A&P Pre-Lab Quiz- Exercise 7 & 8 Answer key PDF

Title A&P Pre-Lab Quiz- Exercise 7 & 8 Answer key
Author Vanessa Tavarez
Course Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
Institution The University of Texas at Tyler
Pages 4
File Size 94.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 32
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Quiz used to study for upcoming exams....


A&P Pre-Lab Quiz- Exercise 7 & 8 1. Skin has two distict regions- the superficial epidermis composed of epithelium and an underlying connective tissue dermis, which are firmly attached to each other. -




2. Which of the following is FALSE? -

The hypodermis is not considered part of the integumentary


Keratinocytes are the most abundant epidermal cells


Melanin serves to shield DNA from the dangling effects of UV radiation


Langerhan’s cells are a type of phagocytic cell which play a role in immunity


None of the above are false

3. The stratum basale (basal layer) is also known as the stratum granulosum. -




4. Name two of the accessory organs of the skin. -

Nails & Hair

5. What is the relationship between the presence of hair, and the thickness of the skin? -

As the skin gets thicker, the amount of hair is decreased.

6. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin? -

Regulation of heat loss


Prevents water loss


Sensory reception


Prevents mechanical and chemical damage


All of the above are functions of skin

7. A long bone consists of a shaft composed of ________ and an end composed of ________. -

Trabeculae, hard solid bone


Compact bone, compact bone


Compact bone, spongy bone covered by compact bone


Spongy bone, compact bone

8. In adults, ________ marrow fills the central canal of long bones, and ________ marrow is found in the epiphyses of the long bones. -

Red, red


Yellow, yellow


Yellow, red


Red, yellow

9. This membrane lines the shaft of long bones, and covers the trabeculae of spongy bone. -







Perforating fibers

10. ____________ are the telescoping tubes of matrix (concentric lamellae) with their central canals that form a large part of compact bone. -








11. Bones are somewhat flexible due to _______. -

Calcium salts in the ground substance


Soft, pliable ground substance of the matrix


Elastic fibers in the matrix


Collagen fibers in the matrix

12. Mature bone cell are located in ___________, which are arranged in concentric circled called concentric lamellae. -


13. Which of the following is FALSE? -

Each cartilage of the skeleton is surrounded by a covering of dense connective tissue


The perichondrium plays a role in cartilage growth and repair


The three types of cartilage include hyaline, elastic, and fibrous


Cartilage contains both nerves and blood vessels


All of the above are true

14. Endochondral ossification uses hyaline cartilage as the pattern for bone formation, and is the process through which most bones of the skeleton develop in the embryo. -




15. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeleton? -

Lipid storage


Mineral storage


Site for blood cell formation


Support and protection


All of the above are functions of skeleton

16. Compact bone look smooth and homogenous, while spongy bone is composed of small trabeculae and lots of open space. -




17. Bony tissue, especially compact bone, is organized around its blood supply. -




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