Aphrodite and Artemis PDF

Title Aphrodite and Artemis
Course Greek Mythology
Institution McGill University
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Aphrodite and Artemis APHRODITE Multivalesnt Season, war Has extreme power The union of Anchises and Aphrodite Children: eros and Hermaphroditus Origin of the sexes. Inspire pleasure and laughter: the statue of Aphrodite. Power and persuasion of the goddess Goddess of frills, good time goddess. Constantly objectified by the Gods. Earliest feminist models. She holds her own. She only accepts the advances of the Gods she wants. Happiness she offered. A sense of voyeurism and objectification of Aphrodite. The paintings depict here to be playful and ashamed of what she does. Sash that Hera asked to borrow. Aphrodite has the power of desire. Goddess of love, sex, desire and fertility. They called her the Cyprian because she first stepped onto dry land in Cyprus. Daughter of Zeus and Dione. Portrayed nude or barely dressed. Chariot pulled by swans and doves, swallows etc. Married to Hephaistos Roman name is Venus. Girdle/ sash Accompanied by Charities (Graces, beauty etc) And Horae (seasons), stand for beauty, youth and regenerations. Aphrodite Ourania Aphrodite Pandemos Common, Zeus and Dione Celestial, from Ouranos. Represents base and sexual love Represents spiritual love. Physical satisfaction. Heavenly love represents a moment of revelation or a moment of idea between people of higher understanding. Different from sex love. She can also appear as a mother goddess especially when showcasing fertility. Her union with heph has 2 interpretations: - she has an affair with Ares and Hermes. She only wants physical love and pleasure. She can go anywhere to get that.


The celestial goddess is when there is a union of the sensual and the intellectual. She is the fire in hephs loins and she promotes creativity. To create love, poetry, music.

Her weapon is Eros. Her weapon is Grievous and lethal love. Her power shines in manipulating others. The love she can inspire is very powerful. Drives people to do crazy things. Love can inspire but also destroy. Her kids: - With Ares- eros, phobos, deimos, harmonia - With Hermes- hermaphroditus, Priapus - With Anchises- aeneas.

Eros means erotic love, usually for people are not supposed to fall in love Cupid. Dual birth story Having a heavenly and base nature. Can just be to start a dark affair, but also can lead to generative and reproductive source. Usually feared. The affair between Venus and mars is important because love in the only one that can remove strife and lead to peace. That’s why Ares and Aphrodite had a child name Harmonica. But this affair also had social and political ramifications. Venus is the only one who has control over mars. Augustus built four statues and dedicated them to Mars, Venus and Julius Caesar. He was bringing an era of peace in Rome. Ares/ war is smitten with Aphrodite, she is the only one who can calm him. The love doesn’t only have to be reproductive in nature but also one that can usher peace after many years of war. Anchises & Aphrodite Fertility goddess. They have a lesser consort. (Ouranos, Cronos) He is a vegetation God. Son: Aeneas- founder of roman race. He believes that he can lose his fertility if he sleeps with a goddess. So, she disguises as a mortal. Zeus blames Aphrodite for all his affairs and makes her fall in love with Anchises. So she disguises him as a mortal. Then they have sex. Then he sees her in her divine form. But he is scared pf emasculation and death if he tells anyone. Fear of the crops not harvesting.

Hermaphroditus Hermes and Aphrodite Hellenistic type. One side looked male and the other looked female. He is with Salmacis, nymph. She also becomes a hermaphrodite. Love in all forms He grows up both male and female. Platos’ Symposium: Takes place at a party at the house of Agathon in Athens after he has won his first tragedy Details a debate concerning the nature of love (Eros) and union Speech of Aristophanes - the desire for companionship, one’s soul mate Speech of Socrates (which stems from a conversation with Diotima) - spiritual “Platonic” love Children of the sun- all male Children of the earth- all female Children of the moon- both male and female Aristophanes- Zeus got angry at the mortals and separated them. He made all of them attached at their bellybutton. Origin of love. ARTEMIS Making of Atalante Calydonian Boar hunt Death of Actaion Orion and the scorpion Hippolytus Roman name: Diana Mistress of animals and beasts Virgin goddess Wild things and protector of children Bow is her symbols. Fierce goddess. Zeus and Leto are her parents Apollo is her twin brother Iphigenie, the sacrifice was actually saved in some stories. Apollo and her are very similar, however, he is more civilized and she is more outdoorsy and wild.

He becomes a choral leader for his muses. Born in Mt. Cynthus on Delo. She assisted in the birth of Apollo. Eilethiya assisted Leto to Apollo. Woman (naiobi) has a lot of children, she boasts that she is better than Leto. Artemis asks her children with bows and arrows to hunt down the other children. The woman cries so much, she becomes a weeping rock. {Divine vengeance} Hero pattern: {unusual birth story Childhood obstacles Extraordinary abilities Vanquishes monsters Protector of people} Atalante- female hero Dresses up as an Amazon Born in Aracadia. Left her to die on his own Bear picks her up Hunters raise her Speed, athletics, beauty, chastity Calydonian Boar hunt Meleager (the moirai), when the log burns out he will die. Oineos, king of Calydon. – he forgot to prey to Artemis, that’s why she let loose a wild boar in his country. So he called heroes to hunt it. Atalante throws the first spear but Meleager kills the boar. He gives it to her as a gift. Althaia, queen of Calydon and his mother’s brothers get mad so he kills them. His mother throws the log into the fire and he dies. Catasterisms Of Orion, the hunter Scorpion. Born of the earth Posiedons son Oinopion, King of Chios gets him drunk when he passes out, he blinds him. Orion walks till the end of the earth and Helios gives him is sight back. He wants to take advantage of Artemis, so she send a giant scorpion after him, who kills him. Zeus makes him a constellation. This is the etiology behind it.

Actaion Son of Autonoe, Cadmos’ daughter He saw Artemis bathing and she turned him into a stag. His hunting dogs kill the stag Chiron builds a statue of Actaion and appeases the dogs. Theatre of Dionysos in Athens Hippolytus, Euripidis Feminist protagonists Psychology of women & society Forcing us to reflect on our lives and actions. Hippolutus. Son of Theueus. Chaste, misogynist. Son of an amazon, and son of Athens He doesn’t like women because they distract him. His confidante is the nurse. Follower of Artemis. Doesn’t respect the love and base desire of Aphrodite. Phaedra is the sensual wife of Theseus. Struck with an arrow by Eros. Falls madly in love with Hippolytus Has the heat of desire. She kills herself to escape her shame. Theseus only responds to reason. He cannot trust his son. Hypermasculine personality. Threatened by Hippolytus. Believes Phaedra Hippolytus does not prey to Aphrodite. Chauvinistic personality. " This bizarre wish reflects both contemporary misogyny and is paralleled else-where in Euripides. For all its extremity, this wish is in keeping with Hippolytus’ extraordinary rejection of sex and marriage, and, it should be remembered, is the young man’s initial response to what he believes to be his stepmother’s sexual overture" Virginity vs sexuality...

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