Applied-Eng Prof Aca Q1 Module 6 PDF

Title Applied-Eng Prof Aca Q1 Module 6
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ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES Basic Education Curriculum Quarter 1 – Module 6: USE APPROPRIATE CRITICAL APPROACHES IN WRITING A CRITIQUE SUCH AS FORMALISM, FEMINISM,ETC.Copyright 2020Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government...



SUCH AS FORMALISM, FEMINISM,ETC. Copyright 2020 Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

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This instructional material was developed based from the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in English for Academic and Professional Purposes in response to the new normal scheme in learning delivery of the Department of Education. This module was collaboratively reviewed by educators and program specialists in the Regional Office V. We encourage teachers and other educational stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at ____________________. We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines




In this module, you will be able to skillfully determine and employ critical writing with a clear understanding on how a critique should be written using appropriate approaches to a specific subject or written material. It likewise aims for you to technically respond through an evaluation of the structure of the thought in a content whether the author, the piece itself, or the subject of your critique for you to provide credible arguments or creative thoughts for further reason or appreciation. II.

LEARNING COMPETENCY At the end of the lesson you will be able to: use appropriate critical approaches in writing a critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.


MY VOCABULARY LIST a. Paradox- made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually or may be true or possible b. Evaluation- to judge the value or condition of something in a careful and thoughtful way; to determine significance or worth c. Demography-statistical study of human population with reference to size and density, distribution and vital statistics d. Patriarchy- a family, group or government controlled or led by man or group of men e. Tripartite- involving three people, groups or parts


WHAT DO I KNOW (Pre-Test) Using the hinted questions below, write the critical approach used to a certain content or piece of writing. Take your answer/s from your concept box provided below. The first one is done for you. “MY CONCEPT BOX” Feminism

Reader Response



Biographical Historical

__Formalism__ _____________ _____________ _____________

Archetypal Psychological

1. What is the theme of the poem? 2. What are women’s roles that are apparent or observable in the piece? 3. How does time transitions before affects the perceived culture of today? 4. To what extent the main character’s actuations are molded by author’s experiences herself? _____________ 5. What do you feel the moment you have read lines 1, 2, and 3?



LEARNING CONCEPTS AND ACTIVITIES In this part of your module, you will step-by-step take your ride towards learning on how to write a critique, make sure to read and do every step ahead for a more noteworthy and fun learning. A. TAKE THE JOYRIDE (Preliminaries) TASK 1. WRITING WARM UP “My Emoji, My thoughts”

DRAW YOUR EMOJI!! Choose at least two items/pictures of your choice. All you have to do is to weigh your thoughts and draw the feeling towards the picture/s by making your own emoji style. After which, write and share why you have drawn/chosen such emoji. Whether your thoughts are positive or negative provide your reasons/arguments. One to five sentences would be enough. (Note: A space below is provided for you to write your chosen item correspondingly with your thought/s. Observe proper writing norms as much as possible. The first one is done for you.) 1.





6. 5.



Sample Answer: I have chosen item 1 My emoji is __(___) happy Stephen Curry of Golden State Warriors is my favorite NBA Basketball player. I admire him so much because I am a basketball player and a fan too. For me, he is the best. Simply because, I know that he has been a six-time NBA All Star and a most valuable player twice. He has been dubbed the greatest shooter of all time. More than that, personality wise, he is also kind of a person you will respect. I can’t say anything bad about him but a mere admiration. My answer: I have chosen item _______ My emoji for this item is _______ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TASK 2.

Find the truth

Individual Activity: Inspired by your thoughts above, write at least three sentences which explain facts about the item of your choice above. If possible, indicate below your source of information backing up the correctness of information you have provided. 1.____________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________

Source of information:_____________________________________________________


A. Group Activity (Optional)

Get on in a Direction/Procedure: 1. With your classmates and friends whom you can talk on-line, compare your answers with them. From their answers, try to copy information which you did not include in your output. Make sure that their answers are facts and must have been backed-up with credible sources. Then include their answers to yours to enrich your claims or arguments of the writing you did for Task I. A space for you to rewrite is hereunder provided. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ B. LEARNING CONCEPTS AND ACTIVITIES (KNOWING ON-POINT AND BEYOND) Since you have initially warmed up, let us go farther in understanding the concepts and principles focusing on critical approaches you should be familiar with necessary for you to write a critique. A step-by-step procedure will be modeled from simple to a much complex structure depending on the required number of paragraphs or words your teacher allows you to do so. WHAT IS A CRITIQUE? Critique is derived from ancient Greek (“kritike”). It is defined as a careful judgment in which you shape your opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of a piece of writing or work of art. Depending on the instruction of your teacher, its length may vary from 100 to 750 words or more. It is not a summary of the piece, rather, it is the critical evaluation to further understand validity, worth, effect, use of the material that interests readers, and/or the recommendation or appeal for further appreciation. This could be possible by way of subjecting the piece of writing on the critical approaches in analyzing the piece using appropriate evidences and arguments. Proper and acceptable reasons or proofs are necessary to ensure quality and substance of the opinions you have cited which reinforces relevant persuasion. After all, writing a critique paves to a better understanding and for you to respond in a more analytic, balanced, and convincing manner.

Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique Since writing a critique requires a thorough, careful presentation, and weighing of arguments, it is necessary to use a lens or a systematic and critical analysis to serve your purpose in writing. One approach may be enough, however, it is not merely exclusive with other approaches. You may use one or a mixture of approaches depending on the length and depth of your critique. However, it is still easier for a beginner to simply focus with one approach. 5

Hereunder are critical writing approaches you may choose from depending on your interests and needs.



This approach claims that all that are important in analyzing and understanding the text can be found in the piece of writing or text itself. Outside information regarding the author, society of the time, politics or any other external context are no longer needed. The text is independent. It has a fixed meaning. It is timeless and universal. On the aforesaid principles, formalism requires a close and intent reading of the text concentrating on the relationships within the text that showcases its distinct characteristics or form. As you write your working outline framing your critique’s main points, you may include as much as you could or whatever necessary using the following guide questions: 1. What is the title, setting, other elements etc. and to what extent it is symbolic? 2. What kind of language does the author use? 3. How is the work’s structure unified? 4. How do various elements of the work reinforce its meaning? 5. What recurring patterns (repeated or related words, images, etc.) can you find? What is the effect of these patterns or motifs? 6. How does repetition reinforce the theme(s)? 7. How does the writer’s diction reveal or reflect the work’s meaning? 8. What is the effect of the plot, and what parts specifically produce that effect? 9. What figures of speech are used? (metaphors, similes, etc.) 10. Note the writer’s use of paradox, irony, symbol, plot, characterization, and style of narration. 11. What effects are produced? Do any of these relate to one another or to the theme? 12. Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story? 13. What tone and mood are created at various parts of the work? 14. How does the author create tone and mood? What relationship is there between tone and mood and the effect of the story? 15. How do the various elements interact to create a unified whole? 16. What is the argument or thesis? 17. Who is telling the story in the piece?

Try to intently read the sample critique below. You will notice that the critique written embodies some of the questions cited above. Sample of Formalist Critique of “Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez” The title of the work already gives an idea as to what it means. In physics, it is stated that the light and energy of the stars have to travel light years to reach us. Since they are millions of miles away and light has to travel this large distance, it is highly possible that the star has already 6

exploded while its light is still travelling towards us. Therefore it is possible that a bright light we see at night actually comes from a dead star. In the story, this metaphor is used to refer to Alfredo’s love for Julia, a woman he meets and falls for one fateful summer. Not only is the title an indicator of what is to come, even the fate of the characters in the story can already be seen through their names. Alfredo’s name means counselor of elves in Spanish and suggests someone who is wise. In the story, it is indicated that Alfredo is a lawyer, a person who counsels. Still, his name denotes a certain irony; despite his supposed wisdom, Alfredo’s actions, especially his covert courtship with Julia while being engaged to another, are anything but sensible. Julia’s name, on the other hand, refers to someone who is youthful, which is how Alfredo sees her for eight years until he is confronted by reality. Barrot & Sipacio. (2017). Communicate Today ENGLISH for Academic & Professional Purposes for SHS. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.



This approach emphasizes the importance or relevance of women as subjects and how gender been perceived in the piece. The images of women and the underlying concepts of femininity including economic, societal, psychological and archetypal nature of women are examined. This approach likewise stresses equality for a male dominated society. The following guide questions are helpful in framing you’re working outline using the feministic point of view: 1. How are women’s lives portrayed in the work? 2. Is the form and content of the work influenced by the writer’s gender? 3. How do male and female characters relate to one another? Are these relationships sources of conflict? Are these conflicts resolved? 4. Does the work challenge or affirm traditional views of women? 5. How do the images of women in the story reflect patriarchal social forces that have impeded women’s efforts to achieve full equality with men? 6. What marital expectations are imposed on the characters? What effect do these expectations have? 7. What behavioral expectations are imposed on the characters? What effect do these expectations have? 8. If a female character were male, how would the story be different (and vice versa)? 9. How does the marital status of a character affect her decisions or happiness? 10. How does culture view women vs. men? 11. How is the relationship between men and women portrayed? 12. What are the power relationships between men and women (or characters assuming male/female roles)? 13. Do characters take on traits from opposite genders? How so? How does this change others’ reactions to them? 14. What does the work reveal about the operations (economically, politically, socially, or psychologically) of patriarchy? 15. What does the work imply about the possibilities of sisterhood as a mode of resisting patriarchy? 7

16. What role does the work play in terms of women's literary history and literary tradition? Sample of Feminist Critique of “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez Benitez” The story is a study of power imbalance brought about by gender. In the beginning, Dead Stars already clearly illustrates the gender roles ingrained in Filipino Society: Don Julian and the judge are portrayed as the male leaders of the household, taking up lofty professions such as business and law while the women are portrayed accomplishing domestic tasks such as tending the children and preparing food. The most note-worthy display of imbalance in power, however, lies on the central theme of Alfredo’s love for Julia as simply a dead star. Eight years after their forbidden love and after getting married to another woman. Alfredo still holds Julia as an object of affection, thus creating a distance between him and his wife, Esperanza. In their relationship as a wedded couple, the power lies in Alfredo , not only because patriarchal society designates him as the head of the household, but also because he remains unreachable to his wife by harboring feelings for another woman. Moreover, the realization that his love for Julia is simply a dead star is brought about by his treatment of Julia as simply an illusion and an object of affection, and not as a woman. This gender imbalance leads to a tragic epiphany for the characters, but is also a reflection of how men are viewed to dominate not only in the household but also in their relationship with women. Barrot & Sipacio. (2017). Communicate Today ENGLISH for Academic & Professional Purposes for SHS. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.



This approach stresses the attachment or strong connectionism of an individual reader’s mind to the piece at hand. The reader herself can put meaning and interpret every part of the text. The text is nothing unless it has been read and interpreted by the reader. The reader’s reaction and interaction made out of the piece recreates and develops a further depth of meaning. The manner a poem or a short story is read or delivered strengthens and invokes visuals and imagination to a much sought individual appreciation. In such a case, a reader who happened to read the same text may find the experience different from the first against the second time.

Sample of Readers Response Criticism of “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez Benitez” Despite being limited in length, Dead Stars manages to evoke various feelings which ultimately build up the ending. While Alfredo is the center of the story, as a woman reader it is hard not to feel greatly for Esperanza. Esperanza can only be seen through the perspective of Alfredo. This does a disservice to her, as we can only know her through the description of someone


who does not love her anymore. Still, it is also through Alfredo’s descriptions and his unfaithfulness that Esperanza gains sympathy from the reader. During all the moments when Alfredo and Julia are together, the thought of Esperanza looms in the background—does she know? How will she react? What will happen now? The sympathy only increases when they get married, for it is clear that Alfredo is detached from her and is still harboring feelings for Julia. While the end certainly evokes a feeling of loss at Alfredo’s epiphany, it is the feeling of betrayal for Esperanza that stays. Barrot & Sipacio. (2017). Communicate Today ENGLISH for Academic & Professional Purposes for SHS. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.



This approach tries to unfold how socioeconomic status affects hierarchy or conflicts involving social classes in the masterpiece. This approach likewise attempts to answer the following questions: 1. What are the differences between economic classes? 2. What conflict has arisen between the working class and the elite? 3. What implication may the socioeconomic system bring? 4. What social class has been emphasized and how was this portrayed in the piece? Sample of Marxist Critique of “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez Benitez” The imbalanced societal power play is evident in the short story in the form of the treatment of the characters based on their class. This is most easily evident in the conversation between Alfredo and his fiancée. Esperanza, about Calixta, their note-carrier who grew up in the latter’s family. The scene depicts a parallelism in the circumstance of Alfredo and his new love, Julia, and Calixta and her live-in partner. However, while no one blatantly frowns upon the budding relationship between Alfredo and Julia, except for some whispered rumors that reached Esperanza, Calixta is dubbed “ungrateful” to her master for doing such an act. Alfredo does not have to answer to anyone for his unfaithfulness, but Calixta is responsible not only for what her family might think, but also for the members of her master’s family. despite the same circumstances, the two people are regarded differently based on their positions in life. Barrot & Sipacio. (2017). Communicate Today ENGLISH for Academic & Professional Purposes for SHS. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.


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