AHI 1A study guide mt1 - Midterm 1 review of painting, architecture and sculptures notes and terms PDF

Title AHI 1A study guide mt1 - Midterm 1 review of painting, architecture and sculptures notes and terms
Course Ancient Mediterranean Art
Institution University of California Davis
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Midterm 1 review of painting, architecture and sculptures notes and terms...



Lecture 2

-Woman from Willendorf, 28000-25000 BCE -found in Willendorf, housed in Vienna -limestone, the type is not indigenous to Austria, means someone carried it during travel, and kept it -small carved figurine , 4.25 inches tall, can be held in hand, portability is key -roundness and circles in different sizes, makes you want to keep turning it -sculpture in the round- carved on all sides, meant to look at all - Woman from Laussel, 25000-20000 BCE

- relief sculpture- not meant to be walked around, what is left when plane is walked


away - female figure - 18 inches tall, can't be passed it around like Venus of Willendorf, on a wall - you approach it, you don't take it from its location, see it from one angle, sculpture you visit - at entrance to a cave, its less intimate/ one on one like Willendorf - painted sculpture, traces of red left -cut out of rock and moved into museum, loss of color, less visual impact female body, breasts in higher relief than rest of body maybe depicting pregnant lady holding bison horn with 13 lines, maybe to keep track of menstrual period

-Woman from Brassempouy, 25000-20000 BCE -lady with a 'hood' -gridlike pattern -similar gridlike pattern as head of Venus from Willendorf -maybe represents a woven basket

-Woman from Dolni Vestonice, 29000-25000 BCE -unknown item on head -world's first ceramic figurine, made out of clay -head is anonymous, arms are minimized, huge breasts, separate rounded hips from rounded abdomen -deep grooves to separate main body parts -physical traits of sex emphasized (breasts, wide hips)

-Human with Feline Head, from Hohlenstein-Stadel, Germany, 30000-28000 BCE -human with a lion head -carved out of mammoth ivory -oldest zoomorphic sculpture in the world -zoomorphic- representation of animal forms -found in German alps in 1939 with flutes, maybe part of musical tradition -ivory carving is a time investment, soft, able to take a fine level of carving -bottom lip comes out at different angles, uneven -nose has underlining, sticks out

-Bison Licking its flank, from La Madeleine, France, 12000 BCE -this sculpture participates in elegant flatness for relief sculptures, great respect for planarity and flatness, free standing, unfixed to any support, but meant to be seen from one side -enough detail to identify type of bison -piece of reindeer horn -spear-thrower, atlatl- item you put a spear in to throw it faster and farther -designed for maximum clarity, head of bison is in profile -brings up questions- why hairy ears? why have atlatl shaped like bison? tongue?

-Spotted Horses and negative hand imprints, Peche-Merle, 23000-22000 BCE -spotted horses in profile -spots continue below body line and above neck, perhaps magical, wishing men luck in hunt, or that most prehistoric humans did not eat what they painted

-Rhinoceros, wounded man, and disemboweled bison, Lascaux, France, 16000-14000 BCE -men (known by privates) -some type of narrative between figures -hands are exaggerated in size

Lecture 3

-Tower of Jericho, 8000-7000 BCE, Jericho -fortification, a form of defense -walls made of stone, 5 ft thick, towers are up to 30 feet high -internal staircase with 22 steps, holds together well -settlements allow more people to live together at the same time -from evidence there is no proof of invasion, maybe they were frightened -different proposal other than defense- tower was a visual advertisement for Jericho -abandoned in 7000 BCE then reoccupied

- Human skull with restored features from Jericho, 7200-6700 BCE - buried the dead underneath their floorboards - hair painted on top of head, seashells for eyes



Deer Hunt, detail of a wall painting, Turkey, 5750 BCE recognizably narrative painting large animals, solid shapes filled with color correctly shaped humans, bent knees indicating movement all humans are in different positions and leaning, indicating different roles and storylines deer shown larger than in reality, but demonstrating the accomplishment if deer is brought down maybe all 3 humans the same person at different times narrative art


Landscape with volcanic eruption (?), detail of a watercolor copy of a wall painting, 6150 BCE shows building from Chatal Hoyuk orange item above building with 2 peaks, short black lines coming out of tips, indicating volcano Mount Hasan surrounds city, has 2 peaks some think its a leopard skin or geometric pattern, but most likely Mount Hasan arial view of houses with frontal view of mountain first landscape- place and setting that is the subject of a work of art, no humans or animals perhaps not a landscape, but a time based event (narrative)


- Skara Brae, 3180-2500 BCE, Orkney Islands, Scotland

-well preserved because it was covered in sand by wind -rediscovered in 1850 because storm blew sand off -homes built into the ground, not on top of -midden- old waste and trash, used for some materials of building -small, no more than 50 people living at a time -Interior -square, heating, short doorway, not many openings to keep heat in, stone slab for door -furniture made of stone, stone


everything furniture and floorplans identical in all houses indoor plumbing Hut 8 egg shaped, not dresser or storage boxes, divided into cubicle things no midden found with bone and midden with debris, maybe workshop with tools know how to compare catal hoyuk and skara brae ****

- Newgrange, Ireland 3200-2500 BCE

- tumulus- ancient burial mound

- passage grave- mound of eatch



surrounded surrounded by kerbstone- large stone placed around a passage grave, decorated with geometric patterns, squirrels, dots Entrance Post and Lintel post 1111111 lintel _______ passage 63 ft long, carved and stone roof, bason stone found with bones of dead, no burials uncovered at sight burnt bones found, rituals corbeled dome of main chamber dome enlaid with stone corbeled arch- layers of stone become closer and closer until they meet at top, needs a lot of stone requires thick walls around it

stonehenge, 2550-1600 BCE, Wiltshire, England can be seen from far away composed of several rings composed in circular shapes, then a ditch henge- a group of stones in a circle, followed by a ditch heel stone marks beginning, perhaps an initiation when you re entering sacred site one enters the circle, then the sarsen circle sarsen is type of stome trilithons is biggest stone, blue stones are blue altar stone built in different times stonehenge 1 360 feet in diameter deer and ox bone, and tools, cremated bones from 63 different people, blue stone maybe marked their graves stonehenge 2, bigger, made of wood, shows purpose as cremation and burial stonehenge 3 2600BCE traded timber for stone there are astronomical alignments with sunset

- large number of burials in the area, not native to stonehenge or the area, maybe stonehenge is an area for healing, maybe an early pilgrimage sight Lecture 4

-Standard of Ur, Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE -found in a large grave of a royal cemetery, placed over right


shoulder -Ur is hometown of Abraham -decorated on all faces, long sides are War and Peace Sides -3 registers across the object, each band has a groundline, all stand in profile -humans carry sacks of goods -another register shows figures listening to music -person of highest power has most detail in his attire, he is bigger than everyone else -hierarchy of scale- most important person is bigger -War side shows a sumerian army, chariots with donkeys, infantry soldiers with identical clothing and headgear, and they carry spears oppressed are carried to top register to deal with king, not very humane treatment of prisoners visual humiliation possibly a box to a musical instrument movement, registers, profile for identification, hierarchal scale, people below serve people on top

-Statuettes of two worshippers, from the Square Temple at Eshnunna, 2700 BCE -votive offerings- placed in a temple as an offering to the deity, a thank you and wish for future support -big eyes, because in a place of worship with awesomeness around -made of gypsum, cheap and breaks easily -what me make things out of happens in a hierarchal manner -figures often carry cups for offerings

-White Temple and Ziggurat, Uruk, 3200-3000 BCE -had votive statues, religious and commercial stuff -part of city with 40000 people -temple was on top of large platform -ziggurat- 40 feet high, elevates temple, can see it from farther away, increase visibility, lifts temple closer to sky where gods are, to connect heaven and earth, must clim and ascend to it -bent-axis plan- switching directions multiple times to get to the temple


-Stele of Naram Sin, from Susa, Iran, 2254-2218 -stele/stelea- stone commemorative -Naram Sin is biggest figure, hierarchal scale -Naram Sin is close to the heavens, gods are on his side -figures do not overlap, body position is repetitive -dead figures are floppy and flailing, lacks the vertical and firm stance of the winning side

Votive disk of enheduanna from Ur ! 2300-2275 BCE

3rd dynasty

- Ziggurat (looking Southwest) , Ur, Iraq, 2300-2275 BCE - ziggurat - 40 feet high, elevates temple, can see it from farther away, increase visibility, lifts temple closer to sky where gods are, to connect heaven and earth, must clim and ascend to it

-Votive Statue of Gudea, 2100 BCE -holding overflowing water jar with fish swimming, like river -ruler of lagash -rebuilt series of temples maybe -frontal

- Seated Gudea, holding the plan of the temple, from Girsu, Iraq, 2100 BCE - has strength, shows it through his body form, not by hurting others

-religious and political power -made of diorite- dark and rare stone imported from Oman (not local to location)


-Lamassu from Citadel of Sargon II, 720-705 BCE -composite figures -head of human with body of bull and wings -huge -works from different angles, from head on 2 legs, from side 4 legs, 6 legs total, complete on every side -focus on clarity

- Assyrian Archers Pursuing Enemies, relief from northwest palace of Ashurnasirpal II, 875-860 BCE - overlapping figures - trying to escape archers - depicts human horizontally, humans are huge compared to landscape

-Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions, 645-660 BCE -ruler hunts lions -well carved animals, showing conquest of animals with many arrows in the animals -cavity and curvature of animals limbs -King over beast

- Ishtar Gate (restored) from Babylon, Iraq, 575 BCE - reliefs of animals, bricks usually unglazed, this was glazed in many colors with different amounts of heat - each brick molded separately, each animal spands over many bricks - uncaged, free animals marching towards king's city of Babylon

Egypt – Predynastic/Early Dynastic Lecture 5

-Palette of Narmer, 3000-2920 BCE -guy with the staff, center, big, largest figure, most impressive head gear, hieratic size -shape of an eye makeup palette -small round impression for black makeup -name Narmer appears on 'recto'- correct side (side with grinding material) -reverso- other side -catfish is nar, chisel is mer, both profile to identify objects, placed in structure similar to facade of palace -enemy is on knees to be vanquished -narmer wearing upper egypt's crown -bird watching narmer give approval of killing enemy -hathor- woman's head with cows horns

- recto side divoded into 3 registers - precession, narmer taller than others, wearing the crown of lower egypt, - serpopard- serpent and leopard, symbolized unity of upper and lower egypt, makeup put inbetween heads

- very low relief, very flat, in registers, smaller figures like servants have their own baseline - humans shwon in recognizable way, profile, left foot advanced, eyes and shoulders in frontal, mouth in 3/4 view, general statement of kingship, defeat of enemies

- meaning of palate stuff is real, king over enemies, will maintain order through force **** - unification of upper and lower egypt, narmer shown as ruler of both, falcon - not made for use, but votive gift for temples and ogds, not for use for makeup - Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, 2630-2611 BCE - first artist recorded in history - fake buildings that represent chapels, store rooms - world's first columns on north palace wall of mortuary precinct of Djoser, 2630-2611, not free standing - engaged columns- not free standing, attached to wall - no rooms, just a mass for the purpose of being a large mass - sub chamber below ground/pyramid - basis for future pyramids

-Relief showing Djoser performing the Jubilee Run, 2610 BCE -mastaba- long rectangular tomb with burial chamber, contained serdab (holds Ka statue) -sun sets in the west

Egypt – Old Kingdom

-Great Pyramids, at Gizeh, Egypt, 2490-2472 -smooth sides, no inscriptions or relief sculptures -housed 3 pharaoh bodies, toward setting sun -Khaops/Khufu, then Khafre, then Menkaure -Khufu has multiple chambers, houses false chamber underground, and actual king's chamber out of rose granite at bottom of pyramid -top is missing, no mummy found, either mummy was never buried or it was stolen -queen chamber wasn't for queen, just smaller chamber than king's. most likely serdab

-sphinx is lion with human head, similar to lamassu - sphinx associated with sun god Ray - built to house Ka (soul of pharaohs) https://quizlet.com/97677725/ahi-1a-first-midterm-flash-cards/...

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