Art History Final Exam Questions and answers PDF

Title Art History Final Exam Questions and answers
Course Art history
Institution University of the People
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Final exam questions and answers for Art History course. The exam will be as long as 55 questions. Good luck!...


Question 1

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The period of Classical Antiquity generally refers to ancient Select one: a. Egypt and Greece b. Egypt and Rome c. Greece and Rome d. Rome and France Clear my choice

Question 2

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The artists of the Northern Renaissance preferred ________________ as their medium. Select one: a. tempera b. fresco c. sculpture d. oil paint Clear my choice

Question 3

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The Salon was an art exhibit sponsored by the: Select one: a. Impressionists b. Realists c. Royal Academy d. photographers Clear my choice

Question 4

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In a Christian basilica, the east end where the altar is housed is known as an: Select one: a. ambulatory b. apse c. atrium d. aisle Clear my choice

Question 5

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Representational and abstract are two overall types of: Select one: a. texture b. style c. composition d. design Clear my choice

Question 6

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History, mythology, portrait and landscape are all examples of ______ of art. Select one: a. genres b. styles c. elements d. attributes Clear my choice

Question 7

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Iconoclast means _______. Select one: a. someone who is vain b. someone who destroys what is conventional c. someone who likes to set fires d. someone who has low self-esteem Clear my choice

Question 8

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An artist who is avant-garde is NOT ___________. Select one: a. experimental b. unorthodox c. a follower d. ahead of his or her time Clear my choice

Question 9

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The _________________ was a mid-18 th century movement that focused on reason. Select one: a. Renaissance b. École des Beaux-Arts c. Enlightenment d. Revolution Clear my choice

Question 10

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The three main architectural styles in ancient Greece were the Doric , ____ and Corinthian. Select one: a. Veristic b. Classic c. Ionic d. Doric

Question 11 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Toulouse-Lautrec looked to this country's theatre for inspiration. Select one: a. China b. Japan c. Greece d. England Clear my choice

Question 12 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The weight shift seen in the David sculptures of Donatello and Michelangelo is known as: Select one: a. contrapposto b. cellini c. chiaroscuro d. counter-reformation Clear my choice

Question 13 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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What separated Cezanne from the Impressionists was his focus on _______ over color. Select one: a. light

b. texture c. form d. space Clear my choice

Question 14

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To help make divine concepts accessible, Northern artists used: Select one: a. naturalism b. spirituality c. abstraction d. symbolism Clear my choice

Question 15

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He coined the term Dark Ages to mark the loss of classical learning. Select one: a. Plutarch b. Petrarch c. Pericles d. Periander

Clear my choice

Question 16 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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This was the most precious color in Roman wall painting. Select one: a. blue b. gold c. copper d. purple Clear my choice

Question 17 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Oil paint, marble, bronze and fresco are examples of artistic________________ . Select one: a. styles b. subjects c. methods d. medium Clear my choice

Question 18 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The Renaissance practice of using scientific tools to make art more naturalistic is known as: Select one: a. scientific naturalism b. scientific artistry c. naturalistic science d. artistic naturalism Clear my choice

Question 19

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Which contemporary style originated in post-World War II Great Britain? Select one: a. Abstract Expressionism b. Pop Art c. Conceptual Art d. Postmodernism Clear my choice

Question 20

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The statue of Memi and Sabu was from this period of Egyptian history Select one: a. New Kingdom b. Old Kingdom c. Third Intermediate Period d. Dynasty 12

Question 21 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The Abstract Expressionists were most directly influenced by: Select one: a. Impressionism b. Post-Modernism c. Surrealism d. Conceptual Art Clear my choice

Question 22 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The biography and intentions of the artist, as well as political and/or economic concerns are examples of the ______________ of art. Select one: a. content b. color c. contrast d. context Clear my choice

Question 23 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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According to the standards of the Royal Academy ____________ painting was the most noble. Select one: a. history b. still-life c. genre d. portrait Clear my choice

Question 24

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In contrast to Baroque art, Rococo paintings show a life of romance and ________ .

Select one: a. politics b. seriousness c. religion d. leisure Clear my choice

Question 25 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Greek sculptures of their gods in realistic human form is an example of: Select one: a. humanism b. frontalism c. classicism d. neoclassicism Clear my choice

Question 26 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The Impressionists learned many visual stylistic techniques from: Select one: a. Realism b. Japanese prints c. Photography

d. the Royal Academy Clear my choice

Question 27 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Fractured, simultaneous views of an object are commonly found in: Select one: a. Cubism b. Expressionism c. Surrealism d. Fauvism Clear my choice

Question 28 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Pointed arches and flying buttresses were defining architectural elements of which style? Select one: a. Roman b. Romanesque c. Gothic d. Neoclassical Clear my choice

Question 29

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The method for creating a convincing illusion of space on a flat surface is called: Select one: a. pictorialism b. point of view c. perspective d. pictage Clear my choice

Question 30 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The contemporary movement that sought to remove all trace of the artist’s authorship was: Select one: a. Performance Art b. Conceptual Art c. Postmodernism d. Minimalism

The general period of rebirth and revival of the arts and learning in Europe was known as: Select one: a. Mannerism b. Baroque c. Proto-Renaissance

d. Renaissance Clear my choice

Question 32 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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A painting consisting of three panels is known as a: Select one: a. triforium b. triptych c. triumvirate d. trinity Clear my choice

Question 33 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The preferred medium for Greek sculptures was: Select one: a. marble b. wood c. bronze d. fresco Clear my choice

Question 34

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Which of the following is NOT a modern art style: Select one: a. Cubism b. Rococo c. Fauvism d. Pop Art Clear my choice

Question 35 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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A fresco is a painting on: Select one: a. plaster b. bronze c. wood d. marble Clear my choice

Question 36

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The Neoclassical style can be seen as a reaction against which artistic style? Select one: a. Baroque b. Dutch Realism c. Rococo d. English Tudor Clear my choice

Question 37

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Arch of Constantine is a ___________________ monument. Select one: a. Egyptian b. Greek c. Roman d. Mesopotamian Clear my choice

Question 38

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Spontaneity and improvisation were valued highly in: Select one: a. Abstract Expressionism b. Pop Art c. Conceptual Art d. Postmodernism Clear my choice

Question 39

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Which element of art creates shape and defines space? Select one: a. texture b. line c. mass d. form Clear my choice

Question 40

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The style most closely associated with the French Revolution was: Select one: a. Baroque b. Realism c. Neoclassicism d. Renaissance

Question 41 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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A diverse population led to a greater range of subject matter in which period of Greek history? Select one: a. Classical b. Archaic c. Geometric d. Hellenistic Clear my choice

Question 42

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Automatism was the main process for the creation of ______________ art. Select one: a. Cubist b. Dada c. Surrealist d. Fauvist Clear my choice

Question 43 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Art which distorts reality through exaggeration, vigorous and visible brushwork and strong color, in order to express an artist's ideas or emotions is known as: Select one: a. Dada b. Cubism c. Expressionism d. Surrealism Clear my choice

Question 44 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The primary patron of art in the Middle Ages was Select one:

a. the emperor b. the government c. the church d. museums Clear my choice

Question 45 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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_____ is a way of representing an object so that it conveys an illusion of depth. Select one: a. foreshadowing b. foreboding c. foreshortening d. foregoing Clear my choice

Question 46 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Romanticism can be described as being more ____________ than Neoclassicism Select one: a. classical b. emotional c. reasonable

d. logical Clear my choice

Question 47 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The Rococo style began in___________, at the end of the reign of Louis XIV. Select one: a. Italy b. Flanders c. France d. Spain Clear my choice

Question 48 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Which dramatic style followed the Renaissance? Select one: a. Baroque b. Neoclassicism c. Gothic d. Hellenistic Clear my choice

Question 49

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Which author was influential in the development of Realism? Select one: a. Charles Baudelaire b. Emile Zola c. Charles Dickens d. Gustave Courbet Clear my choice

Question 50 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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A nonsensical style created in the aftermath of World War I was Select one: a. Pop Art b. Fauvism c. Cubism d. Dada

Question 51 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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The Middle Ages (or Medieval period) began with the end of the: Select one: a. Egyptian New Kingdom b. Roman Empire c. Romanesque period d. Gothic period Clear my choice

Question 52

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As a part of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Council of Trent was significant because it Select one: a. banned the use of art in churches b. jailed offensive artists c. reaffirmed the use of religious art d. managed the rebuilding of St. Peter’s Clear my choice

Question 53 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

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Originally a Roman public building, the ________________ became a popular form for the Early Christian church. Select one: a. colosseum b. catacomb c. temple d. basilica Clear my choice

Question 54

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Who is considered to be the inventor of modern Photography? Select one: a. Nadar b. Gaucheraud c. Renoir d. Daguerre

Question 55

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In many early societies, art was used for __________ purposes since many people were illiterate. Select one: a. entertainment b. religious c. economic d. teaching


Final Exam (page 1 of 6)

Question 1

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The Salon was an art exhibit sponsored by the: Select one:

a. Impressionists b. Realists c. Royal Academy d. photographers Clear my choice

Question 2

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This was the most precious color in Roman wall painting. Select one:

a. blue b. gold c. copper d. purple Clear my choice

Question 3

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The Abstract Expressionists were most directly influenced by: Select one:

a. Impressionism b. Post-Modernism c. Surrealism d. Conceptual Art Clear my choice



Final Exam (page 1 of 6)

Question 4

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The style most closely associated with the French Revolution was: Select one:

a. Baroque b. Realism c. Neoclassicism d. Renaissance Clear my choice

Question 5

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Arch of Constantine is a ___________________ monument. Select one:

a. Egyptian b. Greek c. Roman d. Mesopotamian Clear my choice

Question 6

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Originally a Roman public building, the ________________ became a popular form for the Early Christian church. Select one:

a. colosseum b. catacomb c. temple d. basilica Clear my choice



Final Exam (page 1 of 6)

Question 7

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History, mythology, portrait and landscape are all examples of ______ of art. Select one:

a. genres b. styles c. elements d. attributes Clear my choice

Question 8

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Representational and abstract are two overall types of: Select one:

a. texture b. style c. composition d. design Clear my choice

Question 9

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Who is considered to be the inventor of modern Photography? Select one:

a. Nadar b. Gaucheraud c. Renoir d. Daguerre Clear my choice



Final Exam (page 1 of 6)

Question 10

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The contemporary movement that sought to remove all trace of the artist’s authorship was: Select one:

a. Performance Art b. Conceptual Art c. Postmodernism d. Minimalism Clear my choice



Final Exam (page 2 of 6)

The Rococo style began in___________, at the end of the reign of Louis XIV. Select one:

a. Italy b. Flanders c. France d. Spain Clear my choice

Question 12

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The Neoclassical style can be seen as a reaction against which artistic style? Select one:

a. Baroque b. Dutch Realism c. Rococo d. English Tudor Clear my choice

Question 13

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Toulouse-Lautrec looked to this country's theatre for inspiration. Select one:

a. China b. Japan c. Greece d. England Clear my choice



Final Exam (page 2 of 6)

Question 14

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A nonsensical style created in the aftermath of World War I was Select one:

a. Pop Art b. Fauvism c. Cubism d. Dada Clear my choice

Question 15

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Iconoclast means _______. Select one:

a. someone who is vain b. someone who destroys what is conventional c. someone who likes to set fires d. someone who has low self-esteem Clear my choice

Question 16

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According to the standards of the Royal Academy ____________ painting was the most noble. Select one:

a. history b. still-life c. genre d. portrait Clear my choice



Final Exam (page 2 of 6)

Question 17

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The statue of Memi and Sabu was from this period of Egyptian history Select one:

a. New Kingdom b. Old Kingdom c. Third Intermediate Period d. Dynasty 12 Clea...

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