A.S.M Faizul karim (19264014) final assingment PDF

Title A.S.M Faizul karim (19264014) final assingment
Course Human Resource Managemnt
Institution BRAC University
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Assignment-Final Exam ITS 510, Spring 2021 Total Marks: 20 Issue date: 20 May 2021

Submission: 11:30 AM on 22 May 2021

Student ID: 19264014

Student Name: A.s.m Faizul Karim

Section: 1

Question: 1) Computer innovation and bringing it to use in business was a pleasant surprise to us. But as we progress and become more and more dependable on computing systems, we felt for more features to be innovated and adapted. Continuous efforts and evolutions identified some limitations in traditional computing systems and worked for new solutions to overcome those limitations. a) Please describe with clear examples for each of Six Limitations of traditional file management system. (5 marks) b) Describe the features and roles of the system, which addressed the limitation of traditional file management systems. (5 Marks) 2) Please describe how building new systems produces organizational change (5 Marks). Describe how an end-to-end business process automation shifts the overall organizational though process which is called “Paradigm Shifts”. (5 Marks) 3) What do you mean by an Enterprise System, give an example? Briefly describe the business value of an enterprise system focusing on FOUR core functions of a manufacturing organization, namely Walton as an example. (10 Marks). Your Answer starts from here: Ans to the ques no-1 A In the past there is some limitation when people are using those traditional management system. They are giving below: 1. Data redundancy: in the traditional data management system people use to save data for their own purpose. They can’t share it to other department. For that same data stored in different database. For example: in an organization their name and details was saved in different department such as admin and hr for giving their salary, their own department to calculate his or her performance and also in the

accounts department for adjusting their due or loan amount which was occupying database storage capacity. Those duplicity and redundant data was not necessary at all. 2. Data inconsistency: Data inconsistency occurs happen due to the same data items that appear in more than one file. As the department save data with their own value it creates conflict. Those data also not get updated simultaneously in each and every file. It cause conflict of data. It conflict when same attributes have different values. For example: me can be a attribute is data base but my name is value. So f in sales department my name is written as Faizul but in admin department my name is written as fayzul. It happens as data sharing is not value. So the attributes is same but in contains different value. 3. Program-data dependence: it means if any change is occurred in the format or structure of data base and records in the file is to be made, the programs have to modified correspondingly acoording to that. It takes a lot of time to do any changes in program. For example: my name is written in the admin database as current employee. If I complete my MBA than their will be a new value in the database. To run the program currently I need to program newly as there is a new data in my record. 4. Lack of flexibility: people write code for their own use and they cant share it with others for any purpose. It create lack of flexibility. For example: if I need to share my data with other department I cant share it. In the traditional data there is lack of flexibility. 5. Poor security: in database system every corner there data is saved by their own code. If someone change the code than whole program cant run correctly which create a big problem. 6. Lack of data sharing and availability: in traditional database system there is not any central database system. So that no one can share their data and access to other department data as it is stored separately. For example: if sales department of a company want to get some data from accounts department database they cant. Which create problem for them to do operation smoothly.

Ans to the ques no 2 Enterprise systems are is a big software package which is able to track and control all the complex operation of business. It helps an organization to storing data, reporting, sharing and decision making. For example: if a customer give order to a company than the company need to collaborate with different department of an organization. The sales man collect the order than the order is recorded in the customer relationship database. Than the customer relationship executive contact with the supply chain executive for the availability of the product. They also check in which warehouse the product is location. Than they command the delivery department to collect product from the ware house and send it to customer address. After that the sales person also contact with the accounts department to collect cash from the customer. By the use of Enterprise system all things can be done easily as they can share and access data when they need. In every organization there is some function and among them there are four core function. Enterpricse system can increase value for an organization. In an manufacturing company like Walton there are 4 core function and If they do the function run properly than company will become more successful. Enterprise system ad a lot of value to the organization. Those four core functions are given below:

Finance/accounting: in the account department they have many things to do. They calculate cash on hand also how much cash will be needed tomorrow to smoothly run the company. They also keep record of account payable and account receivable from the customer. They can easily store those data and access them when it needed. Another important thing than accounts department do is calculating revenue. To calculate revenue they need a lot of data. For example they need to access the data of sales, stock and expense. By getting all this data they can calculate revenue. By using enterprise system they can easily access those data and create report. If the data is stored properly than enterprise system will automatically calculate sales revenue. Human resources: in the human resource department they need to keep record of employee data, employee working time, their job perforce and also calculate salary. By using enterprise system they just need to store the employee attendance properly than system will automatically generate employee salary. HR department also keep record of employee absent and present record also so that they can give cash based on their paid leave if they needed to provide cash to employee. As enterprise system record those data accurately it help the organization to give data properly and make report. It saves a lot of time for them. They can also generate KPI easily as they get employee work and performance record. They can also plan the number of employee required to run the company based on the record of employee retirement. By using ERP HR department can also store job candidate CV and it help them if they hire any new employee they check the CV database and hire employee based on previously stored CV. Manufacturing/production: for a manufacturing company they need the data of store warehouse product stock also the number of product needed to be manufacturing for the next day based on the order from sales department. To produce goods they need some raw material which will be provided by their suppliers. To give order to their supplier they need to maintain their account of credit. Because without payment supplier will not provide raw materials. By using enterprise system it can be done easily as they have all the report of stock, sales order, supplier details. Sales/marketing: in the sales department they need to record their customer details, their order record and follow up update. To increase their sales they need to keep record properly. They also keep record of their potential client from where they can generate sales. As they required a lot of data to be stored and access when it required. They need to contact with supply chain to product goods and send it to customer. Accounts to check their credit history and delivery department to check if their product is reaching to the customer smoothly. They also need to plan and forecast sales of the future for their own growth. By using enterprise system all those data are saved and access easily from different department....

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