HRD assesment 1 - assessment 1 PDF

Title HRD assesment 1 - assessment 1
Course Human Resource Development
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 4
File Size 79.7 KB
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National Australia Bank, commonly known as NAB, has been a part of Australia’s one of four financial institutions since October 1981, followed by Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Westpac Banking Corporation and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group. Being one of Australia’s largest banking corporations with many subsidiaries having a strong Human Resource Development department is vital to further ensure learning and development, skills and improvement of company performance.

Opportunities given by NAB to its current and/or potential employees consist of its Graduate and Trainee Program. NAB’s graduate program is designed to satisfy the needs and provide learning and development to the program applicants over a 15 month course. Throughout this period, applicants are given rotations to ensure they will work with both operational level and senior level management, hence given the opportunity to experience genuine work and roles that imparts to NAB’s business precedence. Furthermore, applicants are exposed to senior leaders and possess skills of ownership which further allows the applicants to associate with wider enterprise projects, committees and research groups. (How the Graduate Program works, 2020) Consequently, applicants whom are exposed to this social learning momentum participate in the companies networking events, it follows that these social networking events allow opportunities for applicants to create connection and communities. NAB offers three Trainee Program’s to its current and/or potential employees one of them is which NAB Regional & Agribusiness Trainee Program. This program includes general business bankers and specialist business bankers in Agribusiness, Government, Education, Community and Franchise. (Agribusiness traineeship, 2020). Similarly to the Graduate Program, NAB uses learning models such as informal and social to support ongoing learning and constant development with its programs.


The 70-20-10 frame is a popular model used by many large business entities as well as small to medium sized entities to promote learning and development. NAB’s use of informal learning has evolved over the years as it utilises the 70-20-10 model, upon researching its human resource development practices NAB emphasises on its Individual Development Plan, IDP, (Learning and development, 2020). IDP essentially, maps out the details of the activities they are required to do subsequently track the applicants own personal development. This formal learning puts emphasis on the applicants own development and not much about informal learning practices. In addition, NAB has a huge push of delivering classes virtually and online to capture the expertise of all departments of the organisation; (Learning Virtually at NAB, 2020) these include DVD’s, podcasts and on demand tv.

Despite the lack of use of informal learning, NAB still offers substantial amount of coaching, mentoring and people leadership. Coaching offered by NAB to its employees allows further improvement to their skill and competence hence develop stronger relationships throughout the company. Through coaching employees are given access to information, tools, resources and training (Learning and development, 2020) and first-hand knowledge to initiate short term and performance driven learning. This further allows independence throughout the workplace and encourages responsibility to be taken at work, and helps both the organisation and the employees strengthen and develop opportunities (Institute of Coaching, 2020) . Furthermore mentoring plays a major role through informal learning as employees almost shadow or mimic their mentors to further understand and initiate work, it also motivates the workforce to be more engaged as a result lead to higher job satisfaction.


NAB’s talent pool allows for employees to adapt to the social framework, as networking plays a major role throughout the company. NAB has a ‘Village’ where it makes space for both its customers and employees to collaborate and learn. It also has a push for free events and training spaces, this initiates the get together of other colleagues to share knowledge and collaborate over the work they have undertaken or taking. This use of social learning allows employees to stay motivated and adapt social skills to which it will improve their problem solving skills and replicate realities of the work force.

To conclude, National Australia Bank equips necessary Human Resource Development (HRD) opportunities for both its employees or Graduate/ Training Program applicants. As it does have few unorthodox approaches in terms of informal, social and formal learning it does fall under the 70-2010 model of development and learning in the workforce. 2020. How The Graduate Program Works. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2020].

Constable, J., 2020. NAB-DCA Research Project Engaging Aboriginal Australians In The Private Sector: A Consultative Report Into Aboriginal Employment Strategies And Initiatives. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2020].


E-Learning Provocateur. 2020. Learning Virtually At NAB. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2020]. 2020. Agribusiness Traineeship. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 10 April 2020]. 2020. Learning And Development. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 10 April 2020].

2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2020].


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