AH 3101 Syllabus PDF

Title AH 3101 Syllabus
Author Amy Chen
Course Health & Wellness for Life
Institution University of Connecticut
Pages 6
File Size 189.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 13
Total Views 144


Syllabus for the fall semester...



Tu 4:15 -7 p.m., OAK HALL, Room 117

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Denis A. Coble, CT (ASCP), EdD (860) 486-0014, Koons Hall 323 Office Hrs.: Th 2-4:00 (KNS RM 323,or by arrangement) (and by Appt, e-mail: [email protected] ) 860-486-0014 REQUIRED TEXT: “Essentials For Health and Wellness,” 13 th Edit. (Edlin and Golanty). (Rental, and new copies available at Uconn Bookstore). And, Cancer.Org, “Facts and Figures 2019”, American Cancer Society (ACS). August 27 Intro/ Syllabus/ Family Hx/Ca Ed Survey/Outreach Programs/ Rd Robin September 03 Cancer Prevention / Five Steps/ CA Ed Fact Sheet 10 Chapter 13 Cancer ( Power Points) / Skin Cancer/A B C D E 17 Cancer Risks / Histology/ Viruses &CA 24 Define Health / Personal Health / (Chapter 1) /Midterm Exam Focus October 01 Heart and CVD I / CLIN A&P/ CURRENT TXS 08 Heart and CVD II (Ch 14) 15 MID TERM EXAM 22 Clinical A&P / Diseases of the Male Genital Tract /CYTO/PATH 29 Clinical A&P / Diseases of the Female Genital Tract / CYTO/PATH NOVEMBER 05 Human Sexuality (Ch 8) / LGBTQ+ 12 Drugs Use and Abuse: Alcohol (Ch 18)/ Drugs (Ch 16) 19 Personal Safety / Violence (Ch 23) / BSE/TSE / Exam II Focus 26 FALL BREAK / THANKSGIVING BREAK DECEMBER 03 UNIT EXAM II (Chapters : 14,8,18,16,23); Community Outreach Write-ups Due ! DECEMBER 6, 2019 FRIDAY, LAST DAY OF CLASSES, “NO EXAM FINALS WEEK” ! DAC 12/27/19

COURSEDESCRI PTI ON: Course covers topics concerning wellness, holistic health, mind-body connection, health and wellness models, positive self-concept, preventing heart and CVD disease, cancer risks and preventions, licit and illicit lifestyle drugs, alcohol and drug use and abuse, stress management, diet nutrition, weight and disease, human sexuality, pathology of the male and female genital s y s t e ms ,v i o l e n c er i s ksa n d

p r e v e n t i o n,a n dh e a l t h yl i f e s t y l ebe ha v i or sa nda pp l i c a t i on st oo url i v e s .Spe c i a lc ur r e ntt o pi c s wi l la l s ob epr e s e n t e da nde xp l o r e d( ECi g a r e t t e s ,Va pi n ga n dLu n gDi s e a s e ,Fe nt a no la ndo t h e r c u r r e nti s s u e s ) . COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Describe factors which: influence personal health behaviors; explain principles of health promotion; and a plan for change of health behaviors. 2.

Define stress, offering examples, and how it relates to health; how stress relates to disease processes and describe methods to manage stress.


Describe and explain psychological health symptoms, disorders and current treatment modalities.


List and define aspects of good nutrition and diets; and relate to promotion of good health. Define weight management and eating disorders, and methods to promote health.


Describe aspects of food safety in the USA. Explain foods role in promoting health and wellness.


List components of physical fitness; & advantages reg exercise/ promote health/prevent disease.


Define and describe alcohol, tobacco and drug use, abuse, misuse and dependence behaviors and effects on individuals and society.


Explain aging, death, and protection from injury and violence/personal safety as related to Child abuse, Elder abuse, PTSD, Fire Arm Violence, School Violence, Homicide, Suicide , Hate Crimes and Sexual Assault.


List advantages and disadvantages of Medical Marijuana and its impact on health and wellness.


Describe basic components of the AFA (Affordable Care Act) and tell how it will work (2014).

11. Describe aspects of the heart and circulatory system and relate them to anatomy, physiology and heart disease risk reduction/prevention. Define blood lipid profiles/relation to healthy lifestyles. 12.

Define all aspects of human sexuality/gender identity /pregnancy/ intimacy /relationships/ Fertility /infertility /contraception/DES/A&P, Pathology Male and Female GT.


Define Cancer; and differentiate between risks and prevention behaviors.


Define and discuss Service Learning as related to Community Outreach Prevention Programs.

15. List and describe relationships of Cultural Diversity for each topic covered on the Syllabus (chapters) as they relate to all USA categorical Minority Groups as discussed in the text and class.


Grade Breakdown: Midterm Exam: 40% of grade Final Exam: 40% of grade Community Outreach: 20% of grade ( OPTIONS TBA) Each student will participate in "One" Community Based outreach engagement project. They must be pre-approved by the instructor. The experience requires a write-up, to include: A) Name of Event; B) Educational Purpose; C) Participants (Clients-Patients-Professionals); D) Strengths; and E) Areas for improvement and F) Student Reflective Component . Event will be graded: Unsatisfactory (50%); Satisfactory (75%); Above Average (80%); and Outstanding (90% +). Each experience will be discussed and explored in class. Topics /Projects available and formats will be further discussed in class.

*** ***

ALL EXAMS are worth 100 points each If Exams are missed, you may receive an Incomplete for your course grade (see Dept reqs).

2. Course Grade: Expressed Numerically and converted to a letter grade as noted in below example. 80, 81, 82 = B83, 84, 85, 86 = B 87, 88, 89 = B+ The same scale applies to each respective grade level category (A to F). Exception: Since A+ is not given in undergraduate courses, 93 and above is an A grade. 3.

Attendance: Class attendance is “Required”. “HOWEVER”, Missed class work and/or assignments due on missed days will not be accepted unless “PRIOR “arrangements are made with the INSTRUCTOR by CONTACTING By Email, before absence for approval to make up work. Students Must personally talk with INSTRUCTOR PRIOR to absence to make up the work.


COURSE CONDUCT: Class and community service behavioral expectations will be professional. Class Disruptions: Minus one point off for each day of class disruption. This point comes off the final course average for the semester. Maximum loss, generally, ½ to 1 full letter grade.


MISSED EXAMS MAY RESULT IN STUDENTS RECEIVING AN “I” (INCOMPLETE)GRADE WHICH WILL BE MADE UP THE FOLLOWING SEMESTER according to University Rules. Make up exams will only be addressed after all scheduled exams are corrected, graded and grades released to the students who took the exam at the scheduled time(s). Then we will administer make up exams. (Additional Dept. AHS requirements see Below).

** ALL MAKE UP EXAMS MAY BE WRITTEN (SHORT ANSWER/ESSAY) EXAMS ** 7. Policy for Missing and Making Up Final Exams: Only the Dean of Students office can give students and faculty permission to miss a final exam, and give a make up exam. Students need to contact their office to file the application and if approved, a copy is forwarded to faculty giving permission to administer a Make-up Final Exam. Contact [email protected] Dean of Students, for filing the application. Procedure For Allied Health courses AH 3133 AND AH 3101 : With permission from Uconn Dean of Students, depending on circumstances, students missing the Final may be given an "I" grade for the course. Once all course grades are complete and posted with the Registrar's office for all other students in the course taking the Final Exam as Scheduled, a make-up exam for the Final Exam will be administered on campus at a mutual time for the student and faculty. Once final course grades are posted with the Registrar’s Office for all students taking the final exam at the scheduled time, incomplete grades (if applicable) will be addressed. Only the Registrar’s Office releases final course grades. All missed exams will be administered on campus according to University policy. Student's must produce a photo ID and only bring pens to make up exams. Exams will be proctored. No bags, books, notes, electronic devices of any type (including cell phones) will be allowed into exam areas. ** ALL MAKE UP FINAL EXAMS WILL BE WRITTEN (SHORT ANSWER/ESSAY) EXAMS ** University policy requires all incomplete grades to be made up by the end of the 3rd week of the next regular (Fall / Spring) semester. Again, only the Dean of Students office can give faculty permission to develop and administer a make up exam for the Final Exam in an undergraduate course at Uconn. Students must file application with their office asking permission to take a make-up exam for a course’s Final Exam. They can be reached by contacting [email protected] Dean of Students to start the application for their permission. 8.

Guidelines for observance of religious holidays and extra-curricular activities:

Reasonable accommodations in response to student requests to complete work missed by absence resulting from observation of religious holidays with advance notice will be considered for mutual agreeable accommodations. Students anticipating such a conflict must inform their instructor in writing within the first three weeks of the semester, and prior to the anticipated absence, and must take the initiative to work out with the instructor a schedule for making up missed work. 9. Center for Students with Disabilities: Students with special requests need to contact Office of Student Affairs and Advocacy. http://www.ossa.uconn.edu/facultystaff.html under health for FAQ on this issue and http://www.csd.uconn.edu/accommodation_services.html for overview of accommodations and services at UConn for general info http://www.csd.uconn.edu/ the website for Center for Students with Disabilities and http://www.ossa.uconn.edu/ for Office of Student Affairs and Advocacy.

Please contact me during office hours to discuss academic accommodations that may be needed during the semester due to a documented disability. The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case basis. Depending on the nature and functional limitations of a student’s documented disability, he/she may be eligible for academic accommodations. CSD collaborates with students and their faculty to coordinate approved accommodations and services for qualified students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability for which you wish to request academic accommodations and have not contacted the CSD, please do so as soon as possible. The CSD is located in Wilbur Cross, Room 204 and can be reached at (860) 486-2020 or at [email protected]. Detailed information regarding the process to request accommodations is available on the CSD website at www.csd.uconn.edu.

10. Integrity and Plagiarism: Cheating and Plagiarism Policy : (web site from handbook); see Appendix A Code of Conduct http://www.community.uconn.edu/student_code_appendixa.html and /or freshman English site on plagiarism http://freshmanenglish.uconn.edu/instructors/forms/plagiarism.php (RESULTS IN “0” CREDIT FOR A GRADE ). 11. Sexual Assault Reporting Policy

To protect the campus community, all non-confidential University employees (including faculty) are required to report assaults they witness or are told about to the Office of Diversity & Equity under the Sexual Assault Response Policy . The University takes all reports with the utmost seriousness. Please be aware that while the information you provide will remain private, it will not be confidential and will be shared with University officials who can help. More information is available at http://sexualviolence.uconn.edu/.

DAC FALL / 2019 (8 27 19)

9/3/2019 Tuesday Class #2 Sept 12th/19th rain date Mudding – I can’t do any of these :/  8:30 – 10:30  9 – 11  12 – 12:15 1:3 get cancer Skin cancer  Basal skin CA (~100% curable), most common type  Melanoma, most aggressive, least common  Other types SPF: sun protection factor  15: 90-92%; 2 hrs max 90% of plastic pollution comes from 9 rivers that empty to ocean. 3 are in Africa. 6 are in China.  Cellulose on food labels are sawdust!? Noncarcinogenic, great food for fish....

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