Aptis Speaking Part 2 PDF

Title Aptis Speaking Part 2
Author Dương Thùy
Course Tiếng Anh dự bị
Institution Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
Pages 10
File Size 967.5 KB
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APTIS Speaking Part 2: Questions, Model Answers, Tips and Techniques In this post we will provide you with multiple sample questions, models answers and useful tips and techniques to prepare for APTIS speaking part 2. 1. In Part 2 of the APTIS speaking test, you will look at a photograph and describe express opinion and provide reasons and explanations. In this part, you will be asked three questions. 2. In the first question, you will be asked to describe what you see. 3. The second question will also be related to the topic but this time you will be asked to give an opinion on the topic of. 4. The third question will ask you to compare your life or experiences to the photograph. 5. For this part, your answers should be around 45 seconds long. APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Question #1 Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response.

1. Describe this picture. 2. Tell me about a time you learned something online. 3. Do you think people learn better online or in classrooms?



APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Answer for Questions #1

I see a wireless mouse and it seems she utilizes available technology for her best use.

2. Tell me about a time you learned something online. I have just completed my final year of high school and my classes were online for the second semester. It was really hard to pay attention. There were so many distractions and I don’t feel as motivated and keen when I’m in the class with my teacher and classmates. I tend to do something else rather than focus on the screen and my eyes get strained so easily. Overall, it was quite tedious and stressful but I enjoyed my physical education class online the most because we were able to move around.

2. Do you think people learn better online or in classrooms?

1. Describe this picture. In this picture, I can see a girl who is doing a lesson online. The teacher is explaining something, and the girl is listening and taking notes. The lecturer has drawn a weekly calendar on the board which makes me think that she is learning something related to time management. I also see that she has set up a very positive learning environment by having a bright room; having some green plants around, getting a seat next to the window and has all her stationary close by. On the right-bottom,



I definitely think people learn better in classrooms. Face-toface interaction is quite important and I think a teacher can help you better when they are in the same room as you. Also, you can always ask the professor if there is something unclear and discuss topics with your classmates. While online learning can be more flexible and convenient especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, students learn effectively when they can interact or collaborate with their classmates. Plus, there are a lot more engaging and enjoyable physical activities in the classrooms that are beneficial to students mentally, physically and emotionally.

Key Vocabulary For APTIS Speaking Part 2 Before looking at how to answer the question, we should look at some of the vocabulary you need to describe a photograph. Look at the box below and make sure you know all of the phrases.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In the top left-hand corner. góc trên bên trái At the top. In the top right-hand corner. Góc trên bên phải On the left side. In the middle On the right side. In the bottom left-hand corner. góc dưới bên trái At the bottom. đáy In the bottom right-hand corner. Góc dưới cùng bên phải

Objects at the front of the picture are: In the foreground. cận cảnh Objects at the back of the picture are: In the background. nền

Below we will analyze first example question we provided above. Question #1: Describe picture

1. Know the grammar. 2. Present continuous. For this part most of the tenses will be either present continuous3. this will describe what the person is doing, or activities etc. 4. There is/There are. Also important are: There is a/some… There are some…




2. SPECULATE sự suy đoán Some of the ways you can speculate on what you see are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

For the picture above you may be asked,

1. DESCRIBE What can you see in this picture? The first thing you talk about is what you see. You could answer,

I suppose (B2)… … cho là, tin rằng I expect …(B2)… It’s possible… It’s probable that (B2)… có thể or Probably, có khả năng It is likely that … có thể I guess that… I imagine that… I’d say… (C1)… I think I must say (C1)… I strongly believe Perhaps… I think it’s likely that… I’m sure/I’m convinced that …(B2)… I undeniable that (C1)… …… I see that … We can see that It looks like she’s… I get the impression that she’s… My initial impression is that she’d (B2) Ấn tượng ban đầu của tôi She must/may/might/could/can’t be They (she) seem/look/appear to be really. dường như


ü ‘In the foreground, I can see…. ü And in the background, there is… ü On the right-hand side there are some… Don’t spend too long on describing what you can see. You can do this by asking yourself the following questions: • • • • •

Who is the person? What are they wearing? Where is the person? What are they doing? How do they feel? 4


ü ü ü ü ü ü

This photograph makes me feel… because… This picture gives me a…. feeling as… It reminds me of my family. I like this photo. This photo makes me think of my own mother and the time we . I would love to try this. In fact, I’m going to try it this weekend. I like this picture, though I’m afraid of dogs and I am not keen on ….

Example answer: What can you see in this picture? In the foreground of the picture, there is a girl or young woman. She is looking at a computer screen and on it, there’s a woman who looks like a teacher. The reason I think this is that she is sitting in front of a blackboard. The girl in the foreground has a notebook in front of her and looks as if she’s taking notes. In the middle of the picture, I can see a keyboard and on the left-hand side a wire basket and so it seems to me that the girl is having an online class.

SAMPLE STRUCTURE TO DESCRIBE A PHOTO 1) Introduction: The photo/picture shows... It was taken by/in... It's a black-andwhite/coloured photo. 2.)What is where? In the foreground/background you can see... In the foreground/background there is... In the middle/centre there are... At the top/At the bottom there is... On the left/right there are... Behind/In front of... you can see... Between... there is... 3) Who is doing what? Here you describe the persons in the picture or you say what is happening just now. Use the Present Progressive Continuous Tense. Example: (There is a man begging in the street) 4) What I think about the picture It seems as if... The lady seems to... Maybe... I think...... might be a symbol of... The atmosphere is peaceful/depressing... I (don't) like the picture because... It makes me think of...




PART 2 QUESTION 2: YOUR SITUATION AND EXPERIENCE ‘Tell me a time when you learned something online’. Know the grammar ü Used to. If you get a question related to the past, an easy way to start is with: I used to + inf (for a past habit) Example: I used to enjoy doing to school but as I got older it became easier to learn from home…or ü I remember. I remember + ing (for a single past memory). Example: I remember getting my first table and thought how much easier it would make learning English. ü I learned a lot and he was the person who helped me most. ü This is the place where I learned to love music. ü My school days were the time when I met my closest friends. ü I am happy when I am gardening, which is good as I have a very big garden.

After that, you can talk about the things that happened using the past simple, past continuous and the past perfect. Example answer: Tell me a time when you learned something online. A few months ago I was working on a project and I found that I needed more information about online marketing, so I looked for a course. I found a course presented by Google that was free and so, I did that. I remember feeling strange at first because, although some great people were presenting the material, I had always learned things in a classroom and the feeling was very different. Anyway, I soon became comfortable with it and I ended up learning a lot of new things.



PART 2 . QUESTION 3. OPINION ‘Do you think people learn better online or in classrooms?’ Know the grammar ü I learn better in a class because if I learned online, there would be too many distractions. ü If I hadn’t had the opportunity to learn in the classroom, I wouldn’t have learned as much. Expressing and justifying opinions. This section generally wants you to express an opinion and some ways to do it are: ü ü ü ü ü ü

If you ask me… Personally, I think (that)… B2 It seems to me (that)… To my mind… C1 I have no doubt (that)… B2 In my view/ from my viewpoint B2

Ways to justify are: ü ü ü ü ü

Mainly/mostly/simply/basically because…B2 … is due to the fact (that)… B2 I believe (that)…I must say that C1 The evidence shows (that)… B2 For this reason,…

EXAMPLE: Personally, I think that people learn better in classrooms. The reason I believe this is that at the moment most people go to school and have lessons in a classroom. This is a habit and it takes a lot to change people’s habits. However, I think that this situation is changing and as online learning becomes more common, people will adapt to it and it will become more normal. Because of the advances in digital technology, it’s going to get easier and easier and soon classrooms will be forgotten.

ACTIVITY 1: ANSWER TO ME ON MS TEAMS. (You will be marked absent if you don’t do this). CHOOSE 1 SET. APTIS Speaking Part 2: Question #1 Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound.


APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Question #2

Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response.

1. What can you see in this photograph? 45 seconds 2. What are the advantages of learning in a class? 45 seconds 3. Do you think online teaching will replace classroom learning? 45 seconds

1. Describe this picture. 45 seconds 2. Tell me about a time that you went to a supermarket. 45 seconds 3. Do you think that it is better to shop in one big store, or in several smaller stores? 45 seconds 7


HOMEWORK: PRACTISE MORE AT HOME WITH THESE QUESTIONS. Send your voice recording on ZALO if you want to get some feedback from me.

APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #1

APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #3

1. What can you see in this photograph?

1. Describe this picture. i.e. In this picture, I can see a woman who is shopping for food at the supermarket. She has a lot of fruit in her trolley, such as oranges, pineapples and some vegetables and bottle of water too. She is taking bread now to add. On the mid-right, I see that there another girl who is also busy with shopping. 2. Tell me about a time that you went to a supermarket. i.e. I usually go to the supermarket once a week. I like to go to a smaller one nearby my house because it is convenient. However, last week I went to a huge grocery store named BIG C supermarket in Tran DUy Hung street and I was impressed that they had many more products. It was my first time and I really enjoyed shopping there, I was with my best friend and we bought……….. 3. Do you think that it is better to shop in one big store, or in several smaller stores? i.e. Although shopping in one big more store is usually more convenient, I think it can be expensive. When you go to a few smaller stores you can get better prices. It really depends on place you live in and things that you are shopping for. For example , in my hometown, many people prefer………



What this looks like to me is a classroom and from the people in it I guess that it’s a language class. There are about 14 students sitting at a desk and in the background, there is what must be a teacher. The teacher is pointing to something and the students are looking. On the desks I can see that most students have files or notebooks and at the bottom left-hand side of the photograph in the corner of the desk, it looks as if on of the students has her mobile phone. 2.

What are the advantages of learning in a class?

I think that the biggest advantage is that there is personal feedback straight away. What I’m saying is that when you’re in a class your teacher can help you if you make a mistake, whereas online, you have to wait, and this could be a problem. Another advantage is with motivation. Some people need the atmosphere of a classroom to help them concentrate and when you're sitting at home with just you and your laptop, or whatever, it’s easy to get distracted. For me learning in a class is much better. 3. .

Do you think online teaching will replace classroom learning?

Yes, I think that’s going to happen especially if there are more pandemics. Despite that in my opinion, online learning is too effective not to replace the classroom. First, it’s convenient. You only have to have a connection and you can learn anywhere and this makes it very environmentally friendly too. Therefore, no one has to travel to a school, so no energy used. Next, all the

materials are digital and that means no paper- no books etcetera. In my opinion, the sooner learning goes online, the better.



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