Akkam and Puram Poetry - Notes for Indian Classical Literature, First Semester PDF

Title Akkam and Puram Poetry - Notes for Indian Classical Literature, First Semester
Author Abhinav Raj
Institution University of Delhi
Pages 10
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Notes for Indian Classical Literature, First Semester...


Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

A look into the aspects of Akkam and Puram Poetry (With reference to The Book of Vanci) In this paper we aim to analyse and accumulate a brief understanding of Akam and Puram genres of Tamil Classical Poetry, henceforward establish a clear distinction and recognition of the aforementioned, with due emphasis on the genres in Cilappatikāram, one of the five great epics of Tamil Literature. Before getting to Akam and Puram genres, it is impertinent to discuss Sangam Literature and Poetry in our escapade in developing a broad understanding. The Sangam literature is known to be one of the earliest developments in Tamil language in the history of Southern India, dating back to 300 BCE to 300 CE. The collection contains over 2,300 poems composed by nearly 500 poets. Most of the Sangam literature accessible currently is from the Third Sangam period. Poems were composed by various classes of the society, irrespective of sex. Readers find that Sangam deals with emotional and material aspects such as war, authority, love, mourning and trade1.

Approaching the central aspect of the paper without further ado, we now discuss the grammatical disquisition (that transcends grammar) on Sangam; Tholkappiyam. Written in the form of nurpas, it comprises of three books: Ezhuthadhikaram or phonetics, Choladhikaram or morphology and Poruladhikaram or poetics or subject matter; the vast utility and relevance of Tholkappiyam on codification of Tamil poetics, aid in linguistic analysis and “it’s classification of form and context of poetry” 2 that proves to be the guiding 1

Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

tool for modern readers discovering Sangam altogether requires its own paper to elucidate further. For the sake of brevity, we shall now only develop upon the aspects of Tholkappiyam relevant to our central idea. With respect to Tholkappiyam, subject matter of poetry may be Akam or Puram. The two are entangled in such a way that one compliments the other. The two taken together demonstrate a way of life.

We shall now develop upon the aspects of Akam and Puram individually following the order:    

Akam Poetry Akam Thinai Puram Poetry Puram Thinai

Poetic contrast between Akam and Puram is observed. Akam Akam is the representation of interior or the inner, what lies within, intangible aspects of life, human emotions, separation, an individual or recounts or depicts the tales of love. A significant aspect exclusive to Akam is that one may observe that the noun is missing from the depiction. A relationship is established between two speakers and henceforward developed upon, and the former two’s identity is dependent upon such relationship. For instance, one may witness a 2

Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

mother (relationship with a son is established), a lover (a significant other is required), a friend (significance of whom is dependent upon another friend) and so on. Hence Akam relies on various relationships in the society to progress. Following extract from Kurunthokai, second book of Ettuthokai (Translated by M.L. Thangappa) is referenced in an attempt to understand Akam poetry : “Larger than the earth Vaster than the sky, And immensely deeper than the seas Is my love for him From the hills Where honeybees make abundant honey From the black-stemmed Kurinci flowers.”

Use of pronouns, deliberate absence of nouns, depiction of love and representation of innermost feelings human is capable of perception is observed in the following extract making it a fine specimen of Akam poetic work. We now work further to develop an understanding to Thinais. Thinai Thinai in Sangam literature is behaviour, character, conduct or virtue. A Thinai essentially provides a setting to the poetry; it may be time, season, mood, or a place where the said poem is set. It provides with minor elements that in turn summate to determine the altogether impression it puts upon the reader. Synonymous to the fashion in which seeing vapour the beholder feels heat;

thinais play a crucial role in determination of the mood, energy and setting of a 3

Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

given poem.

Thinais in the Akam Poetry Since Akam thinai emphasises upon phases of love, inner emotions, feelings and humanity, thinais in Akam domain represent and signify likewise. Thinais are named after flowers and trees and codified.


Meaning/Representation/Phase of love


Sexual union/ Clandestine meeting of lovers


Yearning/ Waiting in hope




Pining/ Lamenting


Separation/ Lover’s departure in pursuit of knowledge or wealth

Contents in table Sources: Wikipedia; Mr. B. Mangalam (Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi)

Puram 4

Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

Puram is the converse of Akam, or non-Akam. Puram poetry views li from the outside or externally; and deals with kingdoms, emperors, heroism, valour, ethics, war, rage, battles and the world. There exists a dichotomy between Akam and Puram, yet they are so closely related, analogous to the push and the pull and the in and the out.

Puram Thinai Puram poetry is seen to have a broader spectra of subject matter, concerning wars, kings, battles and heroism. It literally implies the outer. Standing in stark contrast to Akam poetry the heroes in Puram are referred to by their names. Emperors are hailed and their victories celebrated in all of its glory in Puram poetry. Thinai



Cattle raiding






Pitched battle




Impermanence of life


Praise of kings

For a broader understanding of Puram thinai we analyse a typical 5

Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

Puram poetry: “Like the downy feathers Of a fish-eating egret She had white hairthe old dame. And when she heard the news that her young son fell in the battlefield after displaying great courage facing a war elephant and killing him, the overwhelming joy she felt was far greater than the joy she had when she gave birth to him. And the tears she shed were far more to number than the raindrops that fell among the bamboos of the vethirai hills.” (Purananuru, translated by M.C. Thangapa)

In the following extract we observe a brave warrior being valourized for his bravery in the battlefield, an epitome of Puram genre. The poetry also brings out the transience of life as the son falls prey to the ravages of war, however gallantly.


Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

Analysing Akam and Puram in the Book Of Vanci Elements of Akam and Puram poetry are interspersed in The Cilappatikaram in abundance with clear demarcation. Following is the examination. Analysis of Akam thinai Canto 24 Lyrics in the Akam tradition are observed in canto 24. For instance: “When he heard what I told him of the gossip In our village, he left with a broken heart. It seems the man from the mountain will marry you. We will sing a song in honor of the chaste woman Who burned down the glorious city of Maturai With her breast, who has shown her husband By a host of gods, and is worshipped by many.”

In the following extract it is observed that no names are taken. The second line “..left with a broken heart” emphasises on emotions of man. It is a demonstration of Akam poetry, as the poetry brings light to a series of varying moods and emotions. Anonymity of speakers is yet another striking feature of Akam poetry.


Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018

Analysis of Puram thinai Canto 25 Excerpt: “King Cenkuttuvan of the fearless sword, Born in the illustrious line of the Cerals, Tore apart the cadamba oak, fenced in By the immerse sea, to the amazement of the gods And engraved his bow emblem on the Himalaya.”

Canto 25 starts with an open demonstration of Puram thinai of Vanci: which signifies invasion or preparation of war or battle. Right from the first line we notice the mention of a noun (King Cenkuttuvan), a characteristic trait of Puram poetry. King Cenkuttuvan or Senguttuvan as mentioned was a ruler of the Chera Kingdom in the Sangam Period. He is also known as Senguttavan and Chenkuttuvan. Senguttuvan ascended the Chera throne after the death of his father Nedunjeral Adan. He won a war against the Mokur chieftain.4 Another interesting feature is that King Cenkuttuvan’s brother was Ilango Adigal, a Chera prince and also the author of Silappatikaram.

Works cited: 1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2. Mr. B. Mangalam, Silappadhikaram: Context and Concerns 3. Table 2: Mr. B. Mangalam, Silappadhikaram: Context and Concerns 4. Google.com 8

Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018


Name (Student) : Abhinav Raj (18/1153) Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nagma Zafir Paper: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: 12031101 Date: 19 October 2018


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