Alumni-Management-System for documentation PDF

Title Alumni-Management-System for documentation
Course BS Information Technology
Institution Laguna State Polytechnic University
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CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Alumni Management System for CARD MRI Development Institute

Capstone Project report Presented to Ms. Pilar Fandiño In CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. Tranca, Bay, Laguna

In Partial Fulfilment for the Requirements for the course Capstone Research 1

Proponents: Arjay Averion Geromme Beligon Geryle Acebes Claire Mae Bonita

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Chapter 1 Introduction The greatest asset any Institution can have is the Alumni system. Alumni’s are the people who represent the Institution in the real world. Card MRI-Development Institute Inc. is one of the school that offers different jobs or works that will enhance their business capability and help former students to have their stepping stone in pursuing their chosen career. Alumni website is created for the students that have graduated from the Institution. This is a web based application that allows former students to take advantage of the benefits and services that an Institution offers after graduation. The alumni network is becoming important in the development of the institution because of their vast potential that benefits both the Institution and the students. There are many benefits for being an alumni member of a college or Institution, some of these benefits are: keeping a person inform on the events that are organized by the Institution, and when some important events will be holding in the Institution. Another benefit is that information concerning a former student can easily be received and other members of the alumni community can be located without much stress. The student and alumni can communicate each other. The details related to the job vacancies, career, subject details can be asked by the new student's data and storing it through some pen paper method is a tedious job. There is no security for the data that is stored through such method. Through the college alumni website this work can be avoided. The details of the student can be access in just one click. The CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMDI) is a globally recognized learning institute that provides an array of practitioner-led training and education services to staff and members of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions and other microfinance institutions interested in innovative development methodologies, as well as microfinance practitioners seeking advanced education in applied microfinance.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

CMDI are newly established educational institute that is why the need of improvement in technologies is a must. The institution is still manually stores student’s data using pen and paper that consumes a lot of time and effort. Developing an Alumni Management system will make new progress not only for the institution itself but also to the students. It has a better way of communication and less effort procedures to do necessary activities and sharing details that will benefit everyone. The proposed system will be on-line so it can be accessed by alumni anywhere. It will enable quick and easy communication. Each user will be responsible for the updating their own information. Each user will also have the option to maintain their privacy. It does not require the constant attention of a group of students for its maintenance. Alumni will be able to organize meetings and find out about job opportunities on themselves using this system. In doing so, it will help to reduce the number of unemployed people. Software Description Alumni Management System has been designed using PHP-MySQL where in many user-friendly form controls have been added in order to make it a user interactive application. This project will store information to Alumni database which makes easier to maintain the records of the alumni along with staff details. The proposed system will be on-lone so it can be accessed by alumni anywhere. There are many records such as alumni details, course details, jobs and staff details. This project has 2 sides of users UI (user interface), which are the admin side/school management and the alumnus/alumna's side. The admin side can manage all the list of job posted, alumni list, events, forum topics, and the gallery. The alumni site can create an account (to be verified by admin), post a job opportunity, create a forum topic, and join to other forums, commit to participate in an upcoming event such as homecoming.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

General Objectives: To develop software entitled “CMDI Alumni Management System” that will maintain relations with its new and former students. It will also help the students to find jobs and inform them for events. Specifically, the study aimed to achieve the following: 1. To provide designated account for Administration of CMDI to access the system. 2. The administrator may be able to add, update and delete the account of the students. 3. The system must verify the account of the student or the alumnus before accessing the system 4. The admin may be able to delete the forum topic or job description posted by alumnus or the admin itself 5. The user can share his thoughts and opinion by commenting into a forum topic 6. The user can post forum topic and job descriptions 7. The user can view all the comments and post of other alumnus 8. The system can count all the participants if there is an incoming event

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Knowledge Requirement -Programming Language -Software Development model

Alumni Management System

Software Requirements -PHP -Css -MySQL -Xampp -Browser -Operating System Hardware Requirements -Processor: Intel or AMD processor of at least 2.0 GHz Dual-Core or higherx86 or x64 - based processor -RAM: Minimum of 2 Gigabytes RAM or higher -Storage: at least 500 Gigabytes unused HDD or SSD storage or up

Figure 1: IPO Model

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Significance of the study Office of student affairs and services. The staff and faculty members will be provided information that may use to contact their former and new students especially when there are non-academic activities that has been organized. It will also lessen their work by creating redundant copies of student’s details and information. Students. The students will be able to communicate to other students regardless of what purposed. They can find or post jobs. Also be informed about incoming events. Proponents. The proponents will gain knowledge and understanding of conducting the system with the combination of Analysis and Design. This will also improve the individual skills in collaborating with the team using Agile Methodology. This project may also help the proponents in practicing systematic approaches on different system they will create in the future. Card MRI Development Institute Inc. The system will provide a newly approach process that will lessen the work related to processing of former and new students. The alumni will also be interested to maintain relations with their institutions. The institution can also hire alumni’s for the work and jobs they posted in the proposed system. Future Researchers. The study may use as their reference in developing future system like this.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Scope and Limitations Scope of the study The scope of the study focused on the system that would enable the office of student affairs and services of CMDI to improve the relationship and communication between the institution and former students through the use of Alumni Management System. The students can post a forum topic that will be viewed by other alumnus and they can also give opinion or insights by commenting to the topic. The students can access the system using their account that must be verified by the admin. The system will provide unique accounts to the Office of student affairs and services staffs that they will use to access the features of the system. The students and admin can post a Job description that will help those alumni who has a hard time looking for a job. The admin can start an event that will be seen by the alumni and those alumni can join the event. The system will automatically count the alumni who will participate to the event. Limitations of the Study As for the limitations, the alumni will only be the former and new students of CMDI and it cannot be access by students who is not graduated on the institution. The users cannot chat or make private message to the other alumni using the system. The users cannot be notified if there are a new comments or posted topics and job description. The system can only be access with the used of internet connection. The System will be a web-based system so the customers will not be able to enjoy the full experience using mobile phone. The developers are always open for future improvements for android application development of the system.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Definitions of Terms Operational Terms Web-based. Is any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP. Web based applications often run inside a web browser. XAMPP. is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. It allows you to build WordPress site offline, on a local web server on your computer. Data Base. Is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. PHP. Is a programming language that is widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. MySQL. Is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System that uses structured query language. SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. Agile Process. Is a process by which a team can manage a project by breaking it up into several stages and involving constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement and iteration at every stage. Scrum. Is an agile framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products, with and initial emphasis on software development, although it has been used in other fields including research, sales, marketing and advanced technologies. Human Error. Refers to something having done that was “not intended by the actor, or desired by a set of rules or an external observer or that led to task or system outside its acceptable limits Administrator. A person who installs, maintains, and supports an organization's information technology systems and is responsible for the upkeep, configuration, and reliable operation of computer system.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Analysis. Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something. Automated. The technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means. Browser. Program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web. Hardware. The machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer or other electronic system. Operating System. Most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Alumnus. a graduate or former student, especially a male one, of a particular school, college, or university. Proponent. A person who puts forward a proposition or proposal. a person who argues in favor of something, an advocate, a person who supports a cause or doctrine, adherent.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Chapter II Review on Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of our system. The system was developed for the teachers and faculty members, which is more costefficient and cost-effective. Foreign Related Literature/System Advantages of Computer-Based Information Systems According to Davies (2013) over the past several decades computer revolutionized business efficiency by automating calculations used in transactions and managing accounts. But the advantages of computers in organizations are now going beyond efficiency of tasks, as these powerful devices continue to change the way we do business. Stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of the latest developments in computer-based information systems. He also added that without computers you customers can contact you through phone, fax or postal mail, or by walking in the door. With computers, they can reach you through email, Facebook and other social media sites and your website. They can comment on your blog and complete your customer surveys. Being in contact with your customers helps you learn what you’re doing right, what you should improve, and what they want. This ease of interaction is likely to increase as more people begin to use mobile devices to access the Internet. One of the early efforts to establish an interactive alumni association is due to Spasić and Pejak at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Based on experience with previous alumni association Spasić and Pejak established an interactive alumni system called ALFaMEB or αMEβ, which would cater to quality assurance in higher education. Feedback information was collected through various activities as well as questionnaires about industrial expectations; knowledge obtained at university, and 10 need for improvement in teaching and research activities. The alumni

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

ALFaMEB activities helped continuously improve the teaching and research undertaken at the university and thereby broaden the limits of university education UMT Alumni Information System The role of information system can’t be ignored doing things faster, doing things better, and doing thinks smarter these all traits are possible just because of two words, Information system. Alumni information system is one of the examples of information system. To get contact with the old students and to provide the assistance to this old student for their future progress in all field of life and maintain the record of the students. Following core aims and objective can describe the real need of the AIS. The aims and objectives of UMT Alumni information system are to encourage alumni to maintain links with the University and with each other, in order: to promote more effectively the welfare and interests of the University and its alumni; to support the University’s aims and objectives and uphold its reputation as an ambassadors of the University; to establish mutually beneficial relationship between the University and its alumni and to bind the alumni more closely together; to assist in developing financial and other resources for the University and the Alumni Association; to develop linkages for mutual benefit (such as research) with other professional alumni bodies, and to remain the part of the university even after the study. Lovely Professional University Management System The lovely Professional University (2011) promotes a culture of paperless University. The day to day administration and most of the University procedures are carried out online. The University Management System (UMS), an online portal of University, is one such innovative step of the University to provide information regarding academics and other University logistics for assisting the University students, their parents and the staffs.

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

Foreign Related Studies Information Systems Information Systems is a unique and innovative program in Carnegie Mellon’s Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Students completing the program will be well grounded in the fundamentals of organization theory, decision making, teamwork and leadership, and research methods as well as current and emerging information systems technologies. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, we prepare students to participate in emerging opportunities in software systems and services, wherever they may be. Building on our solid educational core, we encourage students to learn more about world cultures and business through study of global systems development cross cultural communications, history, and languages Features of an Alumni Information System According to Webaloo (2007) an alumni builders systems features includes the following: Alumni class page- a directory of alumni names by class year with links to individual profiles and email addresses; Alumni Profile – is controlled by individual users and displays only the information that he/she wants to display; Alumni Search – allows the users to search by name, class, occupation, address, etc.; Alumni Forum – offers alumni a way to stay in touch with classmates and friends form other graduation years; Alumni Notes – allows classmates to communicate by posting on a notes page; Secure Log-in – use to block sensitive alumni information from other school constituents; Profile Change Report – allows the school to keep track of the personal information that alumni can update; and Missing Alumni Page – helps the school reconnect with graduates whose personal information is outdated. Richard (2004) emphasized that information about students is vital, but timeconsuming to manage and it is essential that the most effective tools be used to aid both staff and students go about their work and studies. The Cambridge Student Information System (CAMSIS) replaced various student records system used by the

CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. College of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Science in Information System

colleges, departments and universities. CAMSIS provides comprehensive and accurate information about student body and also improves data quality, reduce the administrative burden dramatically and provides better services to both academic staff and students. According to Desousa, (2008), Web based application have four core benefits. These are the following: 1) Compatibility. Web based applications are far more compatible across platforms than traditional installed software like web browsers. 2) Efficiency. Everyone hates to deal with piles of paper unless they do not have any other alternatives. The benefit of web based solution makes services and information available from any web‐facilitated Personal Computer (PC). 3) Security of live data. Normally in more complex systems data is moved about separate systems and data sources. In web‐based systems, these systems and processes can often be merged by reducing the need to move the data around. Web ‐based applications also provide an additional security by removing the need for the user to have access to the data and backend servers. 4) Cost Effective. Web‐based applications can considerably lower the costs because of reduced support and maintenance, lower requirements on the end user system and simplified plans. The study of Barnard (2008) determines the extent to which an online ...

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