2021 AH 102 Syl v3 (14) - syllabus PDF

Title 2021 AH 102 Syl v3 (14) - syllabus
Author Conor Dunleavy
Course Intro To Asian Art
Institution Trinity College
Pages 4
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Art History 102 Introduction to the History of Art in the West, Part II Renaissance to Modern Art & Architecture Spring term, 2021 McCook Auditorium, Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00-3:40. Prof. Cadogan and Prof. Gordon will hold office hours online by appointment. Please email [email protected] or [email protected]. Required Textbooks: Gardner’s Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, volume 2, 15th ed., Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2017 S. Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing about Art, 9th ed., New York: Longman, 2007. All course documents, including course images, Gardner PowerPoints by chapter, and PDFs of the relevant chapters in Barnet, are posted on Moodle. Course requirements: Attendance Policy: Attendance and participation are essential components of this course and will account for 20% of the final grade. Attendance is taken at each class and on all field trips. Excuses for serious illnesses will be granted if requested through a doctor or dean. If you are unable to attend any session, your absence will be recorded and you will still be responsible for the material covered. For the two required museum visits, you will be responsible for the material covered in the visit, even if you fail to attend. If for any reason you know in advance that you will miss a museum visit, you must inform the instructor in writing at least two days before the date of the visit. Weekly reading: You are expected to stay current with the weekly reading assignments. The text is very dense, and several readings are suggested. Writing assignments. There will be two writing assignments based on first-hand looking. You may choose a public monument or a work from any public museum [All Trinity College students have free admission to the Wadsworth Atheneum upon presentation of your college ID card.] To complete writing assignments, you are expected choose works of art you have seen in person and not an example from the textbook or website. The papers must be written using the formal standards given in S. Barnet A Short Guide to Writing about Art 9th ed., New York: Longman, 2007 (see below). All papers must be typed, double-spaced. The writing assignment can usually be treated in 4-6 typed pages. Exams. There will be two exams, a mid-term and a final. These tests are noncumulative. The tests will include the full identifications of objects or monuments. When we ask for the “identification” this means you should know the attribution

Art History 102 Trinity College

Introduction to History of Art Renaissance to Modern

Spring 2021 Cadogan & Gordon

[name of the artist or architect and their nationality], subject [narrative story or identity of figures], and date. You will be expected to supply the identifications for all comparisons, identification of terms, and essay questions on the tests. Museum visits. There will be one class held as a walking tour on campus on Thursday, March 11. This is a required class. The first writing assignment is based on this tour. The second writing assignment will be based on objects of your choice at the Wadsworth Atheneum that you will select and view on your own. Classroom Behavior: Please arrive on time and do not walk in and out of class during the lecture. If you need to use the facilities, please do so either before or after class. Turn off cell phones while in class. Laptops are not permitted in class. No internet-enabled device may be used during class lectures. Grading: Grades are based on the successful completion of all required written work, on attendance and on participation. Tests are 20% each (sub-total 40%), writing assignments are 20% each (sub-total 40%) and attendance and participation are 20% (total 100%). Department policy is that we do not give make-up exams. No writing assignment will be accepted if it is more than one week late and will automatically be one grade level deducted for lateness. Trinity College Disability Statement: Trinity College is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you have approval for academic accommodations, please provide notification electronically using SARC Online during the first two weeks of the semester or a minimum of 10 days prior to utilizing your accommodations. Following notification, students are required to meet with faculty to further discuss implementation of accommodations. If you do not have approved accommodations, but have a disability requiring accommodations, or have questions about applying, please contact Lori Clapis, Coordinator of Accessibility Resources at [email protected], 860-297-4025 or refer to the Student Accessibility Resources (SARC) website: https://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/StudentAccessibilityResources/students.

LECTURE SCHEDULE AND WEEKLY READING AND WRITING ASSIGNMENTS PART I: Prof. Jean Cadogan Late Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Art March 2 & 4: Introduction: Late Medieval Italy Read: Gardner pp. xxii-xxxiii, 1-13, and Chapter 14 March 9: Late Medieval and Early Renaissance in Northern Europe Read: Gardner Chapter 15 2

Art History 102 Trinity College

Introduction to History of Art Renaissance to Modern

Spring 2021 Cadogan & Gordon

Barnet chapter 1 March 11: Walking tour of campus. Formal analysis, issues relating to condition and the original setting of works of art. Writing Assignment 1: Formal Analysis. Due March 18 March 16: The Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy Read: Chapter 16 Barnet chapter 2 Writing Assignment 1 due Thursday, March 18 March 18 & 23: Renaissance and Mannerism in Cinquecento Italy Read: Gardner Chapter 17 Barnet Chapters 3-4 March 25: High Renaissance and Mannerism in Northern Europe and Spain Read: Gardner Chapter 18 Barnet chapter 8 March 30 & April 1: The Baroque in Italy and Spain Read: Gardner Chapter 19

Take-home Mid-term due Thursday, April 8

PART II: Prof. Alden Gordon Late Baroque through Contemporary Art April 6: The Baroque in Northern Europe Read: Gardner Chapter 20 April 8 & 13: Rococo to Neoclassicism: The 18th Century in Europe and America Read: Gardner Chapter 21. April 15: The Early Nineteenth Century: Romanticism & Mid-Century Realism: The Reaction against Romanticism Read: Gardner chapter 22 Writing Assignment 2: Write a comparison of two works that you have studied first hand at the Wadsworth Atheneum or another public museum and discuss them in terms of the issues raised in the reading. Choose two works of similar type and subject but from two different centuries (for example, a 16th century 3

Art History 102 Trinity College

Introduction to History of Art Renaissance to Modern

Spring 2021 Cadogan & Gordon

landscape painting and a 17th century landscape painting; or a 19thcentury lifesize figurative sculpture and a 20th century abstract sculpture). Due Thursday, April 22 April 20: The Later Nineteenth Century: The Rise of Modernism Read: Gardner chapter 23 April 22: Mid-Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Architecture Read: Gardner chapter 23 Thursday, April 22: Writing assignment #2 due April 27: Twentieth Century Painting and Sculpture I Read: Gardner chapter 24 April 29: Twentieth Century Painting and Sculpture II Read Gardner chapter 25 May 4: Twentieth Century Painting and Sculpture II (con’t) May 6: Later Twentieth Century: Painting, Sculpture and Architecture: Modernism and Postmodern Trends Read Gardner chapter 26 Tuesday, May 11, 3:00 p.m.: Final Exam


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