what stuff he feels he needs to carry around. The metaphor and statistics created interest in his topic. He then went on to present the problem by explaining why too much stuff can be bad and cause debt, negative environmental impacts, and stress. Next, he presented his solution of less stuff and less space resulting in less debt, less environmental impact, and more happiness. He then outlined his three step Life Editing Program to attain a life with less stuff, which was edit ruthlessly, think small, and make multifunctional. He ended by saying less is more and stating that the stuff he carries around really does not matter. He encouraged everyone to think about his or her own boxes and determine for himself or herself what really matters.

Hill was effective in using a call to action on his audience. He made it seem important and logical to eliminate extra stuff in our lives and try to live with less. The benefits of his program are appealing, and he did a good job of inspiring change in such a short time. However, because his examples were so extreme, I am not sure many people would put in the physical effort to downsize to the degree that he downsized. He also seemed to generalize the benefits and ignore the other factors that could play a part in becoming a happier person.

Hill delivered his speech well. He related to the audience by being funny and making good eye contact. He moved around a little bit, but it was not distracting. He made the topic relevant and seemed confident. His examples and visuals were well used and planned out. His process was easy to understand and his examples added to his credibility.

In conclusion, I really liked the speech. I thought Hill presented many good points, and his program seemed effective. I thought Hill did a good job of establishing his credibility, which helped him promote his idea. I also liked his visuals and easy three point system as well as the “equations” he used to express his points. He seemed confident and was successful in engaging his audience....

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