AHS 107 Course Outline Final PDF

Title AHS 107 Course Outline Final
Author Puneet Dhaliwal
Course Phys & Chem Prop of Matter
Institution University of Waterloo
Pages 14
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“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

AHS 107 Course Outline 1

University of Waterloo Faculty of Applied Health Sciences - AHS 107 Sociology of Activity, Health, & Well-being - Course Outline: Fall 2020 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Email:

Wade Wilson, Ph.D. BMH 1052 By Appointment [email protected]

Teaching Assistants: Lilah Nelson [email protected] Kevin Wilson [email protected] Christiane Mitchell [email protected] Aiyshwary Rajendram [email protected] Sophie Chambers [email protected]

Pershia Norouzian [email protected] Mikail Shade [email protected] Natasha Ivanochko [email protected] Safura Syed [email protected]

Margaret McBeath [email protected] Raisa Ladha [email protected] Nadia Somani [email protected] Maria Ramirez Prieto [email protected] Hoda Herati [email protected]

Lecture Times: No Set Lecture Times!!

Course Description: This course will focus on the social and cultural factors that influence activity, health, and well-being in different settings and among different populations. Sociological literature will be used to examine activity, health, and well-being in the lives of individuals, groups, and society. You may notice that you are exploring and investigating similar topics in some of your department specific introduction courses. The Instructors of those courses and your AHS 107 Instructor are aware of this, and in some cases, this is intended. As an Applied Health Sciences student, you are required to take AHS 107 in order to fulfil your Communication Requirement.

Course Objectives: 1. Foster the development of communication skills (3C’s – see next section). 2. Engage in discourse and activities to facilitate an understanding of and respect for the diverse knowledge and skills within the three academic units. 3. Describe how activity, health, and well-being are influenced by social, cultural, political, economic, and technological changes in society. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

AHS 107 Course Outline 2

4. Utilize the sociological literature as a lens for examining activity, health, and well-being in the lives of individuals, groups, and society. 5. Illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of activity, health, and well-being. 6. Engage in discourse about the ways in which theory and research in the areas of activity, health, and well-being could be applied to professional and collaborative practice. 7. Critically reflect on how activity, health, and well-being have affected and shaped students’ own lived experiences. 8. Examine various contexts and populations related to the experience of activity, health, and wellbeing.

AHS Communication Requirement: Foundation Communication Outcomes – these outcomes identify the core competencies that all students will have achieved at the end of their first year of study at UWaterloo. Communication refers to course material (lectures, readings, etc.) and student work in both written and oral formats. It is further assumed that students will be able to demonstrate the below competencies as individuals and in groups. Competency 1: Comprehension Students will have the ability to: - understand course material - demonstrate understanding of course material in a complex, effective, and organized manner - address and ask questions about course material with other students, teaching assistants, and instructor Competency 2: Conceptualization Students will have the ability to: - interpret, draw connections, identify gaps, and assess significance of ideas from multiple sources - engage with related concepts across domains and from different perspectives and disciplines (Kinesiology, Recreation and Leisure Studies, School of Public Health and Health Systems) - discuss, communicate differences, and offer and respond to challenging questions about relationships of concepts with other students, teaching assistants, and instructor Competency 3: Contextualization Students will have the ability to: - define a problem, address significance of the problem, present possible responses to the problem, reflect on and assess responses, and identify the preferred response(s) in relation to key course concepts - apply course material through information, persuasive, and task-specific communication practices in field-specific settings - gather, identify, assess, and analyze central contextual components, audience interests, and desired outcomes in field-specific settings

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

AHS 107 Course Outline 3

Course Website - LEARN: The course web site can be found on Waterloo Learn (www.learn.uwaterloo.ca). The course web site will contain announcements, updates, required resources, lecture outlines, and posting of grades. PLEASE CHECK THIS SITE REGULARALY. Announcements: announcements will appear in the Announcement Widget on the Course Home page during the term. You are expected to read the announcements on a regular basis. To ensure you are viewing the complete list of announcements, you may need to click “Show All Announcements”. Technical Support: if you have issues with LEARN please email [email protected]. In the email include your full name, WatIAM user ID, student number, and course name and number. Technical support is available during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Eastern Time).

Text & Required Readings: AHS 107 Courseware Pack – available at the UWaterloo Bookstore Price: Approximately $26.06 + tax Bookstore Link: https://wstore.uwaterloo.ca/course-materials/my-booklook.html For textbook ordering information, please contact the W Store | Course Materials + Supplies. For your convenience, you can compile a list of required and optional course materials including both print and digital formats, through UWaterloo BookLook using your Quest userID and password. If you are having difficulties ordering online and need support, please contact the W Store by email [email protected] , by local phone +1 519-888-4673 or by toll-free at +1 866-330-7933. Please be aware that textbook orders CANNOT be taken over the phone. **You may be able to get your hands-on previous year’s reading materials – just be aware that some readings may have changed, been omitted, and new readings added to the course pack**

Information about Contacting the Instructor, TA Coordinator, and Teaching Assistants: It has become routine for students to contact course instructors via email and thus it has become useful to establish a policy for email correspondence. As a general rule and to the extent it is possible, we will respond to email inquiries within 48 hours and during normal university business hours (i.e., 8:30am-4:30pm Monday to Friday). Note that you should not expect to receive answers to email messages on weekends, including the weekends before exams and assignment due dates. Email is a good way to correspond about specific and straightforward matters. It is not a good way to review or expand upon material presented in class. If you wish to discuss course material or other matters that are not well handled by email, we will ask that you arrange a meeting with the Instructor or your designated Teaching Assistant. On the next page is a handy decision tree to assist with email correspondence.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

AHS 107 Course Outline 4

Weekly Plan: Each Monday before end of day (approx. 4:30pm) I will make an announcement with relevant content, reminders, and important information for you to complete each week.

Course Evaluation IMPORTANT NOTE: These assignments are individual! Therefore, no sharing, collaborating, copying, or using classmates’ work (or previous cohorts’ assignments) on the writing/completion of your assignments will be tolerated. However, it is okay to discuss and share a good resource with your classmates or where you found it. Please submit assignments in MS Word document format. Your last submission will be graded. If we cannot open the document you submit in LEARN it will not be marked. No email submissions accepted. **Instructions & Rubric for Assignments can be found on LEARN**

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

AHS 107 Course Outline 5

1) Tutorials (20%): Assessed throughout Term You will be assigned a TA and tutorial section number. Each week following the Tutorial Schedule (see Tutorial Schedule) you will complete the assigned activity/exercise and submit to the corresponding Dropbox. Your mark will consist of completing the activities and submitting them by the assigned due date (by the end of each week). Be sure to read the instructions each week as they are posted. To receive full marks for each tutorial activity, responses much be crafted thoughtfully and demonstrate understanding of course content. Tutorial marks will be up to TA/Instructor discretion. Each weekly tutorial mark will be recorded out of 2 (see table below) and then converted into a final mark out of 20 at the end of the term. Your best 8 out of 9 tutorial marks will be used to make up this portion of your overall grade. In other words, everyone gets a one-off in case you miss a tutorial activity. Fully Completed = 2

Partial Completion = 1

Not Completed or Submitted = 0

2) Quick Communication Assignment (10%) – Due Date: Thursday September 17th 2020 by 11:55pm to your TA’s Inbox. For your First AHS 107 Communication Assignment, you are being asked to send an email to your TA. The purpose of this assignment is to get us familiar with the proper/professional manner in which to draft an email. Email is a very powerful form of communication and the contexts in which we use email requires certain components. There is a huge difference between an email you would send your friend vs. what you would send your boss or potential employer. 3) Position Paper (45%): You will be provided a list of questions/issues related to current issues in recreation and leisure, health, and kinesiology (see below). You will choose one of the questions and formulate and justify a position on the issue. There are no right or wrong answers, only effective arguments, so be persuasive! Some of you may be writing position papers in other courses. This is intended to practice our communication skills. Position papers in your other courses will address those course specific topics and connected to the learning outcomes of that course. Rationale/Creation of Questions: The following questions were developed by various professors in AHS with the purpose for you to generate a position (i.e., support or not support the issue). These questions provide examples of clear divisions of opinion in society in regards to activity, health, and well-being, which can be argued with facts and inductive reasoning. Visually, these questions can be represented on a spectrum from completely agree to completely disagree. You are to choose one question and find out where you fit on the spectrum (i.e., your position) and complete the assignments through the instructions provided. The purpose of a position paper is to form your own opinion about the topic and convincingly support this position with your own experience and evidence from scholarly research. Being able to form a stance, justify it with credible sources while acknowledging opposing views is important for effective communication. Questions: • Should parents limit teenagers' use of social media? • Should scientists be allowed to experiment on human embryos? • Should everyone in our society receive a guaranteed annual income (universal basic income)? • Is the primary reason for the majority of health-related problems lifestyle? • Are test scores the only way to judge the competency of a student? • Can video gamers be counted as true athletes? “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

• • • • • • •

AHS 107 Course Outline 6

Should alternatives to steroids be legalized for professional athletes? Are smart phones harmful to our health? Should physical education classes be mandatory throughout high-school? Has the Corona Virus led to increased cases of isolation and depression? Should celebrities (or professional athletes) be held to a higher moral standard since they are often viewed as role models by children and teens? Should people be refused organ transplants for leading an unhealthy lifestyle? Should the government refuse to import products which are manufactured/obtained at the cost of someone’s health (e.g., pollution, destroying natural habitat, child labor, etc.)?

3A: Outline & Annotated Bibliography (15%) – Due Date: Thursday October 8th 2019 by 11:55 pm to LEARN Dropbox in MS Word doc format. The position paper outline and annotated bibliography assignment is designed to help increase your familiarity with electronic and print resources available through the library. Additionally, this assignment will assist you in drafting your position papers, summarizing scholarly information, citing literature to avoid plagiarism, and recognizing various citations in text and reference pages. The annotated bibliography will include 3 (three) sources for your position paper and the search method used to find the references. The annotation should justify the use of the references/sources for the paper. You will also include the question you have chosen, a brief introduction of your position paper, and thesis/position statement. An outline of the assignment and further details will be posted on LEARN and conveyed during lecture. 3B: Final Position Paper (30%) – Due Date: Thursday November 19th 2020 by 11:55 pm to LEARN Dropbox in MS Word doc format. You are to write a position paper on your selected question following your outline, taking into consideration suggestions from Part A and integrating them into Part B. The position paper will include an introduction, your position/thesis statement, arguments for and against your position, a conclusion, and reference page. The paper will be no more than 5 (five) pages of text (does not include title page & reference page), double spaced (typed, 12 pt. font, times new roman, 1” margins). The paper must use APA format. Details and grading rubric will be posted on LEARN, along with what the paper should visually look like. Additionally, on 1 (one) separate page following your reference page you will be required to submit a Final Letter (instructions available on LEARN) to indicate how you included the suggestions received from Part A. Any additional sources used should also be indicated. 4) Quiz 1 (12.5%) – October 22nd 12:00am to October 24th 12:00am Material from Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 5) Quiz 2 (12.5%) –December 3rd 12:00am to December 5th 12:00am Material from Weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 Quizzes will be 40 multiple choice questions based on readings, lecture slides, guest lectures, videos, tutorials, and anything else that is covered in the term. Quizzes will be held in LEARN.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

Assessment Tutorials Quick Communication Assignment Part A: Annotated Bibliography Part B: Position Paper Quiz 1: Weeks 1, 2, 3, & 4 Quiz 2: Weeks 8, 9, 10, 11

Weighting 20% 10% 15% 30% 12.5% 12.5%

AHS 107 Course Outline 7

Due Date Weekly Activities Thursday September 17th by 11:55pm Thursday October 8th by 11:55pm Thursday November 19th by 11:55pm Thursday October 22nd Thursday December 3rd

Location LEARN TA Email DropBox DropBox LEARN LEARN

Re-Grading of Assignments: We are happy to go over your graded assignment with you and provide clarification. First see your TA who marked the assignment. The TA Coordinator and Instructor will not look at your assignment unless you have met with TA first. If you feel that you have earned a better mark on your assignments you will need to provide exact details and justification (e.g., Page 3, lines 7 to 12, & why you think you have earned more marks). Your mark could go up or down up on re-grading. Your TA may alter your mark, but the TA Coordinator and Course Instructor reserve the final say on the re-grading of any assignments.

Lecture and Reading Schedule* Class/Week Week 1: September 8th – 11th Week 2: September 14th – 18th Week 3: September 21st – 25th Week 4: September 28th – October 2nd Week 5: October 5th – 9th Week 6: October 12th – 16th Week 7: October 19th – 23rd Week 8: October 26th – 30th Week 9: November 2nd – 6th Week 10: November 9th – 13th Week 11: November 16th – 20th Week 12: November 23rd – 27th Week 13: November 30th – December 4th



Introductions & Sociology of Activity

Jamieson (2018)

Main Theories in Sociology Email Assignment Due: September 17th

Clarke (2016)

Sociology of Health and Well-being

Dodge et al. (2012) Pawluch (2016)

Gender – Guest Speaker

LEARN – WK 4 Folder

Quiz 1 Review Part A Due: Thursday October 8th

No Readings


No Readings

Quiz 1: Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 Thursday October 22nd

No Readings

Social Class Diverse Groups Sociology of Obesity Social Construction of Fitness Part B Due: Thursday November 19th Quiz 2 Review (Weeks 8, 9, 10, 11) & Course Wrap Up Quiz 2: Weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 Thursday December 3rd

Mair (2013) Sage & Eitzen (2016) Clarke (2016) Hutchison (2013) Sobal (2011) Bellisari (2013) Jeanne-Maud et al (2015) Pedersen et al (2017) No Readings No Readings

*Assigned readings and schedule are subject to change. Additional readings may be assigned. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” - Napoleon Hill

AHS 107 Course Outline 8

Tutorial Schedule Week September 8th – 11th September 14th - 18th September 21st – 25th September 28th – October 2nd October 5th – 9th October 12 16th October 19th – 23rd October 26th – 30th November 2nd – 6th November 9th – 13th November 16th – 20th November 23rd – 27th November 30th – December 4th

Tutorial #

Tutorial Topic


Completed By:

No Tutorial Activity First Week of Term Tutorial 1

3 C’s of Communication

Tutorial 2

3 C’s of Communication

Tutorial 3

3 C’s of Communication

Tutorial 4

Question Creation

Complete Module & Submit Complete Module & Submit Complete Module & Submit Complete Activity Sheet & Submit

Friday September 18th 11:55pm Friday September 25th 11:55pm Friday October 2nd 11:55pm Friday October 9th 11:55pm

FALL READING WEEK No Tutorials – Quiz 1 Week Tutorial 5

Passage Write

Tutorial 6

Reading Summaries

Tutorial 7 Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9

Position Paper Advertisement Concept Connection Writing Prompts Self-Reflection

Complete Activity Sheet & Submit C...

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