Art First exam photo analysis PDF

Title Art First exam photo analysis
Author Brianna Leigh
Course Art Appreciation
Institution University of Massachusetts Lowell
Pages 3
File Size 138.2 KB
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photo analysis of given image...


Brianna Williams Julie Sawyer

01/04/2021 Art Appreciation Exam 1


When I saw this piece of art work it made me think back to chapter 6 but at first I didn't quite know why so I went back in my notes and the instructors notes to remind myself of this artwork. From those notes I received the information that I needed. The name of this piece of artwork is The Great Wall of Los Angeles and the main artist is Judy Baca’s but the interesting thing about this piece is that it also involves a lot of youths (“400 young “Mural Makers” and the 35 other artists on my team”-Judy Baca) who are able to express themselves through these murals. There are over 250 murals that were painted over the course of ten years that were all under Judys direction.”We learned each new decade of history in summer installments; the 20’s in 1978, the 30’s in 1980, the 40’s in 1981, and the 50’s in 1983.”-Judy Baca. But the book said 1976 and on. The wall is 13 feet by 2,754 feet long which is half a mile long and that's huge in my opinion. The media of the art work is using the acrylic painting on the wall. And the techniques are that they started with a flat base color and added layers of two tones on top. And the visual elements that were most prodomiate for my eyes are the colors involved. In the specific section of the artwork that is shown above has a lot of complimentary colors involved as the girl and the cop have blue and red clothing which are next to each other on the primary color wheel and the same aspect plays for the two people wearing the yellow and pink shirt because pink is a shade of red. The artwork was created as a part of Chicano Movement To try and promote ethnic pride as the majority of these people are part of a minority group or part of a underrepresented population even in modern day society The significance of this mural was to reduce street and gang violence and bring together people with artwork whether it as artists or people just observing the beauty of the artwork offered and promoting cross-cultural connections. As well as promote diversity amongst the community as a whole. Currently they are working on raising funds to restore and add more onto the mural to help inner city kids have employment and get together off the street without violence and drugs.


The two pieces of artwork provided are very different yet very similar in many ways that are obvious and some that are not so obvious. Which is very similar for many different forms of Art as one can look at graffiti in comparison to a marble statue in a museum. The first photo provided which I placed on the left side. There are two young females who are seen in a colored elegant dress the colors of which are a light blue and a light pink as well as there is a background of some sort of grouping unfocused. Even though I could not find this image online or in the textbook I believe after closely examining the image it is done by painting and or oil pastels in order to create the details to provide the colors that are used. Another obvious difference between the two artwork is that in the first pictureIt appears that the main subject are in motion.Another difference between the two pieces of artwork is that this image is done on a horizontal Media or Canvas. The second photo which is also pictured of a female is seen in traditional Japanese culture clothing In some sort of Chinese style writing that is down the right upper hand of the image. There is no background for the best image other than the blank canvas. What technique involved in the second image is called printmaking Which is making the image on some other surface and transferring it to the canvas.Another difference that I talked about in the last paragraph which I talked about the motion of the main subject In the second photo it appears that the subject is in some sort of pose or position while the artist creates this version of a print.This image is also seen upon a vertical surface or media Can a black and white based image The similarities between the two images is that both involve female figures or figures as the main concept of the artwork. As well as both women are wearing a more formal/elegant version of clothing. As well as I believe these pieces of artwork represent the background or culture of the artist creating the work. Even though I could not find any information upon the first image. The second image Shows a lot about the artist As he wanted to Show the everyday life of a traditional Japanese woman In 1794 But despite coming up with the idea for the artwork

in my opinion was truly the artwork of The Carver who is able to add a lot more detail as well as promote collaboration amongst different groups of people....

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