Analysis of Standing female nude by Carol Ann Duffy DOCX

Title Analysis of Standing female nude by Carol Ann Duffy
Author Gaayathri Ganesh
Pages 2
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Gaayathri Ganesh D1, SL English A Literature October 3rd, 2020 Analysis of Standing female nude by Carol Ann Duffy The poem "Standing female nude" by Carol Ann Duffy is a dramatic monologue and is written from the point of view of a voiceless female nude model, who is describing the condit...


Gaayathri Ganesh D1, SL English A Literature October 3rd, 2020 Analysis of Standing female nude by Carol Ann Dufy The poem "Standing female nude" by Carol Ann Dufy is a dramatc monologue and is written from the point of riew of a roiceless female nude model, who is describing the conditons of her lifestyle. Dufy uses stream-of-consciousness technique to allow the words to more seamlessly from thought to thought between lines and eren across stanza, which create a form of colloquial language. This language allows the reader to concentrate more on the words and phrases themselres emphasizing the irregularity of the model's life. The use of enjambments, imagery, cynical and ironic tone help conreys the speaker's idea and presents the themes of inequality of social class and the objecticaton of women. The poem starts with a cynical tone, "Six hours like this for a few francs (line 1)," which emphasizes the fact that she comes from a low class and that the working conditons of the model and artst are horrible. nn the irst stanza, the model introduces herself as an objectied woman. This can be seen in line 2 – 3 where the model narrates, "Belly nipple arse in the window light, / he drains the colour from me." This line shows us that the model is reduced into parts and is represented as an objectied woman because it suggests that people are interested in her physical body parts rather than herself in general. The slang "Belly Nipple arse", lacks punctuaton, this shows us that the model feels detached physically and this could be her surriral mechanism or coping method. The objecticaton of women is highlighted again through the use of enjambments, caesura and short directons "Further to the right Madam," where here "Madam" is a sarcastc tone to mock the model, which she then is described as a "river-whore (line 7)" who sells her body. The model has no control when the painter "Drains the colour from (line 3)" her. This line shows us that the artst is transforming her image to someone truly diferent, by remoring her personality/characteristc because the artstts representaton is so diferent to the model, learing her feel empty. nt further emphasizes her objecticaton through the line "I shall be represented analytcally and hung / in great museums (line 5 – 6)." The word "hung" suggests that in front of the riewers she is just a lifeless object for aesthetc purposes only. "The bourgeoisie will coo / at such an image of a river whore. They call it art." Here, the word "coo" is used to show how the higher class look down at the poor, especially the models as a piece of art, that is used for amusing purposes. The poet uses an ironic tone to make us queston what the true meaning is of art. Dufy addresses us that art is not free. nt is a truthful medium but rather a business and industry that has little power. Objecticaton contnues in the second stanza, where the artst seems to be more concerned with the elements of the paintng (i.e rolume and space) while the model is more concerned about her "next meal" (line 8)." This shows us that the model feels like her job is uninterestng when all she must do is feed herself. This line also tells us that she is sufering from porerty, which relates back to the irst line of the poem "Six hours like this for a few francs (line 1)" which rereals that she comes from a low class. "You're getng thin, / Madame, this is not good (line . – 10)," suggest that the painter is concerned about her appearance and not her health, once again linking back to the theme; objecticaton of women. The model then contnues to day-dream about the future. There is alliteraton of the letter "m" in "magnifcent, she murmurs, /moving on (line 13 – 14)." This technique creates a slow-paced tone that keeps her from feeling detached from reality as a coping mechanism. Howerer, the model feels irony in this situaton, so "it makes me laugh", again she mocks the way the high class perceire art....

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