Antigone Analysis Questions PDF

Title Antigone Analysis Questions
Course Introduction To Sport Administration
Institution Ball State University
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THEA 100: Intro to Theatre

Group Play Analysis Worksheet - Antigone Fall, 2017

Your Name: AJ Reingardt Group #:____9_______

Discuss the following questions about Antigone:

1. According to Aristotle’s Six Parts of a Play, what is the predominant element of the play? Defend your choice! I believe the predominant element in Antigone is character. While the argument could be made for the plot being the predominant element, the characters’ beliefs and actions drive the plot, creating a very suspenseful story. Antigone’s character contrasting with Creon’s belief prove to show that the development of the characters is the predominant element in the play. 2. What is the central conflict in Antigone? Who are the Protagonist and Antagonist of this story? The central conflict in Antigone is the conflict of Antigone vs. Creon. Antigone is the protagonist while Creon is the primary antagonist. The central conflict is Antigone vs. Creon due to the fact that the conflict between the two is the driving force for the plot. Everything that occurs in the story is some kind of byproduct of the conflict between Antigone and Creon. 3. What is the climactic moment of the play (review pp. 34-35 of your text to understand the difference between Crisis and Climactic Moment)? Defend your choice! The climax within Antigone is Creon finally agrees to pardon Antigone and release her from the tomb. This is viewed as the climactic moment of the play for its intensity in being the turning point, soon revealing in the falling action that Antigone has already hung herself inside the tomb. Haemon has also killed himself out of grief for Antigone, and Haemon's mother has killed herself out of grief for her son. These events following this climactic point in the play, show that Creon pardoning Antigone is the climax. 4. Which character(s) do you most identify with and why? I personally feel like I identify most with Antigone. I believe I relate a lot to her aspect of doing what is right, even if there are grave consequences. Her passion is illustrated at the beginning of the play to give the audience the feeling that Antigone is dedicated to doing what is right (like giving her brother a proper burial). I believe I am a very passionate individual that stands up for what is right, so I believe I identify the most with Antigone within Antigone. 5. Do you agree with Antigone’s decision to go against the law and bury Polyneices, or with Creon’s decision to enforce the law? Defend your choice! I agree with Antigone’s decision to go against the law over Creon’s decision to enforce the law. In conjunction to the prior answer, I believe in passion, and standing up for what one believes is right, even if there are harsh consequences. With Antigone being the protagonist within the play, she is already viewed as the “good guy” by the audience, while Creon is being viewed as the “bad guy” due to

THEA 100: Intro to Theatre

Group Play Analysis Worksheet - Antigone Fall, 2017

being the antagonist. Due to this set-up in the play, I just naturally want to agree with Antigone’s decision regardless of my personal beliefs. However, due to my natural feelings along with who the protagonist is, I agree with Antigone’s decision. 6. Of the supporting characters in the play – Haemon, Ismene, Tiresias, Eurydice – which do you think has the most impact on the decisions and actions of the main characters? Why? I believe that Haemon has the greatest impact on the decisions and actions of the main characters in the play. I believe the greatest element to support this claim is the fact that Haemon is in love with Antigone and tries relentlessly to get Creon to free her. The Haemon helping persuade Creon to free Antigone, this leads to the climax of the story, which soon leads to the rest of the unexpected events to unfold. This part of the play illustrates that Haemon has the most impact on the decisions and actions of the main characters in Antigone. 7. What is the role of the chorus in Antigone? Who or what do they represent and what function do they serve within the plot? The role of the Chorus in Antigone is to essentially comment on the events unfolding in front of the audience, and help relate all the intense moments to the audience. The Chorus is also used to help illustrate the themes within the play. In Antigone’s plot, the Chorus performs many choral odes; it could be argued that the Chorus acted as a voice of reason. 8. What recent current event, or events in our modern world are reflective of the central conflict in Antigone? To your knowledge, has the conflict been resolved, and if so, what was the outcome? A recent event in our modern world that is reflective of the central conflict found in Antigone has to do with the Dakota Access Pipeline. Hundreds were arrested for protesting against the building of a pipeline that they believe will hurt the environment. This event illustrates those going against the law to stand up for what they believe in, reflective of the conflict between Antigone and Creon. Scoring: 40 points (5 points possible per question, based upon the quality and depth of the answers to the questions) Feel free to contact me or one of the TAs if you have any questions...

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