April 26th, 2011 - Required journal due every class day. PDF

Title April 26th, 2011 - Required journal due every class day.
Author Tra Nguyen
Course  Theatre Skills
Institution University of Houston-Downtown
Pages 1
File Size 50.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
Total Views 161


Required journal due every class day....


Tra Nguyen (Cindy)

DRA 2390

April 26th, 2011

REFLECTION PAPER At the beginning of the class, we did the warm-up part like usual. Then we came directly to the review of the scenes. Some of us haven’t remembered the lines yet but somehow, it got some improvements compared to the last time. After reviewed some scenes, Ann gave us some free time to practice the scene more together. Then Carol and Jocelyn tried their scene with a new tip from Ann. After each person said one line, we had to say “Passed” if we believe what they said and “No passed” if we feel like we don’t trust them. This part was quite hard because Jocelyn and Carol just focused on saying “Passed” or “No passed” so they completely forgot some lines. But this tip somehow worked for me, I think because it made me stick to my character whenever the distraction from....

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