A&P I Chap 1 notes PDF - Levels of organization, basic terminology, life processes, homeostasis PDF

Title A&P I Chap 1 notes PDF - Levels of organization, basic terminology, life processes, homeostasis
Author Amanda Marchese
Course Anatomy And Physiology I
Institution Suffolk County Community College
Pages 4
File Size 64.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Levels of organization, basic terminology, life processes, homeostasis ...


Anatomy & Physiology I! Chapter 1 Notes ! -Anatomy: science of body STRUCTURES and the relationship among them ! -Dissection: careful cutting apart of body structures to study their relationships ! -Physiology: science of body FUNCTIONS and how the body parts work ! 6 Levels of Organization ! -Chemical " " -Organ! -Cellular" " -System! -Tissue" " -Organismal ! Chemical Level -Atoms: smallest unit of matter that participates in chemical reactions ! -Molecules: two or more atoms joined together ! -Essential Molecules include:! " -C" " -O" " -P" " -S! " -H" " -N" " -Ca! Cellular Level -Cell: basic structural and functional units of an organism that are composed of cells ! " -Smallest living units in human body ! Tissue Level -Tissue: groups of cells and the materials surrounding them that work together to perform a particular function ! -Four Basic Types! " -Epithelial: covers body surfaces; lines hollow organs and cavities, forms glands ! " -Connective: connects, supports, protects organs; distributes blood vessels ! " -Muscular: contracts to make body parts move; generates heat ! " -Nervous: carries info from one part of body to another through nerve impulses ! Organ Level -Organ: structure that is composed of two or more different types of tissues; have specific functions and recognizable shapes ! -Different types of tissues are joined together ! " -Ex. stomach: smooth muscle tissue and epithelial tissue ! System Level -System: consists of related organs with a common function ! -Sometimes an organ can be part of two systems ! " -Ex. pancreas: digestive system and endocrine system ! -All body systems influence one another ! Organism Level -Organism: any living individual; all parts of body functioning together constitute the total organism ! Basic Life Processes -Metabolism " " -Growth! -Responsiveness" -Differentiation! -Movement" " -Reproduction !

Metabolism -sum of all chemical processes that occur in the body ! -Catabolism: breakdown of complex chemical substances into simpler components ! -Anabolism: building up of complex chemical substances from smaller, simpler components ! " -Ex. digestion catabolizes food into amino acids → those amino acids are used to anabolize new proteins ! Responsiveness -Body’s ability to detect and respond to changes ! Movement -Motion of whole body, individual organs, single cells, and even tiny organelles inside cells ! -Ex. walking, peristalsis, WBCs cleaning infection ! Growth -Increase in body size that results from an increase in size of existing cells, increase in number of cells, or both ! Differentiation -Development of a cell from an unspecialized to a specialized state ! " -Stem Cell: precursor cell which can divide and give rise to cells that undergo differentiation ! Reproduction -Formation of new cells for tissue growth, repair, or replacement (cell division); production of a new individual (fertilization) ! -Homeostasis: equilibrium (balance) in the body’s internal environment due to the constant interaction of the body’s many regulatory processes ! -Body Fluids: dilute, watery solutions containing dissolved chemicals that are found inside and surrounding cells ! -Intracellular Fluid (ICF): fluid within cells ! -Extracellular Fluid (ECF): fluid outside body cells ! -Interstitial Fluid: ECF that fills narrow spaces between cells of tissues ! " -ECF differs depending on location ! " " -ECF in blood vessels is blood plasma ! " " -ECF in lymphatic vessels is lymph! " " -In and around brain and spinal cord is CSF ! " " -In joints is synovial fluid ! -Feedback System: cycle of events in which the status of a body condition is monitored, evaluated, changed, re-monitored, reevaluated and so on ! " -Each monitored value is a controlled condition ! " -Any disruption that changes a controlled condition is a stimulus ! -Receptor: monitors changes in a controlled condition and sends input to a control center ! " -Afferent Pathway: info flow TOWARDS control center ! -Control Center: sets the range of values within which a controlled condition should be maintained, evaluates the input it receives from receptors, and generates output commands when they are needed ! " -Efferent Pathways: info flows AWAY from control center ! -Effector: receives output from the control center and produces a response or effect that changes and produces a response or effect that changes the controlled condition ! -Negative Feedback System: reverses a change in a controlled condition !

-Positive Feedback System: strengthens or reinforces a change in one of the body’s controlled condition ! -Disorder: any abnormality of structure or function ! -Disease: illness characterized by a recognizable set of signs and symptoms ! " -Local Disease: affects one part or limited regions of the body (ex. sinus infection)! " -Systematic Disease: affects either entire body or several parts of it (ex. flu)! -Symptoms: subjective changes in body functions that are not apparent to an observer (ex. headache)! -Signs: objective changes a clinician can observe and measure; can be either anatomical (ex. rash) or physiological (ex. fever)! -Epidemiology: science that deals with why, when, and where diseases occur and how they are transmitted among individuals in a community ! -Pharmacology: science that deals with the effects and use of drugs in the treatment of disease ! Body Positions -Prone: body is lying facedown! -Supine: body is lying faceup ! Planes and Sections -Sagittal Plane: divides body into right and left sides vertically ! -Midsagittal (Median) Plane: divides body EQUALLY into right and left sides vertically ! -Parasagittal Plane: divides body UNEQUALLY into right and left sides vertically ! -Frontal (Coronal) Plane: divides body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions ! -Transverse Plane: divides body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions; also called cross-sectional or horizontal plane ! -Oblique Plane: divides body part at an oblique angle (angle other than 90°! Body Cavities -Spaces that enclose internal organs ! -Cranial Cavity: contains brain; formed by cranial bones ! -Vertebral (Spinal) Canal: contains spinal cord; formed by vertebral column ! -Thoracic (Chest) Cavity: formed by ribs, muscles of chest, sternum, and thoracic portion of vertebral column ! " -Pericardial Cavity: fluid filled space that surrounds heart, and pleural cavities (one around each lung) ! " -Mediastinum: between the lungs, extending from sternum to vertebral column and from first rib to diaphragm ! " " -Contains all thoracic organs except the lungs themselves (ex. heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus)! " " -Diaphragm: dome shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity ! -Abdominopelvic Cavity: extends from diaphragm to groin and is encircled by abdominal muscular wall and the muscles and bones of the pelvis ! " -Divided into two cavities but no real wall separates them ! -Abdominal Cavity: superior portion of abdominopelvic cavity; contains stomach, spleen, liver gallbladder, small intestine, and most of large intestine ! -Pelvic Cavity: inferior portion of abdominopelvic cavity; contains urinary bladder; portions of large intestine, and internal organs of the reproductive system ! -Viscera: organs inside the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities ! -Membranes: thin, pliable tissue that covers, lines, partitions, or connects structures !

-Serous Membrane: lines the body cavities but does not open to the exterior; covers the viscera within the thoracic and abdominal cavities and also lines the walls of the thorax and abdomen ! " -Parietal Layer: thin epithelium that lines the walls of the cavity ! " -Visceral Layer: thin epithelium that covers and adheres to the viscera within the cavities ! -Pleura: serous membrane of the pleural cavities ! " -Visceral Pleura: clings to surface of lungs ! " -Parietal Pleura: lines the chest wall ! " -Pleural Cavity: space in between; filled with small amount of lubricating serous fluid ! -Pericardium: serous membrane of pericardial cavity " ! " -Visceral Pericardium: covers surface of heart ! " -Parietal Pericardium: lines the chest wall ! " -Pleural Cavity: space in between; filled with small amount of lubricating serous fluid ! -Peritoneum: serous membrane of abdominal cavity ! " -Visceral Peritoneum: covers abdominal viscera ! " -Parietal Peritoneum: lines abdominal wall ! " -Peritoneal Cavity: filled with serous fluid ! " -Retroperitoneal: abdominal organs not surrounded by the peritoneum (kidney, adrenal glands, pancreas)! Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants -Regions:! Right Hypochondriac Region"" Right Lumbar Region"" " Right Inguinal Region"" "

Epigastric Region" " Umbilical Region" " Hypogastric Region" "

Left Hypochondriac Region! Left Lumbar Region! Left Inguinal Region!

-Subcostal Line: inferior to ribs; across inferior portion of stomach ! -Transtubercular Line: inferior to top of hips ! -Midclavicular Lines: through midpoints of clavicles; medial to the nipples ! -Quadrants:! Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)"" Midsagittal Line ↑↓" " Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)! " " " " " Transverse Line ←→! Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)" " " " " " Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)! ! -Medical Imaging: techniques are procedures used to create images of the human body ! -Radiography (X-Ray): shows bones ! -Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): shows fine details for soft tissues but not for bones ! -Computed Tomography (CT): uses x-ray; shows soft tissues and organs ! -Ultrasound Scanning: uses soundwaves ! -Coronary (Cardiac) Computed Tomography Angiography Scan (CCTA): iodine contrast; uses xrays; 3D image! -Positron Emission Tomography (PET): gamma rays ! -Endoscopy: visual examination of the inside of organs or cavities; uses an endoscope ! -Radionuclide Scanning: intravenously; gamma rays ! " -SPECT (Single-Photon-Emission-Computed-Tomography)...

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