APA1report 1 - Assessment 1 - Report PDF

Title APA1report 1 - Assessment 1 - Report
Course Advertising Practice
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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Assessment 1 - Report...



Executive Summary…………………………………………….…………………….……… 3

1.0 Discovery………………………………………………………….......................………..3

2.0 Advertisement Analysis………………………………………………………...…............4 2.1 Farmers Union…………………………………………….....4 2.2 Barista Bros…………………………………………….........4 2.3 Dare ……………………………………………..…….....…..5

3.0 Conclusion & Findings……………………………………………..…………………........6

4.0 Appendix……………………………………………..……...............................................7 4.1 References……………………………………………………8


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Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to analyse the advertising schemes of three profitable shelf iced coffee brands. It also identifies, through secondary research the dynamics of competitors and consumer understanding to discover the opportunities that need to be achieved within this industry. The report will also measure the success of the three leading brands against the five key principles of advertising; ability to grab attention, communication, familiarity, ability to solve a problem and consistency. The result of this discourse will conclude with a strong judgement as to how leading iced coffee brand, Dare was triumphant over competitors.

1.0 Discovery

Throughout the food and drink industry there has been a consistent consumer request for cold coffee or better known as flavoured milk. In a 2018 report by Mintel, it was discovered that iced coffee accounts for over 20% of new global coffee launches making it an extremely demanding product sector, with over 8% of the Australian population in 2014 admitting to drinking the coffee beverage at least once within a week (Morgan, 2014). The dynamics of this ice coffee does not come lightly as consumers have a strong documented perception of what is accepted in this cold, flavoured beverage culture. Coffee enthusiasts determine their motivation for purchase choice by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors (Seninde & Chambers, 2020). The sensory aspects involve an engaging appearance alongside the promise of great taste. These factors are furthered by external behaviours of the brand such as motivating messages on advertisements that consumers may be able to connect and reason with (Pramudya et al., 2020). Consistently including these key aspects of marketing within the flavoured drink may influence a buyer's decision to purchase from one particular brand over a competitor (Spence & Carvalho, 2020). With nearly 5% of Australians said to only consume their dedicated coffee brand, it raises the importance of solving the brand differentiation and consistency needed within these products (Morgan, 2014).

The flavoured drink market is somewhat saturated with food brands trying to essentially deliver the same caffeinated message. The marketing and innovation director of Dairy


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company ‘Lion’ mentions that the rise of flavoured milk and iced coffee is steered by the innovative ways brands can market their product to directly solve a problem for their targeted market (Wallace, 2017). Furthering this, Public Relations director of InsideOut said most milk consumption is motivated by ‘pressed for time consumers’ that seek convenient, healthier and enjoyable on the go items (Reaney, 2014). These insights provide an understanding on the importance of enhancing the coffee experience through competitive marketing. Further, this assists the industry in exploring consumer behavior and their perceptions on the varying marketing schemes to be included in coffee advertising.

2.0 Advertisement Analysis

2.1 Farmers Union

South Australia’s leading iced coffee brand; ‘Farmer’s Union’ is a stellar competitor in the flavoured milk market by featuring advertising ploys on the ‘blokey, aussie male’ within their recent campaign (advertisement #1). This isn't a surprising take on masculine marketing as the highest consumers of the drink are construction and mining labourers (Morgan, 2014). The dairy brand targets their highest consumers with the effective and familiar punchline ‘Before Work Drinks’ to connect with the common routine of a tradesmens early morning caffeinated start juxtaposed with their stereotypical afternoon beer beverage at the pub. This playful pun is extremely successful in meeting the first key principle of advertising as it cuts through and grabs the attention by playing on their targeted audience’s routine vocabulary. Farmers unions’ wordplay; before work drinks’ reaches on the ‘belonging’ values in Maslow's Hierarchy as the drinking action is usually associated with group socializing. Following this success the ads downfall comes as it fails to achieve high scores on the fourth and fifth key principles. Although the ad is clear on persuading the audience on its morning value, it doesn’t hold strength in its ability to present and solve a problem. This reduces its overall effectiveness and reduces its ability to gain customer loyalty as there is no statement issue that will be solved by consuming the beverage. Consequently, the inability to achieve outstanding scores within these elements reduces its overall strength amongst the three compared advertisements.

2.2 Barista Brothers


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The latest campaign of Barista Brothers re-introduces their brand to present a range of flavoured milk with a ‘New Epic Taste’ (Advertisement #2). Rather than strategizing on the physical traits of a target market (as Farmers Union does) Barista Bros targets their consumers' based on an effective delivery mentioned within the analysis - the promise of great taste. The ad reaches the key advertising principles by implementing a fresh and simple message that meets the clear expectations that coffee connoisseur Australians have. Basita Bros furthers this component with the salient text of ‘no added sugar’, something that Coca-Cola marketing director Kate Miller says is a familiar and engaging sentence as Australians are becoming more health conscious. This correlates with meeting Maslow’s second tier of needs as diet and conscious consumption choices play a major role in how individuals are choosing between brands (McLeod, 2020). The downfall of the advertisement is attributed to its inability to grab attention and lack of consistency. As mentioned through previous analysis, customers are focussed on loyalty, they want consistent brands that will remain synonymous to their flavour. Barista Bros mention of ‘NEW’ Epic Taste means they may have failed to meet previous customer expectations. Further, the ad doesn’t grab the attention of a specified group within their customer market, the image of the brand is consistent with anyone who likes flavour. This lacks persuasion as it has no familiarity to any simplified group as the other comparable advertisements do.

2.3 Dare

Dare’s new creative advertising strategy is centred on mental clarity and proves exactly how they are the leading Iced Coffee brand in Australia (Advertisement #3). The poster for Dare is distinguishable against its competitors and includes a witty and humorous tagline that alludes that it’s beverage will solve a consumer's cognitive problem. The advertisement is attentive and presents a simple and communicable message to their targeted demographic of those who are involved in a busy and challenging lifestyle (SCOPE, 2018). Dare includes processes explored in the analysed consumer understanding of iced coffee beverages by its innovative word play and ability to present consumers with a beverage that is a convenient caffeine solution. These simplifications recognise how Dare scores extremely successfully in all five key advertising principles over its competitors. Furthermore its ability to achieve the highest tier in Maslow’s Hierarchy is further confirmation of its strengths. The advertisement reaches the need of self-actualization as the poster motivates consumers that the Iced Coffee will be a contributing factor into being the best and most coordinated version of themselves. Dare utilizes an engaging and persuasive advertisement to address familiar common needs among which forms the evaluation of its surpassing strength.


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3.0 Conclusion & Findings

In summation, this report has examined the dynamics of the competitive field and consumer base advertising of coffee flavoured milk. It clearly identified the problems and opportunities the caffeinated beverage offered by a thorough comparison of three competing brands Farmer’s Union, Barista Bros and Dare. These brands were judged based on the five key principles of advertising to come to the conclusion that Dare Iced Coffee offered the strongest and most enticing advertising campaign to its target market. This judgement was reached based on the brands ability to present a clear, familiar and persuasive message that included the predominant success criteria mentioned in the section one analysis. Further, Dare received high scores in the principles of advertising by reaching multiple factors on Maslow's Hierarchy, pushing themselves above the competition.


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4.0 Appendix Advertisement #1

Advertisement #2

Advertisement #3


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4.1 Reference List

4.1 References

BMF Catfish are the new stars of Barista Bros' No Added Sugar campaign via BMF, (2021), Article https://www.adnews.com.au/campaigns/catfish-are-the-new-stars-of-barista-bros-no-addedsugar-campaign-via-bmf C. Spence, F.M. Carvalho The coffee drinking experience: Product extrinsic (atmospheric) influences on taste and choice Food Quality and Preference, 80 (2020), Article 103802, 10.1016/j.foodqual.2019.103802 D.R. Seninde, E. Chambers IV Coffee flavor: A review. Beverages, 6 (2020), p. 44, 10.3390/beverages6030044 CrossRef Mintel Iced coffee accounts for 1 in 5 global coffee launches, (2020), Article https://www-mintelcom.ezproxy.lib.uts.edu.au/press-centre/food-and-drink/brewed-for-success-iced-coffeeaccounts-for-one-in-five-global-coffee-launches. R.C. Pramudya, D. Choudhury, M. Zou, H.-S. Seo “Bitter Touch”: Cross-modal associations between hand-feel touch and gustatory cues in the context of coffee consumption experience Food Quality and Preference, 83 (2020), Article 103914, 10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.103914 R. Morgan Iced-coffee drinkers ‘Dare’ to be different (2014), Article http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/5763-iced-coffee-drinkers-dare-to-be-different201409020017 R. Morgan Value Segments, Roy Morgan (2018) http://www.roymorgan.com/products/value-segments>. S. Smith Flavoured milk and iced coffee sales on the rise, The Weekly Times, (2017), Article https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/agribusiness/dairy/flavoured-milk-and-iced-coffeesales-on-the-rise/news-story/da69f5aadb2d008d762599b6e012cc12


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