Anglo-American Feminism PDF

Title Anglo-American Feminism
Author Nathalie Egerton-Gable
Institution University of Surrey
Pages 2
File Size 35.6 KB
File Type PDF
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First Year Compulsory module for all English students; Semester 2; Theories of Reading II; lecture notes on the Anglo-American branch of Feminism...


Angl oAmer i canFemi ni sm •Femi ni sm pr i mar i l yf ocus edonhowmenandwoment r eat edandwhatoppor t uni t i est heyhav e acces st o •Heat eddebat eov erwhet hergenderdi ffer enc ei si nher entorsoci al l yconst r uct ed •Femi ni sm abouti deol ogi cal+mat er i al changei . etofi deasbywhi cht omak esens eoft he wor l d •Pat r i ar c halper cept i ons:womanas‘ ot her ’ ,womenas‘ obj ec t ’ Femi ni s tCr i t i ci sm: •Conc er nsi t sel fwi t ht her el at i ons hi pbet weenl i t er at ur eandpat r i ar chal i deol ogy •Twost r ands :angl oamer i can+f r ench •Fr enc hFemi ni sm i sconcer nedwi t hhowwomen’ swr i t i ngr efl ect sadi ffer entmodeofbei ngand t hi nki ng( t her ear ei nher i t eddi ffer encesbet weenmenandwomen) •Angl oAmer i canf emi ni sm i sconcer nedwi t hhowwomenhav et r adi t i onal l ybeenex c l udedf r om r eadi ng,wr i t i ngandbei ngr epr esent edi nl i t er at ur e( t her ear enoi nher i t eddi ffer encesbet ween menandwomen,t heyar esoci al l yconst r uct ed) Angl oAmer i canFemi ni sm: •Concer nsi t sel fwi t hl i t er at ur et hatexpr ess+combat spat r i ar chali deol ogy •Seekst oi dent i f yandexposedst er eot ypes Recover i ngWomen’ sCont r i but i ngt oLi t er at ur e: •Gi l ber tandGubar :bef or et heyar eabl et owr i t e,womenwr i t er shav et o‘ ki l l ’ bot ht heangel and t hemonst ert hatmal ewr i t er shav ec r eat edf orwomen •Angel i nt heHouse:havenost or yoft hei rown,butoffer‘ “ adv i ceandconsol at i on”t oot her s,l i st ens ,smi l es ,s ympat hi z es ’ i . oi dofanydept h,‘ nei t hergr eatnorext r aor di nar y ’ ,j ustsel fless l y i nnocent ,andt hi s,Gi l ber tandGubarar gue,i sl i k ebei ngdead-a‘ deat hi nl i f e’ •Theul t i mat ek eyt obecomi ngt heangel i nt hehousei st osur r enderher sel f( per sonal comf or t , des i r es) ,andt hi ssacr i ficei swhatl eadshert oherdeat handheav en-t obenobl ei st obedead •I ndeat h,sheobt ai nspowerov ert he‘ ki ngdom ofdeat h’ ,maki nghersuper nat ur al andt her ef or e, mons t r ous •‘ asser t i v eness ,aggr essi veness . .ar e“ monst r ous”i nwomenpr eci sel ybecause“ unf emi ni ne” ’ •Femi ni ni t yi nl i t er at ur eandt omal ewr i t er si sper f or mat i v eandconst r uct i v e;womenspendhour s maki ngt hemsel v esbeaut i f ul •Femal emonst ermadet or epr esental lofman’ sambi v al entf eel i ngsabouthi sowni nabi l i t yt o cont r ol hi sownphy si cal exi st ence,hi sownbi r t handdeat h •Sexualnauseat owar dsf emal esexual i t yand‘ char ms ’ expl ai nswhywomenhav esel f l oat hi ngof t hei rownbodi es •Tot hem,t hepeni st hephal l i cs ymbol usedt osubj ugat ewoment ost er eot ypes Ot her : •Fet t er l y :‘ f emi ni stc r i t i ci sm r epr esent st hedi scover y / r ecov er yofav oi ce,auni queanduni quel y power f ulv oi cecapabl eofcancel l i ngoutt hoseot herv oi ces. .whi chspok eaboutusandt ousand atusbutnev erf orus ’ Pr eHi st or yofFemi ni sm: •Ear l yFemi ni sm-Mar yWol l st onecr af tar guedi n1792t hatwomenwer ecapabl eofr eason,j us t l i k emen •TheI deol ogi cal v sTheMat er i al ,ThePhi l osophi calv sThePol i t i cal ,TheEs sent i al i stv sTheCons t r uct i vi s tvi ewofgender ,Fr enchFemi ni sm vsAngl oAmer i canFemi ni sm Hi st or yofFemi ni sm: •Fi r stWav e:ear l yt went i et hcent ur y

-Emphas i sonmat er i al change,namel yi mpr ovi ngpol i t i calandeconomi ccondi t i onsf or women -Suffr aget t emov ement :suffr agef orwomengai nedi nBr i t ai ni n1918 -Vi r gi ni aWool f :ar guedhatwomendeser v eeconomi ci ndependence-‘ ar oom ofone’ s own’ •SecondWav e:mi dt ol at e20t hcent ur y -Emphas i soni deol ogi calchange -Women’ sl i bmov ement( i ncl udi ngEqual Ri ght sAmendmentMov ement ) •Thi r dWave -Tr ansnat i onal f emi ni sm,cr i t i ci sessecondwav ef emi ni sm f orbei ngwhi t e,mi ddl ecl ass , west er nandl i ber al -Tr i est oexpandt heconv er sat i ont oi ncl udewomenwhower enotr epr esent edi nfir s tand s econdwav e -Cel ebr at i onsoff emal esexual i t y -Ri seofgendernor msandt hei reffect sonwomenandmen Cr i t i ci sm on: •Duneer ,A.( 2006)‘ Ont heVer geofaBr eakt hr ough:Pr oj ect i onsofEscapef r om t heAt t i candt he Thwar t edToweri nChar l ot t ePer ki nGi l man’ s“ TheYel l owWal l paper ”andSusanGr aspel l ’ s“ The Ver ge” ,Jour nal ofAmer i canDr amaandTheat r e”...

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