Ancient Civilizations and Contributions to Science and Math PDF

Title Ancient Civilizations and Contributions to Science and Math
Author Amanda Martinez
Course Recent American History (3 credits)
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 5
File Size 113.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Ancient Civilizations and Contributions to Science and Math

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ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO SCIENCE AND MATH Humans created societies, states, and empires from the late Neolithic period to 1500 CE to allow for the growth of the individual. Such inventions have created enormous contributions to the growth of individuals. Monuments from these times present the underlying concepts of individual growth although such civilizations have occurred varyingly across the globe1. To better understand such importance of advancements, it is vital to understand how each period of time is denoted and the civilization differences that vary among them. Ancient China, Ancient Greece, and the Mayan Empire are responsible for the developments of influential inventions and ideas concerning advances in math and science in terms of individual growth. Ancient China became unified under the Qui Dynasty. Not only was China unified by Qui Dynasty, but unified scripts and languages were also invented to replace the regions scripts that had already existed2. Ancient China is known to have some of the oldest and longest living civilizations in the history of the world3. Ancient China had also invented the currency of bronze coins and the development of the standardized units regarding weights and measurements. Ancient China is well known for the “Four Great Inventions” given their inventions of the compass, gunpowder, and printing processes 3. Such advancements led Ancient China from the primitive state to a more advanced state and enabled human development to prosper further. However, given all the advances that contributed to individual growth, the architectural 1 Jerry H Bentley and Herbert F. Ziegler. Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011). 2 John Man. The Terra Cotta Army: China's First Emperor and the Birth of a Nation.

(Boulder: Da Capo Press, 2009). Accessed May 11, 2019, ProQuest Ebook Central. 3 Youjun Wang. "Hands-on mathematics: two cases from ancient Chinese mathematics." Science & Education 18, no. 5 (2009): 631-640.


construction of the “The Great Wall” was bar the greatest achievement conducted by Ancient China3. The inventions that Ancient China developed may have been surpassed by those of Ancient Greece. Ancient Greece was a civilization in which belonged to the period of the Greek Dark Ages4. These civilizations survived until the end of antiquity. Such accomplishments of Greece placed emphasizes science and mathematics contributions along with the development of the modern-day democracy. Some achievements were the development of the physical law of displacement being discovered from their advancement contributions to the mathematics world. The birthplace for science became known in Ancient Greece. Such advancements displayed the cultural sciences of society while investigating the impact that science had on individuals4. The roles of science were examined as a cultural phenomenon throughout the world while encouraging the further developments of linguistics, literary, political, religious, sociological, and technological factors. Ancient Greece also gained great success regarding the achievements they contributed to the field of architecture4. It was the great minds of Ancient Greece that has presented this civilization into what it is known today, and such impacts are still being felt. On the other side of the world, the ancient civilizations of the Ancient Mayans made significant achievements in math and science as well. The Ancient Mayans were a diverse set of groups in which were known to be sophisticated and complex civilizations5. The Ancient Mayans developed the calendar and they also unified sets of laws that were governed by the Mayans. The similarities that exist between the Greeks and the Mayans are astounding given their focuses on

4 Thomas Little Heath. A history of Greek mathematics. (Clarendon, 1921), 1. 5 Dick Teresi. Lost Discoveries: the ancient roots of modern science--from the Babylonians to the Maya. (Simon and Schuster, 2002).


math, science, and law. Such laws enabled the growth of individuals and the government1. The Ancient Mayans also developed a complex understanding regarding astronomy, which dealt with a lot of Mathematics and science together. Ancient civilizations have played vital roles in developing individual growth concerning math, science, and law concepts. Given the complexities of such advancements and achievements, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, and the Ancient Mayans have surpassed the knowledge of modern-day humans. Each civilization society has incorporated many landmark strides along with the concepts of math, science, architecture, and law and have aided the way for their conventions to be felt by modern day society.


Bibliography Bentley, Jerry H., and Herbert F. Ziegler. Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Heath, Thomas Little. A history of Greek mathematics. Clarendon, 1921. Man, John. The Terra Cotta Army: China's First Emperor and the Birth of a Nation. Boulder: Da Capo Press, 2009. Accessed May 11, 2019, ProQuest Ebook Central. Teresi, Dick. Lost Discoveries: the ancient roots of modern science--from the Babylonians to the Maya. Simon and Schuster, 2002. Wang, Youjun. "Hands-on mathematics: two cases from ancient Chinese mathematics." Science & Education 18, no. 5 (2009)....

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