April Garrett Research Paper Revised PDF

Title April Garrett Research Paper Revised
Author Cristian Villa01
Course Freshman Composition II/GE
Institution Arizona Western College
Pages 10
File Size 127 KB
File Type PDF
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Classmate Research Paper Revised...


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April Garrett Professor Cooper ENG 102-002 12/2/2018 Breaking the Cycle There is a rainbow at the end of every storm, should you choose to see it. “Many researchers have concluded that some children who witness or are victims of domestic violence experience a profound and lasting impact on their lives and hopes for the future.” [ CITATION Dom15 \l 1033 ] What kind of lasting impact does this have on the children that have witnessed and experienced these events? Is it always a negative impact? Could these experiences help make the children less susceptible to getting into abusive relationships? Or could these events help them not become abusers themselves? A lot of people in society would choose to think negatively. They would like us to say that these children will never be “normal”. However, I have interviewed a few survivors of different types of abuse to understand their mind state. Let’s take a different path and look at spousal/domestic abuse in a different perspective. After all, children raised aware of abuse in the family are mentally stronger as adults.

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There is no reason to automatically think negatively upon the children that have seen such violence. There are plenty of techniques that can be used to change the effects this has caused on the children. For example: “seeking professional help as in counselling, putting the children in miscellaneous programs at school and in the community, and even adding addition support from positive role models.”[ CITATION Bet18 \l 1033 ] One survivor with two children that spoke with me said, “Counseling for my oldest child and the emotional support of the older sibling for my youngest.” [ CITATION Kor18 \l 1033 ] A little background on Mrs. Kaderli. She is a survivor of three abusive relationships. All in which were different kinds of abuse: sexual, mental, and physical. Her most recent encounter was her current husband. He is a recovering alcoholic, whom after getting a DUI, almost losing his family, and job decided to change his life for the better. However, before he started his recovery he would be abusive when he was drunk. The couple share two daughters whom witnessed the abuse. How would Mrs. Kaderli describe her daughters’ mental state to this day she said, “one child is stronger, and one is weaker.” [ CITATION Kor18 \l 1033 ] Mrs. Kaderli children ages were, the oldest being 30 and the youngest 15. I asked her, how did her oldest end up now that she is well into her adulthood. Her response was, “she became a victim of a relationship and it took her daughter along time to find her self-worth. Her daughter eventually left that relationship and

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stopped being a victim.”[ CITATION Kor18 \l 1033 ] Currently her youngest daughter gets emotional support from her sister. They have a close relationship and they lean on each other to get through tough times. She did give me permission to interview her youngest to get an insight of how events such as these effect young teenagers. At least we can see a positive outlook, these children as an adult may become victims; however, with the right kind of support they can break the cycle and become stronger. In other studies, they have paired spousal abuse with child maltreatment. Since “both children who are witnesses of spousal abuse and children who are physically abused may also develop PTSD.” [ CITATION Lit98 \l 1033 ] Which means of course the events will affect children later in life. Especially, since PTSD is not something that does not go away. However, PTSD can be channeled into a different direction or even into remission in their brain. Which is something that “involving positive family members and friends...” [ CITATION Bet18 \l 1033 ] can help with. Surrounding children around positivity will help with self-esteem, as well as, helping to suppress the children’s minds from replaying what they had witnessed. Which means as parents we can help direct the child into a healthier mind state and prevent them from becoming victims or even abusers later in life.

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Upon my second interview I spoke with a young lady, the age of 15. She went through a few years where her father was a violent alcoholic and she witnessed her parents constantly getting into quarrels. I asked her how she felt when seeing these events take place. No long explanation was needed, she simply said, “sad.” [ CITATION Sam18 \l 1033 ] As I continued to talk to this brave young girl, I said what activities or programs have helped you deal with these events. Slowly she responded with more words. “I would stay at my sister’s house a lot, so I could get out of the house.” [ CITATION Sam18 \l 1033 ] Which goes back to my previous explanation on how changing the children’s surrounding can help in a huge way. As heartbreaking as it was to hear these answers from a child, I had to continue. Now that it had been two years since the events I asked her does she feel weaker or stronger? She responded with, “both in a way, because I am still going to be affected by it but if it were to continue I would know what to expect and how to deal with it.” [ CITATION Sam18 \l 1033 ] Looking at it from a child’s perspective is very important. Which means children can be both weaker and stronger. They will constantly remember what had happened because it caused PTSD, however, they can grow and become stronger by understanding how to overcome the events and knowing how to get away. As I spoke with my final interviewee, I felt she had a lot of information to share. She was very well spoken and wanted to give people knowledge about

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abuse. Mrs. Elliott had encountered physical and mental abuse with her first marriage, along with two daughters. The children witnessed their father abuse their mother for years. Eventually Mrs. Elliott took the steps towards getting out of the relationship. I asked her what were the children’s state of mind initially after witnessing the abuse? She answered with “scared and untrusting” [ CITATION Kel18 \l 1033 ] As we continued talking I inquired on what activities or programs did she put her children in. She said, “church and Brownies (pre-girl scouts).” [ CITATION Kel18 \l 1033 ] Her daughters were 5 and 7 years old when Mrs. Elliott ended her abusive relationship. Mrs. Elliott’s daughters are now 34 and 36. She said they did wonder into abusive relationships of their own but upon her daughters finding their self-worth, they removed themselves from those relationships. As young adults one went to counselling and one had group peer chats. The youngest daughter has been happily married for many years. Her oldest daughter is happily single, enjoying freedom and independency. They both have overcome so much as children and adults; furthermore, have been able to find peace and happiness. Which happens to be completely opposite characteristics; for other studies say children later in life will, “…exhibit aggressive and antisocial behavior, to be depressed and anxious.” [ CITATION Dom15 \l 1033 ] Mrs. Elliott is also happily remarried for over 27

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years now. Therefore, the victim and the witnesses of abuse can grow mentally stronger and create a happier environment. After checking out different articles and resources that have shown quite a few negative responses. There is a rainbow at the end of every storm; as long as, the resources are there. The children have a parent willing to help them find their way out of the negative, they can choose a positive path. There are a lot of studies out in the world that gives ideas on how to help these children be more productive in the future. Talking to my 3 interviewees have proven that children may get in a relationship later that is considered an abusive one. However as soon as they find their self-worth and tell themselves that they deserve better they are able to alter their course for the better. Unfortunately, these events cause PTSD; however, it appears that attending community activities, school activities, or simply being able to talk about the events can help greatly. Victims and witnesses of abuse are able to choose to see that rainbow at the end of the storm and grow mentally stronger.

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Works Cited Bethesda House. nd. web. 11 November 2018. DomesticShelters.org. Children and Domestic Violence. 7 January 2015. Elliott, Kelly. Interview. April Garrett. 2 Decemeber 2018. Kaderli, Korey. Interview. April Garrett. 1 December 2018. Kaderli, Samantha. Interview. April Garrett. 1 Decemeber 2018. Little, Patricia L. and Cherie M. Bogel. "The Effects of Spousal Abuse on Children: Awareness for Correctional Educators. ." Journal of Correctional Education (1998): 9.

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Breaking the Cycle Outline I.

Introduction a. Add in a citation b. Explain what I am proving c. Thesis


Interviewee 1 a. Background on the interviewee b. Citation about the facts of abuse c. Continue with the interview information d. Citation about the facts


Interviewee 2 a. Background on the interviewee b. Citation about the facts


Interviewee 3 a. Background on the interviewee

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b. Citation about the facts of abuse c. Continue with the interview information d. Citation about the facts V. VI.

Conclusion Works Citied

Name: April Garrett

MLA RESEARCH PAPER CHECKLIST—Complete & submit with paper

Heading __X___1. Heading is along left margin __X___2.Includes the following information: Name, class, Prof’s name, date

Body: Mechanics __X___1. Margins correct ___X__2. No sentence fragments _X_ __3.Punctuation correct __X___4. Spelling ___X__5. Capitalization correct Page One: Mechanics _X____6. No contractions __X_1. Appropriate title included & centered _X____7. No vague references __X__2. Title 2 spaces below name & page __X___8. Pronoun/antecedent agreement correct __X___3. Title not in caps, underlined, or quoted __X___9. No unnecessary shifts of verb tense __X___4. Double–spaced between title & first line __X___10. Correct subject/verb agreement __X___5. Name and page number in rt. corner ___X__11. Correct prepositions 1" from top, throughout paper __X___12. Formal: no “you”, limited or no use of “I” _X____13. Double-spaced Body: Structure and Content ___X__14. Typed/word processed __X__1. Appropriate reader-based introduction Works Cited Page __X__2. Clear statement of thesis __X___1. Title: Works Cited __X___3. Logical organization __X___2. Title of page 1” from top __X___4. Correct paragraphing _X___3. Title correctly capitalized, not underlined or quoted __X___5. Smooth, logical transitions used in paragraphing __X___6. Development of topics with examples/explanations ___X__4. Double-spaced throughout __X___5. No extra spaces between entries __X___7. Short quotes used in context _X____6. First line of entry at margin _X___8. Enough short quotes used __X___7. Following lines of entry indented __X___9. Long quotes used in context __X___8. Entries not numbered _X____10. Good conclusion __X___9. Entries correctly alphabetized __X___10. Correct entry of work(s) by same author Body: Documentation __X___11. Correct entry of no-author work __X___1. Quotation marks for quotes __X___12. Titles of books, plays, periodicals italicized __X___2. Parentheses for documentation __X___13. Titles of short works and articles quoted ___X__3. Author’s last name, no comma before page in ( ) __X___14. Correct use of ed(s). and Ed(s). __X___4. Punctuation after closed parentheses ___X__15. Volume number given if applicable __X___5. Long quotes indented, left only ___X__16. Inclusive page numbers given for short works ___X__6. Long quotes double-spaced

Garrett 10 __X___17. Indication of type of source—Print, Web, etc. ___X__18. Date information was posted included _X____7. Long quotes, no quotation marks __X___19. Date information was accessed __X___8. Complete information __X___20. Complete information X_____9. All in-text citations match reference on Works Cited __X___21. Items alphabetized in correct order within entry List ___X__22. Everything included on Works Cited list is cited in the essay, including primary source...

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