An Angel in Disguise - STORY PDF

Title An Angel in Disguise - STORY
Course Diploma in Library Management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 2
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An Angel in Disguise by T.S. Arthur Setting: The events of the story happen in the village, where every man or woman knows each other. This village is dark and gloomy, because all descriptions in the story are in dark colors. but at the end of the story this description changes, and the author uses in description words with positive semantic. MORAL The moral of the story is to not judge a book by its cover, and to give people or things a chance before you push it away. The man gave her a chance while everyone judged her for being motherless and disabled and unwashed. A moral message I learned from this text is that everyone must be kind, caring, and helpful to one another even if that person is poor or a hopelessly diseased child. We should them because they could be an angel in disguise for us. We must have the heart to help the the best we can because who knows, they might give us blessings in the future. We must not just look and observe the pitiful situation of someone and leave without even helping because they are also humans like us.

The word 'angel' in the title of the story refers to the small girl child Maggie who brings love and joy for the Thompson family, thereby acting as an angel in disguise for them. Though the story starts with a negative and gloomy scene towards the end Maggie's innocence and Joe's kindness gave the story a happy Ending Arthur's story “An Angel in Disguise” is all about a little crippled orphan girl calle Maggie and how she brought back joy and happiness to the childless Thompson family.

In the story "The angel in disguise", the angel in disguise is Maggie. Before Maggie came into the lives of JoeThompson and Mrs.Thompson, Mrs.Thompson was a very sad, selfish and arrogant lady. After Maggie came into their house Mrs.Thompson's behaviour started changing. She started having affection, love and pity for the poor child. She further asked her husband to let Maggie stay with them.

An Angel in Disguise Summary Theme The story has a symbolic title. The main theme of the story is that people can change and can get emotionally attached to others. It depicts love, kindness and human feelings. The importance of love has been emphasized and it is essential for human survival. The story is about a girl Maggie with open heart and pure soul who proves to be an angel for Thompson family. Her own life is full of darkness but she fills the life of Thompson’s family with happiness and gives them reason to live. The story opens with a sad note but gradually it gears up into a happy one. Do you admire the character? Joe Thompson's character is a loving caring and kind-hearted person he loves children and likes their company. He finds it cruel thing to leave Maggie alone when her mother is dead and elder brother John and Sister Kate are taken away by farmer Jones and Mrs. Ellis. This shows that he really feels pity and sad for the helpless child and wants to do what he can to help the poor child. Being rough from outside he likes the company of children and has a tender heart. What affects him greatly is when Maggie is accepted by no one due to her disability.He takes pity on her and takes home knowing that his wife would not like it. Who is/are the main character(s) in the story? Describe the characteristics with examples from the story The little girl Maggie is the main of the story. She has been described as the youngest of her family. She has been shown as a crippled girl who becomes helpless and is left alone after her mother’s death as none of the villagers is ready to adopt her knowing her a burden. She symbolises innocence and dependency because she literally cannot survive without the love and care of someone. At first glance, she is considered a burden, but she turns out to be a blessing in Mr. Joe Thompson’s home because she gives the couple the purpose of life....

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