Aguirre HRM CHAP3-4 - assessment PDF

Title Aguirre HRM CHAP3-4 - assessment
Author Amielle Aguirre
Course Human Resources Management
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 9
File Size 128.6 KB
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Aguirre, Amielle S. BSBAFM 2-9s

3.4 Activities/Assessment

ESSAY Test: 1. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of eliminating a labor surplus and avoiding a labor shortage. -

Labor surplus and labor shortage can be quite a big problem for both successful and struggling businesses, both can cause collapse of the business, especially in the long run. Downsizing, pay reductions, demotions, transfers, work sharing, hiring freeze, natural attrition, early retirement, and retraining are some options a company can use to reduce labor surplus. On the other hand, overtime, temporary employees, outsourcing, retrained transfers, turnover reductions, new external hires, and technological innovations are the available options in avoiding labor shortage. All methods have their share of advantage and disadvantage effect to the business. Fast solutions like downsizing, pay reductions, demotions, transfers, and work sharing reduces costs, improves competitiveness, reduces fear of age discrimination, and avoids indiscriminant across-the-board reductions, however, these methods are also high risk in human suffering that may bring low morale, miscommunication, loss of teamwork, loss of expertise, significantly higher costs to the whole business. On the other hand, slower solutions such as hiring freeze, natural attrition, early retirement, and retraining are very low on the human suffering, retains and develops the expertise of the employees, and higher job environment morale however, it is costly, not time efficient, and sometimes ineffective. Moving on, overtime, temporary employees, and outsourcing are fast methods in avoiding shortage however, it brings low job morale, low job loyalty, security issues, quality problems and high stress levels but it does somehow answer the labor shortage, costs less, and has high revocability. On the contrary, slower methods such as retrained transfers, turnover reductions, new external hires, and technological innovations has low revocability, low efficiency and can cost more but does work in avoiding labor shortage. There will always be a trade-off in the methods of reducing surplus and avoiding shortage of labor, hence, it is very important for the human resource department to carefully research and forecast the labor demand and identify the

labor supply and then create a goal setting and do a strategic planning of the labor force and finally implement and evaluate the program created planned program. 2. Discuss the various recruitment policies that organizations adopt to make job vacancies more attractive. -

Even though our country has very high unemployment rate, especially in this pandemic, employers recruiting still need to make the job offer pleasing to the eyes of the applicants to find the most eligible applicant for the job. Internal and external recruitment, extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, and image advertising are just some ways businesses make job vacancies more attractive. In internal and external recruitment , there are two policies presented, the Employment Employment-at -at -at--Will P Policy olicy and Due Process Pol Policy icy. The former states that either the employer or the employee can terminate the employment and on the other hand, the latter states that there will be formal steps the employee needs to do to make an appeal to a termination. Furthermore, the latter is also the most common policy followed by companies. Moving on to the extrinsic and intrinsic rewards , it states that businesses can appeal to applicants more if the state higher than current market wages, health benefits, additional wages for overtime and midnight shifts, vacations etc. Lastly, in image advertising advertising, businesses portray themselves as a good place to work in. They show happy and contented workers in pictures, they show the facilities, etc. It encourages applicants to apply to the company. The three policies are effective policies to make the company attractive for potential applicants.

3. Identify the various sources of recruits, their advantages and disadvantages, and the methods for evaluating them. SOURCE Internal Sources

External Sources

ADV ADVANT ANT ANTAGE AGE - Applicants are known to the firm. - Applicants are already knowledgeable about the position and expectations. Outperforms outsiders - Cheaper and faster - New applicants may

DISADV DISADVANT ANT ANTAGE AGE - There might not be qualified applicant from the inside. - Low innovation

- Slower and costly

Direct Applicants

Referra eferrals ls

Advertisements Newspapers Per Periodicals iodicals

Electric R Recruiting ecruiting

bring innovation and ideas to the business. - Bring strength to the business and weaken competitors. - Applicants are wellinformed about the company. - Time-efficient Applicants are assumed to be permanent employees in the future - Cost efficient - Best suited for specialized positions -Employee retention rate is higher

in - Higher chance of and hiring a local applicant - Broad flexibility Convenient for applicants

- Focus on job is presented - Provides detailed information of the job - Cost efficient - Time efficient - High applicant traffic - Flexible - Accessible to more applicants - Allows confidentiality Private Employment -Time efficient Agencies and Pu Public blic - Higher - quality Employment Agencies candidates - Specialist knowledge

Can cause miscommunication between employees. - Can disrupt work harmony. - Can be costly - No trial period for new hires

- Word of the mouth is not reliable - Can set a bad precedent to others Can cause discrimination to new hires - Expensive - Can bring undesirable applicants - Slow - Low traffic - Limitation in details ads Cannot measure effectiveness - Informal - Can attract undesirable applicants - Large number of competitions - Some information can cause miscommunication -Technical Issues - Can be costly - Can disrupt work harmony Second hand information can be misleading or unreliable

Colleges Universities

number and -Large potential applicants -Time efficient -Builds up loyalty

of -Untrained applicants - Can be costly

One way of evaluating the recruitment sources is to develop and compare the yield ratio of each source. Yield ratios express the percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next. Comparing the yield ratios of different sources helps determine which is best and/or most efficient source for the type of vacancy.

4. Explain the recruiter ‘s role in the recruitment process, the limits the recruiter faces, and the opportunities available. -

Recruiters ecruiters, according to SmartRecruiters, are people who look for qualified applicants for job openings in different fields and companies. They also act as the ‘middleman’ between employers and employees. Their job is to attract applicants to a vacant job by saying positive things on the job but still not mislead them under false pretenses. The recruiter must have warmth in communicating with the applicants and at the same time, informative about the job options. They also make the job of looking for an applicant easier for the employer and looking for a job for a future employee.

5. Identify the 17 most relevant recruitment metrics, their usage and importance to effective and efficient recruitment activities. 

Time to fill – Refers to the time it takes to find and hire an employee. It is influenced by the supply and demand ratios of the specific job and the efficacy of the recruitment agency. It gives a realistic view for the managers in regard to the time it will take to replace an employee and a good metric for business planning. Time to hire – It refers to the number of days between the moment the applicant is offered the job and the time it took the applicant to accept the job. It is also referred to as ‘time to accept’. A shorter time to hire enables you to get the better applicants that may get snatched by other companies. It is influenced by the recruitment funnel. Source of hire – It refers to the source of hire that attracts applicants best. It keeps tract of the effectiveness of each source to identify the best source to use.

FirstFirst-year year attrition – It refers to the hiring success. If an employee leaves without reaching one year, it means that the company lost money and the employee is a bad fit for the company. It is also an indicator that there is an unrealistic expectation that caused the employee to quit, it can be either a mismatch mor job description and the actual job or the job have been oversold by the recruiter. It is also called as ‘candidate retention rate’. Quality of hire – Refers to the performance level of the first-year employee. Low rating means that the company is losing money to the new hire. The quality of hire is the input for the Success Ratio. The success ratio divides the number of hires who perform satisfactory by the total number of employees hired. Hiring Manager satisf satisfaction action – Refers to the satisfaction of the managers to the new hires. If the new hire receives a high satisfaction rate, it means that the new hire is performs well and fits in with the team. Candidate job satisfac satisfaction tion – It refers to the satisfaction measure on the expectations of the new hire to the reality of the job. This measure help present both the positive and negative aspects of the job to future potential applicants thus help the employers to create a more realistic view. Applicants per opening – Refers to the measure of applicants per job opening that can result to the job’s popularity. The bigger number of applicants means a higher demand for the job. Selection ratio – Refers to the ratio that measures the number of hired applicants over the total number of applicants. This measure provides the value of different assessment and recruitment tools and can be used to estimate the utility of a given selection and recruitment system. Cost per hire – Refers to the total cost of the company in recruiting the new hires. Cost per hire is equal to the total cost of hiring over the number of hires. Candidate experience – Refers to the measure that indicates the value of the applicant’s experience. The candidate experience is measured by answering a candidate experience survey. Offer acceptance rate – refers to the measure that compares the number of applicants who accepted the job over the total number of offers made. A low rate of the acceptance rate indicates compensation problems.

% of open positions – Refers to the measure that compares the total number of open positions over the total number of positions in the organization. Application completion rate – Refers to the completed application forms passed on the online recruiting systems. Companies usually asks for CVs of the applicant to the website before they can apply. Some drop out while in the process and if someone dropped out, it may indicate problems in the system/process. Recruitment fun funnel nel eff effectiveness ectiveness – refers to the effectiveness of all the different steps in the funnel. The yield ratio is equals to the number of applicants who successfully completed the stage over the total number of applicants who entered the stage. Sourcing channel effectiv effectivenes enes eness – Refers to the measure conversions per channel. It compares the percentage of applications with the percentage of impressions of the positions thus resulting to the effectiveness of the different channels. Sourcing channel cost – Refers to the cost efficiency of the different sourcing channels. The sourcing channel cost is equals to the total cost of ad spend per platform divided by the number of successful applicants per platform.

4.1 Activities/Assessment:

ESSAY WRITING: 1. Discuss the scientific properties of personnel selection methods, including reliability, validity, and generalizability. -

According to HRGuide, Personnel Selection is the “methodical placement of individuals into jobs.” It refers to the process companies make in deciding who will or will not be allowed into organizations. There are several generic standards to be met in any selection process. In this case, we will focus on three: Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability. First, in Reliability eliability, it measures the characteristics of people to determine who will be accepted for the job openings. It usually deals with the complex characteristics such as intelligence, integrity, and leadership. However, there will be no same assessment every test since everybody is bound to make slight errors. All we can measure is the degree how the two set of information is related and how strong or weak is that relationship just in numerical form.

For example, we may be only interested in the applicant’s physical characteristics for labor jobs or their personality for customer service jobs. In hindsight, it just all relies on the requirement of the job as basis of what to look for. There are no specific values. Secondly, in Validity alidity, it is the extent to which performance on the measure is related to performance on the job. There are two types of validity, Criterion-Re Criterion-Related lated Validation and Content Validation. In Criterion-Related Validation alidation, it is a method of establishing the validity of a personnel selection method by showing a substantial correlation between test scores and jobperformance scores in which has two varieties: Pred Predictive ictive V Validation alidation (seeks to establish an empirical relationship between test scores taken prior to being hired and eventual performance on the job) and Concurrent Validation (assesses the validity of a test by administering it to people already on the job and then correlating test scores with existing measures of each person‘s performance). On the other hand, Content Validation is demonstrated by items, questions, or problems posed by a test are a representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job. However, in using content validation, there is an assumption that the applicant already has the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the job. Furthermore, subjective judgment plays a large role in content validation. It is very important to minimize the judge’s influence thus the judges must made judgments based on the most obvious criterias. Lastly, Generalizability is the degree in which the validity of a selection model is established in one context extends to other contexts. We like to aim to generalize the ‘different situations’ of jobs and organizations and ‘different samples’ of people. Validity Generalization stands as an alternative for validating selection methods for companies that cannot employ criterionrelated or content validation. There are 3 steps in this method: (1) Gathering of evidence from the previous criterion-related studies conducted, (2) Providing evidence from the job analysis, and (3) the company shows a test like other tests in the same setting and only just then generalization will be valid. 2. Discuss how the characteristics of a job, organization, or applicant affect the utility of any test. -

Utility is the degree to which the information provided by selection methods enhances the bottom-line effectiveness of the organization. In general, the more reliable, valid, and generalizable the selection method is, the more utility it will have. However, there are several factors that affect the utility of any test-these are the different characteristics of a job, organization,

or the applicant. There are no exactly the same job, organization or applicant, there will always be some slight differences in all jobs, organizations, and applicants. For example, a job requires all applicants to be well-versed in speaking Italian and is physically well-built yet also needs to be female – there will be applicants, but some may be males, and some may not be wellversed in Italian and some may not be physically well-built. If you hire an applicant that does not know any Italian yet is physically built and a female, this will result into a different utility level. One simple difference in characteristics can make a large difference in every role and in any test. 3. Identify the common methods used in selecting human resources. -

There are several methods used in selecting human resources, namely, Interviews, References, Application Blanks, and Background Checks, Physical Ability Tests, Cognitive Ability Tests, Personal Inventories, Work Samples, and Honesty Tests and Drug Tests. In Interviews terviews are the dialogue-initiated test wherein one or more people are to gather information from the applicant and evaluate his/her qualifications and answers to different. It is a subjective selection method in which the interviewer must not show or state any biased thinking. Moving on, Ref References, erences, Application B Blank lank lanks, s, and Backgroun Background d Checks is the selection method that does not need any interview and is a direct hire. It could be because someone recommended them, already check his/her credentials, or already passed based on his/her application. However, it is a weak indicator of validity since reference letters are unreliable source since they follow the same format. Another selection method is the Physical Ability Test. This test is to measure the physical attributes of the applicants such as muscular tension, muscular power, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, and coordination. This test is particular to jobs needed of physical labor. Cognitive Abilit Ability yT Test est is another method of selection. It is a test of the mental capability of the applicant. This test includes verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, reasoning ability etc. Moving one, another method used in selecting human resources is Personal In Inventories ventories ventories. This test measures and categorize individuals by what they are like. It may measure introversion, adjustment, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience of the person. Work Samples is another method of selection. It attempts to simulate the job in a pre-hiring context to observe how the applicant performs in the simulated job. Applicants respond to a set of standardized hypothetical case studies and role play how they would react to certain situations. Lastly, Honestry and Drug Tests are tests that uses polygraph tests, or lie detectors, to evaluate job applicants but stopped in 1988. Now, paper-and-pencil honesty testing is used for this type of test. It

gives emphasize in questions dealing with past theft admissions or associations with people who stole from employers. It give employers answer on whether to trust the applicant or not....

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