Arteaga Application & Reflection Essay PDF

Title Arteaga Application & Reflection Essay
Author evelia arteaga
Course Child Development
Institution Brandman University
Pages 14
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class research assignment of early childhood education....



Application and Reflection Essay Brandman University




Abstract We live in a world in which we must strive every day to achieve a better society, expressed in a healthy coexistence, mutual respect and in which the practice of values is not a coincidence. For this purpose, I agree with all those who consider training of the person based on their human development, based on the principle that man is a being capable of being better indispensable for his welfare and that of others. Education displays a reality that manages the transformation and development of society. Education is necessary in every way. To improve our welfare, our quality of life, to access better employment opportunities to strengthen our values and social relations. The importance of education lies in being better every day and use the resources we have. Keywords: education, important, society & human development



Application and Reflection Essay 3. a) It is very important to know how children learn and develop. Every child is unique and have many differences among others. Having knowledge of child development and how children learn allows us to know all aspects of their life, both biological and physical; their strengths and possibilities according to their age. We know that learning can be obtained within a defined age range; intelligence development, motor development, language acquisition, affective development, games and the way they play or do not. In child development studies aspects such as motor skills, primary motor skills, sensory, language and social aspects are taken into consideration on how each child develops. Motor skills controls the head, sitting and walking. With primary motor skills a child may hold a spoon or hold cereal with their fingers. Sensory skills permit the child to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. With language acquisition children are able to speak and be understood and to understand what others say to them. Social is the ability to play with family and other children. Through the study of all facets of child development strategies can be planned to encourage development and enhance their skills. Parents and caregivers must learn the most important signs that indicate whether the child is developing normally. They also have to know when to seek help and how to provide a caring and loving environment for a child with a physical or mental disability. All children grow and develop in similar patterns, but each child develops at their own pace, children do not develop at the same speed. There is a wide range of what is considered normal but it is important to have a framework as a guide. b) I am a mother of two lovely boys which are my greatest source of knowledge. Through their growth and development, I was able to experience their differences in the way they develop, their personalities, their strengths and weaknesses. Now as a future teacher the knowledge I have



gained from child development classes and with my sons I will be able incorporate it in a classroom setting. Knowing that not all children develop the same and that they have different strengths I will work with each one of their needs. There might be children who will be great with math and not so good with reading or children who are great at reading but not with math here is when I will apply my knowledge and teach them different because they don’ all learn with the same techniques or at the same pace. As a future teacher I will use different techniques to make sure every child gets the education they deserve ensuring they understand the material they are being taught. I will encourage students to always strive for the best, make them feel comfortable and know that I am willing to take extra time when they require extra help. With the knowledge of child development and the way children learn, I will set groups based on techniques that best fits each group to teach them material they struggle with, based on their needs. Using different techniques will allow each child to understand the material their own way and het the best out of education to become successful in life. 4. The California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET), is a group of subject matter tests used in California and other states to assess mastery of subject matter content by prospective K-12 teachers. CSET is administered by National Evaluation Systems (NES) with guidelines drawn up by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The CSET Multiple Subject is administered statewide six times a year. The CSET consists of three subtests. Subtest 1 includes Reading, Language and Literature, History and Social Science, subtest 2 includes Natural Sciences and Mathematics and subtest 3 includes Human Development, Physical Education and Visual and Performing Arts.The Score range is from 100-330 the minimum passing score is 220. In each subtest, the multiple-choice section is worth 70% and the short constructed -response section is worth 30%. To pass each subtests, it is necessary 65-60 %



correct on the multiple-choice questions and an average score of about 2 on each short constructed-response question. There is no penalty for guessing on multiple-choice or constructed-response questions. It is important to always attempt a response. One may register for 1, 2 or all 3 subtests, 5 hours are given regardless of how many subtests one is taking. Each subtests covers a group of related subjects. Subtest 1 contains 52 multiple choice questions, 26 each on the two main subject areas: reading, language and literature; and history. It also contains four constructed response questions, two in each of the areas. 1) Subtests 1 tests knowledge of language and literature, history and the social sciences and the teaching of reading, writing and spelling. The Reading, Language, and Literature section concentrates on the components of reading literacy, language and linguistics, nonwritten communication, and the elements, concepts, conventions, and interpretation of literature. Reading and Language studies include the operations of language development and its use in oral and written expression. Literature studies include both narrative and expository texts and the written materials of all disciplines. This section tests the ability to use higher-order thinking skills in analyzing problems relevant to the topics and to apply the principles of the language arts in a variety of contexts. The History and Social Science section concentrates on significant historical events, issues, and basic social science concepts. Because of the multidisciplinary approach of this section, almost all multiple-choice and constructed-response questions require knowledge of both history and social sciences. Also, using higher-level critical thinking skills is essential in answering the majority of questions in this area. A number of questions require exercising critical thinking skills in demonstrating an understanding of charts, graphs, tables, maps, political cartoons, original documents, and short quotations.



The most important thing for students to know from this subject matter are is reading. Reading is one of the most important and useful activities performed by human beings throughout life. First, reading, just as all other intellectual activities, is an exclusive activity of human beings, the only living beings who have been able to develop an intellectual and advance rational system. This means that reading is one of those activities that defines us by what we are against other living beings. Reading is an activity that usually starts very slowly, acquired from an early age and stays for life and it is not lost over time. On the other hand, the importance of reading also lies in the fact that it is through it that humans can begin receiving knowledge and thus formally inserted into the complex but useful process known as education. Reading involves attention, concentration, commitment, reflection, all elements that make better performance and better results. Reading acts as a phenomenon that allows us to encourage our imagination, create new worlds in our minds, reflect on ideas or abstract concepts, improve our spelling and enables us to learn more about other realities. Reading is the center of education, without reading other materials would not be possible. Reading is included in every other subject matter. As a future teacher I would like to start teaching a 3rd grade class. In 3rd grade most students know how to read but I might have students who have trouble in this area, this being the case I will help the child with reading. Words might be too big for the students to be able to read, what I would do is break down words to make it easier for the students to read. For example, “homework,” I would break the word into two different word “home and work” this will be easier for the students after reading the two different words they will be asked to put them together ‘homework.” After students get the concept of breaking down words reading will be much easier for them. 2) Subtest 2 of the CSET Multiple Subjects Exam covers the areas of Science and Mathematics. In science it mostly encounters biology questions and the math section focuses



mostly on algebra and geometry. CSET Science will test basic knowledge of physical science, life science, earth and space science, and scientific tools and methods. Physical Science includes the fields of chemistry and physics. It also focuses on scientific concepts, principles, and interrelationships in the context of real-life problems and significant science phenomena and issues. This sections tests on the explanation and application of concepts, process skills, such as interpreting a stimulus, ordering and categorizing material, and relating, and inferring, or applying information found in various stimuli and also on designing an experiment or investigating information necessary to explain an experiment. The mathematics section focuses on the fundamental of mathematics and the ability to communicate the understanding of these fundamentals, to reason logically, and to solve problems using these fundamentals. Fundamentals of mathematics are defined as the mathematical background that an elementary school teacher must have. This section assesses reasoning and problem solving, only a minimal amount of computation is required. Non-programmable calculators are supplied for this part of the exam. Math is necessary for even the most basic of life functions. Whether you're buying groceries, determining a budget for yourself, calculating interest on investments, or carrying out a whole myriad of other life tasks, math will somehow be involved. A solid math foundation is vital for children to succeed. Without solid math skills, children will probably have a lot of trouble in school and afterwards. Building a solid foundation in math requires a systematic approach. Too many children do not get the broad introduction and ongoing practice that builds confidence and deep understanding. There are many successful approaches to curriculum from hands-on applied mathematics to strict standards-based education. I believe children learn best with hands-on activities and math is a perfect subject to teach hands-on. Teaching math-hands on



will provide students with a clear with of what the concept is teaching them as well as they will be able to remember as they remember each activity they did with each concept learned. Math is important because it is the most widely used subject in the world. Every career uses some sort of math. More importantly, doing math helps the mind to reason and organized complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps. Thus, as students learn more math, the rationale is that their minds will eventually develop into logical entity that can resolve any difficult situations. The reality is that in a society such as ours, high paying jobs often demand someone who can take complicated situations and simplify it to the level that everyone can understand. Therefore, by knowing more math, students give themselves the competitive edge they will need to compete for these high paying jobs. 3) Subtest 3 of the CSET Multiple Subjects Exam has the reputation of being the easiest of the three sections to pass. For one thing, it is the shortest of the three. There are 39 multiplechoice questions, rather than the 52questions found on each of the other two subtests. Instead of four constructed-response questions, subtest 3 has three. The three content domains covered by Subtest 3 are physical education, human development, and the visual and performing arts. There are 13 multiple choice questions in each of the three areas and one constructed-response in each area. The field of human development and physical education overlap a great deal in terms of the big picture in having grounding in the development process and needs of children. The arts covered in subtest 3 are: visual art, music, dance, and theater. Human development is one of the biggest contributing factors to human behavior. As children go through their different stages of life, they approach learning in different ways. When an educator has an intricate understanding of human development, he or she can use that understanding to make assessments about the behaviors of children in the classroom. This can be



used to prevent problems in the classroom that often result from normal developmental acting out behavior. Such problems may also occur as a result of having a small number of children within the larger classroom who are at a different developmental stage of their lives from the stage of the other students. Physical education helps students increase physical activity, both in and out of school. Children who practice physical education not only improve their own health but also learn to have a more positive attitude toward physical fitness in general. Children learn to draw a correlation between physical health and general well-being, which resonates outside of the gym or classroom. Students who practice physical education are more likely to be active outside of school, participating in a variety of sports and other physical activities. Students can also use P.E. class to learn which sorts of physical activities they are interested in. Through exposure to a wide variety of activities, students can discover which ones engage them the most, making them more likely to continue exercising regularly. Physical education also helps children build social skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship and respect for others. Finally, physical education can actually help improve academic performance. Even moderate physical activity can improve both attention and brain function, helping kids concentrate better in class and perform better on exams. I will encourage my students to do physical activity. I will set time every day to do physical activity, this will include playing sports such as soccer, kick ball, t-ball, basketball, volleyball, etc. A strong arts education promotes the skills children need to be successful. Exposure to art education promotes self-directed learning, improves school attendance and sharpens critical and creative skills. Arts help students get creative and let their imaginations go free, this is the subject where there are no wrong answers. Arts education as an essential part of the educational process, can be very good answer for the difference between a creative and sensitive human being and



another that has no ability to apply knowledge, that has no spiritual resources and find difficulties in their relations with the environment. In a well-balanced educational system, the importance of comprehensive development of each individual is accentuated, so that their potential can improve creativity. For the child art it is primarily a means of expression. It is for them, a language of thought. The child sees the world differently and, as it grows, his expression changes. 5. a1) Education has been very important in my life. Having that motivation to succeed in life has been a significant strength that has encouraged me to always strive for the best. Seen the difficulties my parents had to go through in a country different from theirs has motivated me to make a difference in my family. As an immigrant language has been a barrier but regardless I have always worked hard to achieve my goals. It has taken me long and tough journey to get where I am today but I am happy to say that I am a step closer to achieving and making a change in education. 2) Language barrier has been my frustration. Not being able to communicate or express myself through writing has been a frustration I have with in me, I try to do it the best I can but it is a challenge I have dealt with. Since I started taking online classes it has been easier for me. Not having to be in class in a rush to write an essay in a short period of time has worked great for me. Online classes have provided me with extra time to get my ideas clear and look up words to make my writing more precise. I am able to take the extra time to write my essays in Spanish and then take my time to translate them, this has helped me express my thoughts a little better and clear. Experiences for me have been a motivation to continue and achieve my goals. 3) Due to my language barrier I have experience ethical in-considerations. Never had I felt guilty of not speaking or writing perfect English, I admit it has been my struggle but that does not mean



I cannot achieve my goals. I may work a little harder than others but I am okay with it as long I get where I want to go in my career path. It was in my public speaking class where I felt I was ethical in-considerate, my classmates knowing English is my second language and my struggle I had rude comments not about the content of my speeches but about the way I speak English. Of course I maintained positive and did not pay much attention to those comments and here I am continuing my career path. 4) My understanding of learning does help me focus on my teaching goals. I worked at a preschool for 2 years, it was a great experienced where I gained knowledge on child development. Knowing that not every child is the same and they don’t develop skills at the same time helps me realize that my teaching should be based on their needs. There might be students who need extra help and I will provide that help for them. I am positive about their education and there are different techniques I can teach material ensuring my students understand every lesson I teach. b 1) I know that learning is part of education structure and is fundamental for humans because when one is born means of intellectual adaptation and motor skills are within each one. During the first years of life, learning is an automated process with little involvement of the will, later the voluntary component becomes more important giving a conditioned reflex, i.e., an associative relationship between stimulus and response. Sometimes learning is the result of trial and error, until a valid solution is achieved. Learning also occurs, by intuition, that is, through the sudden discovery of how to solve problems. This course has given me a deeper understanding of learning. Multiple intelligences have given me knowledge about different ways in which one is able to learn. Knowing this helps me as a future teacher adapt my teaching to different techniques ensuring every child understands my lessons.



2) I believe teachers play an important role in education. Teachers have m...

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