AI MCQ Unit 4+5 - There are important questions in it PDF

Title AI MCQ Unit 4+5 - There are important questions in it
Course Artificial Intelligence
Institution SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Pages 41
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This set of Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Partial Order Planning”. The process by which the brain incrementally orders actions needed to complete a specific task is referred as ______________ a) Planning problem b) Partial order planning c) Total ...


This set of Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Partial Order Planning”.



1. The process by which the brain incrementally orders actions needed to complete a specific task is referred as ______________ a) Planning problem b) Partial order planning c) Total order planning d) Both Planning problem & Partial order planning View Answer Answer: b Explanation: Definition of partial order planning. 2. To complete any task, the brain needs to plan out the sequence by which to execute the behavior. One way the brain does this is with a partial-order plan. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: None. 3. In partial order plan. A. Relationships between the actions of the behavior are set prior to the actions B. Relationships between the actions of the behavior are not set until absolutely necessary Choose the correct option. a) A is true b) B is true c) Either A or B can be true depending upon situation d) Neither A nor B is true View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Relationship between behavior and actions is established dynamically. 4. Partial-order planning exhibits the Principle of Least Commitment, which contributes to the efficiency of this planning system as a whole. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: None.

5. Following is/are the components of the partial order planning. a) Bindings b) Goal c) Causal Links d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer: d Explanation: Bindings: The bindings of the algorithm are the connections between specific variables in the action. Bindings, as ordering, only occur when it is absolutely necessary. Causal Links: Causal links in the algorithm are those that categorically order actions. They are not the specific order (1,2,3) of the actions, rather the general order as in Action 2 must come somewhere after Action 1, but before Action 2. Plan Space: The plan space of the algorithm is constrained between its start and finish. The algorithm starts, producing the initial state and finishes when all parts of the goal is been achieved. 6. Partial-order planning is the opposite of total-order planning. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Partial-order planning is the opposite of total-order planning, in which actions are sequenced all at once and for the entirety of the task at hand. 7. Sussman Anomaly can be easily and efficiently solved by partial order planning. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: 8. Sussman Anomaly algorithm. a) True b) False View Answer


Answer: b Explanation: Sussman Anomaly interleaved planning algorithm.











9. One the main drawback of this type of planning system is that it requires a lot of computational powers at each node. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: None.

10. What are you predicating by the logic: ۷x: €y: loyalto(x, y). a) Everyone is loyal to someone b) Everyone is loyal to all c) Everyone is not loyal to someone d) Everyone is loyal View Answer Answer: a Explanation: ۷x denotes Everyone or all, and €y someone and loyal to is the proposition logic making map x to y. 11. A plan that describe how to take actions in levels of increasing refinement and specificity is ____________ a) Problem solving b) Planning c) Non-hierarchical plan d) Hierarchical plan View Answer Answer: d Explanation: A plan that describes how to take actions in levels of increasing refinement and specificity is Hierarchical (e.g., “Do something” becomes the more specific “Go to work,” “Do work,” “Go home.”) Most plans are hierarchical in nature. 12. A constructive approach in which no commitment is made unless it is necessary to do so, is ____________ a) Least commitment approach b) Most commitment approach c) Nonlinear planning d) Opportunistic planning View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Because we are not sure about the outcome. 13. Uncertainty arises in the Wumpus world because the agent’s sensors give only ____________ a) Full & Global information

b) Partial & Global Information c) Partial & local Information d) Full & local information View Answer Answer: c Explanation: The Wumpus world is a grid of squares surrounded by walls, where each square can contain agents and objects. The agent (you) always starts in the lower left corner, a square that will be labeled [1, 1]. The agent’s task is to find the gold, return to [1, 1] and climb out of the cave. Therefore, uncertainty is there as the agent gives partial and local informa

Which of the following is the process by which the brain orders actions desired to finish successfully a specific job? (A). Planning problem (B). Partial order planning (C). Total order planning (D). Both a and b MCQ Answer is: d

Scheduling classes for a bunch of students or Railway cargo transport is the best example of which of the following? (A). Total order planning (B). The partial Order planning problem (C). Planning problem (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: c

Suppose we want to eliminate the inaccuracy problem in partial-order planning problem or planning problem, then the best data structure to use is the? (A). Stacks (B). Planning Graphs (C). BST (Binary Search Tree) (D). Queue MCQ Answer is: b

Planning graphs consists of ____ (A). a sequence of levels (B). a sequence of actions which corresponds to the state of the system (C). a sequence of levels which corresponds to time steps in the plan (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: c

Planning graphs works only for prepositional planning problems. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a

Which of the following algorithm is used to obtain the plan directly from the planning graph, instead of using the graph to provide heuristic. (A). Graph-Plan (B). A* (C). BFS/DFS (D). Greedy MCQ Answer is: a

The planning problem can be explained as propositional logic. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a

Which of the following has the alternative name of every plan resulted in partialorder planning? (A). Polarization

(B). Solarization (C). Linearization (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: c

Which of the following are the two major characteristics which combine the AI Planning problem? (A). FOL and Logic (B). Logic and Knowledge Based Systems (C). Search and Logic (D). Knowledge Based Systems MCQ Answer is: c

Which of the following algorithm translates a planning problem into prepositional axioms. (A). GraphPlan (B). SatPlan (C). Greedy (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: b

Which of the following planning permits the agent to take advice from the domain designer in the form of decomposition rules. (A). GraphPlan (B). SatPlan (C). Hierarchical job network (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: c

Standard planning algorithms suppose the environment to be? (A). Fully observable (B). Deterministic (C). Single agent (D). Stochastic MCQ Answer is: b

Conditional Plans permit the agent to sense the world during execution to conclude which branch of the plan to follow. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a

A re-planning agent practices execution monitoring and splices in repairs as desirable. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True View MCQ Answer is MCQ Answer is: a

Incorrect information consequences in unhappy preconditions for actions and plans ……….. detects violations of the preconditions for fruitful completion of the plan. (A). Execution monitoring (B). Conformant Planning (C). Conditional Plan (D). Both a and c MCQ Answer is: c 1.

Which of the following is a widely used and effective machine learning algorithm based on the idea of bagging? a. Decision Tree

b. Regression

c. Classification

d. Random Forest - answer

e. To find the minimum or the maximum of a function, we set the gradient to zero because: a. The value of the gradient at extrema of a function is always zero answer

b. c. Depends on the type of problem

d. e. Both A and B

f. g. None of the above


2. The most widely used metrics and tools to assess a classification model are: 3. a. Confusion matrix

b. c. Cost-sensitive accuracy

d. e. Area under the ROC curve

f. g. All of the above - answer

h. 4. Which of the following is a good test dataset characteristic? 5. a. Large enough to yield meaningful results

b. c. Is representative of the dataset as a whole

d. e. Both A and B - answer

f. g. None of the above

h. 6.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of decision trees? 7. a. Factor analysis

b. c. Decision trees are robust to outliers

d. e. Decision trees are prone to be overfit - answer

f. g. None of the above

h. 8. How do you handle missing or corrupted data in a dataset? 9. a. Drop missing rows or columns

b. c. Replace missing values with mean/median/mode

d. e. Assign a unique category to missing values

f. g. All of the above - answer

h. 10. What is the purpose of performing cross-validation? 11.

a. To assess the predictive performance of the models

b. c. To judge how the trained model performs outside the sample on test data

d. e. Both A and B - answer

f. 12. Why is second order differencing in time series needed? 13. a. To remove stationarity

b. c. To find the maxima or minima at the local point

d. e. Both A and B - answer

f. g. None of the above

h. 14. When performing regression or classification, which of the following is the correct way to preprocess the data? 15. a. Normalize the data → PCA → training - answer


c. PCA → normalize PCA output → training

d. e. Normalize the data → PCA → normalize PCA output → training

f. g. None of the above

h. 16. Which of the folllowing is an example of feature extraction? 17. a. Constructing bag of words vector from an email

b. c. Applying PCA projects to a large high-dimensional data

d. e. Removing stopwords in a sentence

f. g. All of the above - answer

h. 18. What is pca.components_ in Sklearn? 19. a. Set of all eigen vectors for the projection space - answer

b. c. Matrix of principal components

d. e. Result of the multiplication matrix

f. g. None of the above options

h. 20. Which of the following is true about Naive Bayes ? 21. a. Assumes that all the features in a dataset are equally important

b. c. Assumes that all the features in a dataset are independent

d. e. Both A and B - answer

f. g. None of the above options

h. 22. Which of the following statements about regularization is not correct? 23. a. Using too large a value of lambda can cause your hypothesis to underfit the data.

b. c.

Using too large a value of lambda can cause your hypothesis to overfit the data.

d. e. Using a very large value of lambda cannot hurt the performance of your hypothesis.

f. g. None of the above - answer

h. 24. How can you prevent a clustering algorithm from getting stuck in bad local optima? 25. a. Set the same seed value for each run

b. c. Use multiple random initializations - answer

d. e. Both A and B

f. g. None of the above

h. 26. Which of the following techniques can be used for normalization in text mining? 27. a. Stemming

b. c. Lemmatization

d. e. Stop Word Removal

f. g. Both A and B - answer

h. 28. In which of the following cases will K-means clustering fail to give good results? 1) Data points with outliers 2) Data points with different densities 3) Data points with nonconvex shapes 29. a. 1 and 2

b. c. 2 and 3

d. e. 1, 2, and 3 - answer

f. g. 1 and 3

h. 30. Which of the following is a reasonable way to select the number of principal components "k"? 31. a.

Choose k to be the smallest value so that at least 99% of the varinace is retained. - answer

b. c. Choose k to be 99% of m (k = 0.99*m, rounded to the nearest integer).

d. e. Choose k to be the largest value so that 99% of the variance is retained.

f. g. Use the elbow method

h. 32. You run gradient descent for 15 iterations with a=0.3 and compute J(theta) after each iteration. You find that the value of J(Theta) decreases quickly and then levels off. Based on this, which of the following conclusions seems most plausible? 33. a. Rather than using the current value of a, use a larger value of a (say a=1.0)

b. c. Rather than using the current value of a, use a smaller value of a (say a=0.1)

d. e. a=0.3 is an effective choice of learning rate - answer

f. g.

None of the above

h. 34. What is a sentence parser typically used for? 35. a. It is used to parse sentences to check if they are utf-8 compliant.

b. c. It is used to parse sentences to derive their most likely syntax tree structures. - answer

d. e. It is used to parse sentences to assign POS tags to all tokens.

f. g. It is used to check if sentences can be parsed into meaningful tokens.

h. 36. Suppose you have trained a logistic regression classifier and it outputs a new example x with a prediction ho(x) = 0.2. This means 37. a. Our estimate for P(y=1 | x)

b. c. Our estimate for P(y=0 | x) - answer

d. e. Our estimate for P(y=1 | x)

f. g. Our estimate for P(y=0 | x)

Which university introduced Expert systems ? A. B. C. D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Oxford Stanford University University of Cambridge

View Answer Ans : C Explanation: Expert System introduced by the researchers at Stanford University, Computer Science Department.

2. Which of the following is not a Capabilities of Expert Systems? A. B. C. D.

Advising Demonstrating Explaining Expanding

View Answer Ans : D Explanation: Expanding is not Capabilities of Expert Systems.

3. Which of the following are Components of Expert Systems? A. B. C. D.

Knowledge Base Inference Engine User Interface All of the above

View Answer Ans : D Explanation: The components of ES include : Knowledge Base, Inference Engine, User Interface.

4. Which of the following is incorrect application of Expert System? A. B. C. D.

Design Domain Monitoring Systems Knowledge Domain Systems domain

View Answer Ans : D Explanation: Systems domain is incorrect application of Expert System

5. In LISP, the function returns t if is even and nil otherwise ___________ A. B. C. D.

(evenp ) (even ) (numeven ) (numnevenp )

View Answer Ans : A Explanation: In LISP, the function returns t if is even and nil otherwise (evenp )

6. The "Turing Machine" showed that you could use a/an _____ system to program any algorithmic task. A. B. C. D.

binary electro-chemical recursive semantic

View Answer Ans : A Explanation: The "Turing Machine" showed that you could use a/an binary system to program any algorithmic task.

7. Input segments of AI programming contain(s)? A. B. C. D.

Sound Smell Touch None of the Above

View Answer Ans : D Explanation: Input segments of AI programming contain(s) sounds, smell, touch.

8. Which of the following is not a benefits of Expert Systems? A. B. C. D.

Availability Speed Time Less Error Rate

View Answer Ans : C Explanation: Time is not Benefits of Expert Systems.

9. What is the full form of JESS in Expert System Technology? A. B. C. D.

Java Expert System Shell Javascript Expert System Shell Java Expert Sub System Javascript Expert Sub System

View Answer Ans : A Explanation: Java Expert System Shell (JESS) that provides fully developed Java API for creating an expert system.

10. What is the form of Knowledge representation? A. IF-THEN B. IF-THEN-ELSE

C. IF-ELSE D. All of the above View Answer Ans : B

Which of the following applications are in the Strategic Computing Program? (A). battle management (B). autonomous systems (C). pilot’s associate (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

The function returns t if is even and nil otherwise ______ in LISP. (A). (numeven ) (B). (even ) (C). (evenp ) (D). (numnevenp ) (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (C). (evenp )

Which of the following are the benefits of working on an expert system development tool? (A). imposed structure (B). knowledge engineering assistance (C). rapid prototyping (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

Which of the following is the first most used commercial form of Artificial Intelligence is being used in most of the famous products including automobiles, microwave ovens, and plug-in circuit boards for desktop PCs. It permits the machines to efficiently handle the vague information with a deftness that mimics human intuition. (A). Boolean logic (B). Human logic (C). Fuzzy logic (D). Functional logic (E). None of these MCQ Answer: c

An AI system by Daniel Bobrow for the purpose of reading and solving algebra word problems. (A). SHRDLU (B). STUDENT (C). BACON (D). SIMD (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (B). STUDENT

The function evaluates and allocates this value to the unevaluated in LISP. (A). (constant ) (B). (defconstant ) (C). (eva ) (D). (eva ) (E). None of these MCQ Answer: b

According to the “Turing Machine”, we could use which of the following system to program any algorithmic task.

(A). binary (B). electro-chemical (C). recursive (D). semantic E). None of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: a

Which of the following technology is used by MCC for investigating the improvement of the relationship between people and computers? (A). human factors (B). computer-aided design (C). parallel processing (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). human factors

In Cybernetics, Norbert Wiener recommended a method of modeling scientific phenomena using not energy, but ______? (A). mathematics (B). intelligence (C). information (D). history (E). None of these MCQ Answer: c

Input segments of Artificial intelligence programming covers which of the following? (A). sound (B). smell

(C). touch (D). None of these MCQ Answer: d 1. What is the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP)? a) Computer Science b) Artificial Intelligence c) Linguistics d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer: d Explanation: None. 2. NLP is concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: NLP has its focus on understanding the human spoken/written language and converts that interpretation into machine understandable language. 3. What is the main challenge/s of NLP? a) Handling Ambiguity of Sentences b) Handling Tokenization c) Handling POS-Tagging d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer: a Explanation: There natural language.







4. Modern NLP algorithms are based on machine learning, especially statistical machine le...

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