Assesment WORK N°1- Cristian Valdez-1 PDF

Title Assesment WORK N°1- Cristian Valdez-1
Course Ingles 1
Institution Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero
Pages 4
File Size 158 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 1
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ASSESMENT WORK N°1 En el siguiente artículo: 1. Marca con amarillo 3 frases nominales, transcríbelas y tradúcelas 2. Marca con verde 3 frases verbales, transcríbelas y tradúcelas. 3. Marca las frases más difíciles de traducir con rojo y transcríbelas 4. Marca las palabras difíciles de traducir con violeta y transcríbelas

Mental Health of Quarantine and Isolation Isolating exposed individuals from the unexposed ones is a crucial measure in breaking up a chain of infection. All forms of separation and isolation, however, tend to impose an emotional

toll on those affected by isolation and to complicate the management of pre-existing mental health issues. Logistical obstacles and limitations and the fact that psychological well-being and psychological needs of those placed in isolation and quarantine differ from psychological needs of the general population require an adjustment in approach to the mental health care of this population. This chapter provides a review of the psychiatric approach to major diagnostic entities that may require special attention during the isolation and quarantine. It also discusses the unique features of some populations, such as children, adolescents, pregnant women, postpartum patients, and patients with cognitive disorders.

Find in the text 3 examples of: 1.

Articles an adjustment the psychiatric the unique features 2. Pronouns Those That This 3. Nouns Adolescents Children pregnant women 4. Adjectives pre-existing

well-being unique 5. Verbs Discusses Isolating breaking

CLASIFY THE NOUNS AND THE ADJETIVES Nouns Adolescents (sustantivo comun) Children (sustantivo comun) pregnant women (sustantivo calificativo) Adjectives pre-existing well-being unique


exposed individuals: Individuos expuestos an emotional: Una emocion postpartum patients: pacientes posparto

2) tend to impose: tienden a imponer This chapter provides a review; Este capítulo proporciona una revisión It also discusses the unique features: También analiza las características únicas

3) Logistical obstacles and limitations and the fact that psychological wellbeing needs of the general population require an adjustment in approach to the mental health care of this population. diagnostic entities that may require special attention during the isolation and quarantine

Find an abstract of your favourite subject matter. And extract 3 examples of: articles, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, verbs. (Busca un abstract de tu tematica favorita y extrae de allí, 3 ejemplos de cada categoría gramatical) Fecha límite de entrega 26/04/2021

Bullying, Suicide



Empirical studies and some high-profile anecdotal cases have demonstrated a link between suicidal ideation and experiences with bullying victimization or offending. The current study examines the extent to which a nontraditional form of peer aggression— cyberbullying—is also related to suicidal ideation among adolescents. In 2007, a random sample of 1,963 middle-schoolers from one of the largest school districts in the United States completed a survey of Internet use and experiences. Youth who experienced traditional bullying or cyberbullying, as either an offender or a victim, had more suicidal thoughts and were more likely to attempt suicide than those who had not experienced such forms of peer aggression. Also, victimization was more strongly related to suicidal thoughts and behaviors than offending. The findings provide further evidence that adolescent peer aggression must be taken seriously both at school and at home, and suggest that a suicide prevention and intervention component is essential within comprehensive bullying response programs implemented in schools.

Articles  The current study  The findings  the extent


nouns  adolescents  United States  School

adjectives  high  suicidal  comprenhensive

verbs  examines  studies  provide...

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