CHEMISTRY- First semester Notes at Harvard PDF

Title CHEMISTRY- First semester Notes at Harvard
Author Alexander Rijo-martinez
Course Chemistry
Institution Harvard University
Pages 8
File Size 374.5 KB
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This is a documents containing my notes to the following course chemistry. In order to supply a head start for student currently entering the course....


Rijo-Martinez 1

Alexander Rijo-Martinez AP CHEM 10 Jan. 2021 Notes Lipids - CHO. long term Storage, most haenow charges, hydrophobic Saturated - Wmal storage, solid, Single C=C Unsat - hae kuks, liquid, plants more C=C Phospholipid - bilayer, polar head, nonpolar tail Carbs ring of Cabor Sugar, H O - short term

Protein CHON NCC BachBore cen worms + makeup Enzymes - Catalyze rixs, subject to cell Cord. reusable lower Ea Acids - 20 kids coded for by carboxyl Amino ribosomes link by DNA Peptide Bond - carboxyl + amino Dehy Synth DNA - info storage DHNOP

AG (purines) CTU (pyramides)

→ Great Pyramid

Rijo-Martinez 2

RNA - single strand U→ T, info from DNA → Proteins 𝑡

Water - Polar - 𝐻 , 𝑂 1. Low solid density(ice) 2. Solvent(polar molec) 3. High specific heat(hard to heat up) 4. Cohesion tension 𝐻 𝑂 − 𝐻 𝑂 2


5. Adhesion memisals 𝐻 𝑂 − 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 2 −


6. Polarity iono 𝐻 𝑂 𝑂𝐻 Hydrophilic = sugar/𝑠𝑜𝑎𝑝 +,+


, Hydrophobic = orl = Polar - Diatonic


Acids: >7 more 𝐻 , Bases: 𝐷𝐻 accept pt 7< pH O-14 𝐻 concentration Nucleus - Ribosomes - ER - Golgi - vesicle Protein control storage

cocles Farms

modifier Ups transport

Early Earth - toxic, no 𝑂 , hot 2

Radioisotope/Half life - used to date, ½ isotope decayed Origin of Life - Nucleic + Amino → DNA + Protein → membrane → functional Primordial soup 1. Red. Atoms - gases give easily, interact 𝑊/𝑂 𝑂 2

- Muller Urgent - conditions inc earth male molec 2. Sea yurt = nutrients + temp gradient 3. Extraterrestrial - meteorine brought Carbon, AR, Nuc → Soup RNA world: 1st component: eczematic replication, info storage - Protobiant: nonliving → living (membrane info, replicate, enzymatic) 1st cells (anaerobic Hetero) → AS → multi → vertebrate/plants → reptiles/dinos/mamals → birds → flowers → hominids → humans 130,000 - Unreliable - Endosymbiosis: eukaryotic Tnm 𝑚𝑡𝑜 + 𝐶ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 free living. Enyulted Hal ribosome, ind. Repro, double membrane our DNA - Cambrian Explosion. more Ozin Ocean, more Evo - Evo Patterns: gases mutake + duplicate Extinctions: natural disasters, conditions Radiations: rapid diversity adaptive → fill many riches - Darium. origin of species, Nar Selection, Adapt for fitness → com. Ancestors - Ray - Classify, no Z diff mate (Limarus) - Bulfon - change though time NOT | | sp → another - Maltus - eco. Carrying capacity = pop doesn’t 100% survive

Rijo-Martinez 3 -


Cuvier - Catastrophism - change by few ma; events Hunter syen - uniformitarianism - little changes constant Lamarck - Acquired Characteristics: siraffed stretching Nat Selection 1. Tons of offspring (not all live) 2. Venison (mutalet recumlovne) 3. Complete for lim. Resources 4. Fittest Survive → Pass on Evidence of evo: fossil (transition)

Bio geo: Conv → sare adaptation, Dvi Homologous: all arms Vestial: no current use Analogous: same pressure → diff. Structure (winy) Predation phy

Lysosomes - strong digestive enzymes → apoptosis Vacuole - water storage (plants), food storage (animals) Mitochondria - glucose to ATP (needs 𝑂 ) 2

Chloroplast - sunlight to ATP Semi autonomous Cytoskeleton Microtubules - hollow Made of tubulin

isolation = diff. Selective breeding

Rijo-Martinez 4 Hold organelles together, transport Kinesin- moves minerals Pull chromosomes apart [Calloc + Flagella (92)]

- Dynein pull for mumr Centrioles/Spindle Fibers (9 3) 𝑟


- cell diu. Animals]

Microfilament - themest Aofin - contract (muscles) Cell div - telophase - cytokinesis (pull apart) Fluid Mosaic Bilayer - ampli graphic Choleslcoro - temp buffer ECM - extra space Integral - perimetrales up to 2 layers (dissolve only) Peripheral - bound to polar heads/Integral (rait remove) - Proteins are mobile in plasma - Membrane receptors - integrals send signals in - Glycoprotein - cell - cell (need key shape)


● ● ● ●

No NRG High to low Facilitated Osmosis

Transport ↓ 2nd Law disorder ↑w/o NRG Locally - add to sys Globally - net is same


● ● ●

Energy required Against gradient Need transport protein

Rijo-Martinez 5


Osmosis: 𝐻 𝑂 through membrane 2


Diffusion: constant mnt → dynamic = Facilitated: transport proteins - Aquaporins - water + ion channels (bind + flip) Active: Phosphorylation - ATP flips carrier to low → hi cotransport concentration gradient “highs” Bulk: Endocytosis - bring in Phag/Ping - cell eating/drinking (food vacules) Receptor mediated - cell is picky Exocytosis - removal (Golgi vesicles) wp = sp + pp sp = - i CRT (ion, mol, .0831, kelvin) Free water less insolutes, pressure inc b/c of wall Wp - high to low (sets more neg) Sp - high (less solute) → low (more solute) Pp - high (+) → low (-) Receiving → Transduction → Response Ligard - arsenal causer (ion, molécule) → change receptor (protein) (spec.) Positive Feedback, as long as on, keeps mastery Paracrine Synaptic Apoptosis - cell death prgm.


- 2nd messengers - receive activation from 1st (𝑐𝑎 inos, release from ER + Matrix to cytosol @ signal) - Adrenaline signal: breath glycogen - Cascade - repeating breathing ATP + Pnoopnorylatry next protein - Simple → complex. Scaffolding. pathway branches

Rijo-Martinez 6

Photosynthesis - Build Sugar, anabolic, endersose L



𝐻 𝑂 → glucose + 𝑂 2


1. Light Rxns Thylakoids In 𝑂 + light 2

- Splitting water by enzymine → pt gradient −

→𝑒 sothoth eheim →𝑂 out 2 −

PS II: light 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑒 goes up NRG [u] (needs 𝐻2𝑂= 𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑙) - Males some ATP PS I: adds more NRG: depends on PS I (no 𝐻 𝑂) 2

Final acceptor 𝑁𝐴𝐵𝑃𝐻→ calvin ⇒

2. Calvin cycle stroma (add H → reduce) Needs 𝐶𝑂 in RUPB → 𝐶𝑂 = GC fixation sc 2

rubisco IC a. Chem reamangment b. ATP + NADPH → add H’s c. 1 to 6 becomes G3P need for sugars → exits d. Rest becomes SC sugar again 6 Cavin = 1 glucose e. Resen ADP + NADP → Thylakoid to use again


Rijo-Martinez 7

Glycolysis - Break Sugar : Catabolic, Exergonic Glucose 𝑂 → 𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻 𝑂+𝐴𝑇𝑃 2



1. Anaerobic Glycolysis in Cytosol 6C Substrate ← 2 ATP In Out level → ADP ATP 4ATP Add ps → 4 ATP 6C 2 Pyruvate (2 ATP) NAD + ZNADH + → Znadh − 𝑛𝑜 𝑂 Same


Fermentation ↑ Pyruvate → 2C + 𝐶𝑂 Alcohol: yeast 2

Count reverse Pyruvate → 3C Lactic: humans reversible G3P ↓ 2 pyruvates Ender → exer Invest ATP + NADH - Once 𝑂 present: knebs 2

1. Transition Pyruvate → Acetyl 𝐶𝑂 to set into motomatrix 𝐴

↓ 𝐶𝑂

Oxidized 2

Krebs aerobic in matrix −

C’s are reword (𝑒 is stripped = oxidize)

Rijo-Martinez 8 Pyruvate → Acetyl 𝐶𝑂 → Citric acid 𝐴

4 carbon region → 2 carbon acetyl 𝐶𝑂 → Citrate EC 𝐴

NADH + FADH for later gan 𝑒 → ETC Some ATP made ETC −

𝑒 carries dropped H → go back to krebs Proteins along through cristae (inner mto membrane) −


𝑒 goes through proteins 𝐻 build in inter mem space 𝑂 pulls through chain protons inside combine → 𝐻 𝑂 2


Transport proteins in bilayer → P go out (NRG from 𝑒 ) ATP Synthase +

𝐻 gradient made chemiosmosis ADP → ATP Go back in matrix → 𝐻 𝑂 2

2 + 2 + 34 aly krebs ETC...

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