Author Dita Herlina
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AKULTURASI KEBUDAYAAN INDONESIA DENGAN INDIA (HINDU-BUDHA) DITA HERLINA PUTRI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SASTRA EMAIL: [email protected] Abstrack Acculturation is a phenomenon that arises as a result if different groups of people of different cultures meet and make c...


AKULTURASI KEBUDAYAAN INDONESIA DENGAN INDIA (HINDU-BUDHA) DITA HERLINA PUTRI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SASTRA EMAIL: [email protected] Abstrack Acculturation is a phenomenon that arises as a result if different groups of people of different cultures meet and make contacts directly and continuously; which then causes a change in the original cultural pattern of either group or both. acculturation is similar to the cultural contact that the meeting of two different cultures merges into one produces a new culture but does not deprive the personality / nature of the original culture. with trade contacts between Indonesia and India, it results in cultural contact or acculturation that results in new cultural forms but does not obliterate its own cultural personality. You must understand the influx of Hinduism and Buddhism is a separate process but still supported by the trade process. Hindu culture - Buddhists entering Indonesia are not accepted as they are, but are processed, analyzed and adapted to the culture of the Indonesian population, so that the culture combines with indigenous culture of Indonesia into a form of acculturation of Hindu-Buddhist Indonesian culture. Keywords : acculturation, phenomenon, culture, nature / personality. Abstrak Akulturasi adalah fenomena yang timbul sebagai hasil jika kelompok- kelompok manusia yang mempunyai kebudayaan yang berbeda-beda bertemu dan mengadakan kontak secara langsung dan terus-menerus; yang kemudian menimbulkan perubahan dalam pola kebudayaan yang original...

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