Apttitude I - Apti for statistics PDF

Title Apttitude I - Apti for statistics
Author Anagha Pranjape
Course MMS
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 11
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APPTITUDE I LOGICAL REASONING TEST 1) Which number should come next in the series, 48, 24, 12, ......? A.8 2) RQP, ONM, _, IHG, FED, find the missing letters. 3) PETAL: FLOWER Same Relation in A. Pen: Paper 4) A. B. C. D. E.


B. 6


C. 4

D. 2



B. Engine: Car C. Cat: Dog D. Ball: Game

1) I. All the colleges in the city had to keep closed for three days a week. II. Many students have left the local colleges. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect Both the statements are effects of independent causes Both the statements are independent causes Both the statements are effects of some common cause

5) Which word does not belong to others? A. Inch B. Kilogram C. Centimeter D. Yard 6) Pointing to a photograph, a man said, "I have no brother, and that man's father is my father's son." Whose photograph was it? A. His son B. His own C. His father D. His nephew 7) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence. 1. Infection 2. Consultation 3. Doctor 4. Treatment 5. Recovery A. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 B. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 D. 2, 3, 5, 1, 4 8) Peter is in the East of Tom and Tom is in the North of John. Mike is in the South of John then in which direction of Peter is Mike? A. South-East B. South-West C. South D. North-East 9)Which of the following diagrams correctly represents lions, elephants, and animals?

10) An animal always has

A. Skin

11) What is Geeta's rank in the class? If I. There are 30 students in the class.

B. Heart

C. Lungs


E. Ears

II. There are 10 students who scored less than Geeta.

A. Statement I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient B. Statement II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient C. Either I or II is sufficient D. Neither I nor II is sufficient D. Both I and II are needed

12) If in a certain language, NOIDA is coded as OPJEB, how is DELHI coded in that language? A. CDKGH B. EFMIJ C. FGNJK D. IHLED 13) Assertion (A): James Watt invented the steam engine. Reason (R): It was invented to pump out the water from the flooded mines. A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is true, but R is false. D. A is false, but R is true. E. Both A and R are false. 14) Essential Part of Book-A. Education B. Pictures C. Pages D. Knowledge 15) Analyzing Arguments--- If you are a fitness walker, you don't need to go to a health gym. You also don't need any fitness equipment for workout. All you need is a pair of comfortable athletic shoes. This paragraph supports which of the following statements; A. Fitness walking is better than weight lifting B. Walking outdoors provides more health benefits than walking indoors C. Fitness walking is an effective and convenient form of exercise D. Poorly designed shoes can cause foot injuries 16) I. Pooja is older than Mukesh.

II. Suresh is older than Pooja. III. Mukesh is older than Suresh.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A. False

B. True C. Uncertain

17) Statement: A severe drought is reported in many states of the country. Courses of action; I. The government should immediately provide financial assistance to the people of the affected states. II. The government should immediately send food, water, and fodder to the affected states to save people and livestock. A. Only I follows B. Only II follows C. Either I or II follows D. Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow 18) Matching Definitions-- It is called Restitution when you compensate someone for damaging his or her property in some way. Which of the following situations is the best example of Restitution? A. Tom borrows his friend's car and returns the car with an empty petrol tank. He apologizes and tells his friend that he will fill the tank tomorrow. B. Tom borrows his friend's camera. Tom fails to zipper the case, and the camera falls on the ground, and the lens shatters. When Tom returns the camera, he tells his friend that he will pay for the damage. C. Peter asks Tom to stay in his apartment when he is out of the town. One day Tom arrives to stay and finds that pipe has burst and the apartment is filled with water. He calls the plumber to repair the pipe and pays for the repair. D. A pothole in the parking of Peter's company caused his flat tyre. He informs his boss and expects that the company should pay for the repair. 19 Statements: Conclusion: I) All heroes are villains. i) Some Jokers are heroes II) All villains are zeros. ii) Some villains are jokers III) Some heroes are jokers.

iii) Some zeros are villains A. Only I, II follow

B. All I, II, III follows C. Only I, III follow D. Only I, II follow E. None of these

20) Statement: "You are hereby appointed as a software engineer with a probation period of six months and your skills and performance will be reviewed at the end of the probation period for confirmation." - A line written in an appointment letter. I. The performance of the candidate is not known at the time of appointment. II. An individual is likely to prove his worth during the probation period.


A. Only I is implicit B. Only II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

D. Neither I nor II is

21) Which answer figure will continue the same series as established by the problem figures? Problem figures;

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

Answer figures;

D. 4

E. 5

22) Select three figures out of the following five figures which when fitted into each other would form a square.

A. 1, 2, 4

B. 1, 2, 5

C. 5, 3, 1

D. 2, 3, 4

23) Which of the following figures is different from others?

A. figure A 24) Picture Analogies

B. figure B

C. figure C

D. figure D

E. figure E

25) Which of the following series of figures follows the given rule? Rule: The closed figure loses its sides, and the open figure gains its sides as the series proceeds.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 26. In a certain code, CONCEPT is written as TQFDOPC. Then how VICTORY is written in the same code? A) YROTCIV B) RYOTCIV C) IVCTORY D) YSPUDJV E) VSPUDJY 27) A girl is going to her friend's house. She went 45m West. Next she went 60m to her right, then she again took right and walked 75m. From there she went in her left direction and walked 30m to reach her friend's house. How far her friend's house is located with reference to her starting point. A) 205 m B) 305 m C) 300 m D) 40 √10m E) 30 √10m 28) Statements:

Some keys are locks All locks are doors Conclusions: I. All keys are doors II. Some keys are doors III. Some keys are not doors a) only conclusion-(I) follows b) only conclusion-(II) follows c) only conclusion-(III) follows d) both conclusion-(I) and (III) follows e) None of the given conclusions follow 29. Solve the following.

30. In a group of 15 people, 8 read English, 7 read French while 3 of them read none of these two. How many of them read French and English both? A) 6 B) 3 C) 5 D) 4 E) 2


Answer: B

Explanation: It is a simple division series in which each number is one-half of the previous number. We can also say that each number is divided by 2 to arrive at the next number;

On dividing 48 by 2, we get 24 On dividing 24 by 2, we get 12 So, on dividing 12 by 2, we will get 6 (option B). b.

Answer: C

Explanation: The series consists of letters in reverse alphabetical order. Therefore, the missing letters are LKJ. c.

Answer: B

Explanation: A petal is a part of the flower. In a similar way, an engine is a part of the car. d.

Answer: C

Explanation: Closing the colleges for few days in a week and students leaving the colleges are independent issues which must be the effects of independent causes. e.

Answer: B

Explanation: A kilogram measures weight and the other units are used to measure length. f.

Answer: A

Explanation: The narrator has no brother, so he is the only son of his father, and his father's son is he himself. Hence, the narrator is the father of the man in the photograph, so the man in the photograph is his son. g.

Answer: B

Explanation: Infection occurs first, then one visits a doctor, and after consultation, the doctor starts the treatment which is followed by recovery. h. Explanation:

Answer: B


Answer: A


Lions and elephants have no relationship to each other, but both are animals. j.

Answer: D

Explanation: An animal will always have a life.


Answer: E

Explanation: From statements I and II, we conclude that out of 30 students 10 students scored less than Geeta. It means, 19 students scored more than Geeta. So, Geeta's rank in the class is 20th. Thus, both the statements are needed to answer the question.

l. Explanation:

Answer: B

Each letter in the word NOIDA is moved one step forward to form the code OPJEB. So, in DELHI, D will be coded as E, E as F, L as M, H as I, I as J. Thus, the code becomes EFMIJ.

m. Answer: A Explanation: The need of self-working engine to pump out the water from the flooded mines led James Watt to invent the steam engine.


Answer: C

Explanation: A book cannot exist without pages. o.

Answer: C

Explanation: In this paragraph, the author is talking about the convenience of fitness walking. He is saying that fitness walking is a workout that does not need equipment and membership of a health gym. p.

Answer: A

Explanation: From the first two statements, it is clear that Mukesh is the youngest of the three. So, the third statement is false. q.

Answer: B

Explanation: In this situation, the government should think about saving the lives of people and livestock by providing basic amenities like food and water. Providing financial assistance will not provide immediate relief and would put an extra burden on the funds. r.

Answer: B

Explanation: Tom damaged his friend's camera when the camera was in his possession, and he agreed to pay for the repair. s. Explanation:

Answer: B


Answer: E

Explanation: The performance of a new employee is generally tested over a span of time. So, I is implicit. The statement also says that the individual's worth shall be reviewed during the probation period before confirmation. So, II is also implicit.


Answer: B

Explanation: In problem figure A, the arcs are towards arrow then in the next step arcs are pointed away from the arrow and so on. Also, in the first two problem figures the arrows are pointing upward, and in the next two problem figures, the arrows are pointing downward and so on. And, in the lower part of the problem figures, the two signs are changing their positions alternately. Now, the answer figure 2 fulfills all the above conditions, so it will continue the series.


Answer: B

Explanation: Figures 1, 2 and 5 will form the square as shown in the following image;

w. Answer: D Explanation: Only in figure D, the symbols on either side of the horizontal line are different. x. Explanation:

Answer: A

A color plate is to a color brush as a reel of a thread is to a sewing needle, i.e., color brush and sewing needle are the tools needed to perform the task. So, the needle will go in the empty box. 025. answer: A Explanation: In the first series, the closed figure loses sides one by one and the open figure gains sides one by one as the series proceeds.


Explanation: In the given code, the letters of the word CONCEPT are reversed. After reversing except first and last letters, remaining all letters are moved one step forward to obtain the code. In the similar manner, VICTORY is coded as YSPUDJV.

27. W(45)N(60)E(75) N(30). East and West are opposite. So subtract = E(30). N(60) and N(30) are same direction. So add = N(90). N(90) E(30) = NE(√(90)2+(30)2)=NE(30 √10) Her friend's house is located at 30 √10m distance with reference to her starting point. 28 Explanation: Step-1: Compare special words in both the statements. i.e. some + all. Then, from the rule, some + all → some. Step-2: Compare predicate of the first statement and subject of the second statement. If both are same then cancel them and deduce a new conclusion. 'some keys are doors' is there in conclusion-(II). So, only conclusion-(II) follows. Hence, option-b is correct. 29. answer

30. Explanation: In the following Venn diagram, F and E represent people who read French and English respectively.

Now, [F+({F ∩ E}) + E] = 15-3 (or) F+E+(F ∩ E) = 12 ......(1) Also, F+(F ∩ E) = 7; E+(F ∩ E) = 8. By adding, F+E+2(F ∩ E) = 15 ---------- (2) By subtracting (1) from (2), we get (F ∩ E) = 3. ∴ 3 of them read both French and English.

orrect Option: A we can write the given word COMMUNICATIONS as C→1

O→2 M→3 M→4 U→5 N→6 I→7 C→8 A→ 9 T → 10 I → 11 O → 12 N → 13 S → 14 After rearrangement , The letter N will be the tenth letter counting from right ....

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