ASM2 - 525 - Nguyễn Ngọc Phương Trang gbs2002 71 PDF

Title ASM2 - 525 - Nguyễn Ngọc Phương Trang gbs2002 71
Author Trang Phương
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution University of Greenwich
Pages 24
File Size 1.4 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 323
Total Views 468


ASSIGNMENT 2 FRONT SHEETQualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in BusinessUnit number and title Unit 12: Organizational BehaviorSubmission date 9 November 2021 Date Received 1st submissionRe-submission Date Date Received 2nd submissionStudent Name NGUYỄN NGỌC PHƯƠNG TRANG Student ID GBSClass GBS0904...




BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title

Unit 12: Organizational Behavior

Submission date

9 November 2021

Re-submission Date

Date Received 1st submission

Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name


Student ID




Assessor name


Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice. Student’s signature Grading grid

Trang Nguyen






 Summative Feedback:

G d A Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

 Resubmission Feedback:



D t

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 II. MAIN BODY ................................................................................................................................................................................5 A. REFLECTIONS ON TEAM PERFORMANCE - “MEETING CEO TALK”................................................................ 5 1. SOFT SKILL.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 2. FACILITATORS & OBSTACLES DURING THE WORKING PROCESS ........................................................6 a) FACILITATORS............................................................................................................................................... 7 b) OBSTACLES ................................................................................................................................................... 8 3. TEAM EXPERIENCE BASED ON TUCKMAN’S MODEL................................................................................. 9 a) TUCKMAN’S MODEL THEORY................................................................................................................... 9 b) TEAMWORK DEVELOPMENT REFLECTION........................................................................................10 4. GOALS SETTING PROCESS............................................................................................................................. 12 a) EDWIN LOCKE & GARY LATHAM THEORY.......................................................................................... 12 b) GOALS SETTING REFLECTION...............................................................................................................13 5. WORKING IN GROUP DIVISION....................................................................................................................... 15 a) BELBIN’S MODEL THEORY...................................................................................................................... 15 b) REFLECTION OF DIVISION.......................................................................................................................15 6. IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR THE EFFECTIVE TEAMWORK.................................................................... 16 a) MOTIVATION MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................. 16 b) ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE.................................................................................................................. 16 B. TEAM DEVELOPMENT THEORIES IN CONTEXT OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - APPLE INC........ 18 1. APPLE INC. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 18 2. TEAMWORK PRACTICES...................................................................................................................................19 3. GROUP DEVELOPMENT - TUCKMAN’S MODEL.......................................................................................... 20 4. GOALS SETTING PROCESS - EDWIN LOCKE & GARY LATHAM THEORY.......................................... 22 III. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................................................ 23 IV. REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................................................... 23

I. INTRODUCTION Today, teamwork has become a priority for most businesses looking for employees to ensure good performance for their mutual goals in this rapidly changing world. So several people do believe that if they work in a team, everything will be easier and the final outcome will be much better than working solely. However, there are still many difficulties in the process of teamwork, and if people are not overly concerned, those obstacles will greatly affect an organization's overall behavior and cause major problems for obtaining the initial objective. Therefore, this paper looks thoroughly into teamwork approaches (Tuckman theory, Belbin model, etc.) and assess their efficiency of last team activities: “Meeting CEO talk”. Simultaneously, the report genuinely highlights the difficulties encountered during the teaming practice, as well as explores right philosophies surrounding team performances and their positive and negative effects on organizational behavior, specifically Apple Inc.

II. MAIN BODY A. REFLECTIONS ON TEAM PERFORMANCE - “MEETING CEO TALK” 1. SOFT SKILL Definition: Soft skills are capabilities that pertain to how people work and connect with others. Employers nowadays tend to search for soft skills in applicants since they are quite difficult to train compared to hard skills and are critical for long-term success. Soft skills are personal habits and attributes that are technical and profession.  There are so many popular skills that are essential traits among employees such as: communication, creativity, problem-solving, etc. And in the last activities of our group - “Meeting CEO talk”, we have used five soft skills respectively: Communication, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, time-management, and creativity to optimize the effectiveness of the group performance.

How did they contribute to teamwork's performance?  Emotional Intelligence and communication are the two most crucial skill to have while working in groups since they improve members' listening, interaction, and empathy. It is very difficult to

collaborate if members do not understand others because of leading to many arguments and debates, which really wastes time and reduces efficiency while working together.  Creativity is the most fundamental ability that supports all other skills such as problem solving, managerial skills, etc, and it can make anything more distinctive and less boring. Applying this expertise to the teamwork process allows my team to stand out from other groups and even makes the teamwork environment more stimulating.  Time management and problem-solving are two abilities that guarantee that all team members are accountable for collaboration and that personal concerns, particularly private matters, do not impact the overall success of a team. Furthermore, subjective and objective difficulties cannot be avoided during the process of developing final outcomes, thus resolving them is extremely important to aid boost team performance.  By applying the five abilities listed above to the team performance - "Meeting CEO talk," our team have achieved excellent results. In particular, in terms of individual achievements, all the members have got good results - Distinction grade; in terms of team performance, the team did not have many conflicts during the operation, and the final video has wonderful ideas as well as methods to customize the video but still contains full content. 2. FACILITATORS & OBSTACLES DURING THE WORKING PROCESS




Le Thi Khanh Dan


Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Trang


Le Tran Uyen Thao


Duong Khanh Ngan

Information collector

Le Minh Thu


a) FACILITATORS As every members specialize in different areas and is self-sufficient, no one was forced to handle too many things at once. Besides, everybody have our own roles, among which leader and manager are two typical primes, which enables all activities in the team making process to be carried out in a logical and orderly manner.  Thu Le as a editor, she had expertise in image construction and soundtrack perception, so she was in charge of stringing best shots together to form a full story, reviewing the video clip, making changes, and finally re-editing according to the needed requirements. She also carefully took a look at the script, then worked with both leader, manager, and the rest of the team to understand as well as avoid quarrels during the procedure.  Thao Le as a secretary, since she was skilled at computer manipulation, she could take notes and store all of the significant ideas or notes from each group meeting. Simultaneously, she was in charge of contacting persons who could provide assistance and collaboration, such as the MC position.  Ngan Duong as an information collector, she was excellently suited for acquiring and synthesizing key information that was beneficial for group work due to her intelligence and diligence in distilling information. She also gave alternatives for the improper spots so that the mutual task could be completed as accurately as possible.  Trang Nguyen - me as a manager, I was able to connect with people, personally supervise, support individuals, and provide honest criticism on the problem to assist them in finishing the small tasks owing to good communication and management skills. I also played a virtual role of inspiring and disciplining team members to guarantee that assignments and goals were completed on schedule.  Dan Le as a leader of my team, she had an excellent overall vision, so she could look at problems and propose appropriate orientation straight immediately. She was also in charge of

steering the team in the appropriate direction in order to achieve the shared objective and keeping everyone on track. b) OBSTACLES Expected difficulties The following aspects were covered in the group's anticipation: time flexibility, remote working, dissension, and academic English abilities such as writing, speaking, and presenting, etc. In order to overcome those obstacles, our team worked in sequence and according to the expertise of every member. As soon as the leader finish outlining the joint aim, directions, and specific deadlines, the others had to control, manage, and adapt their own time to fulfill their own duties. During the working process, the manager would be the one initially dealing with each person when they have a problem, and assisted them to enhance their academic skills. If the manager had faced exceptional circumstances that could not be addressed when handling troubles, the manager would have worked with the leader immediately so that she might have quickly created a new orientation for the entire group. Sudden difficulties A issue that was not foreseen by the team arose: the video was corrupted and could not be posted to the YouTube browser. To overcome this problem, our team held a meeting to seek new opinions from other members (rename video file extension, increase video quality, compress size, etc.). Later, the leader worked personally with the video editor - Thu Le - to correct the error: reduce the file size and submit the clip to YouTube using a premium account.


Tuckman’s model is a theory of group development which mainly concentrates on the personal relationships of the group members and the profound influences on task activities. It initially just consisted of the first four stages called respectively: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Forming refers to the initial formation of a group when it is brand new and the members have had very little prior interaction. In the second stage, the team will become less friendly with the other. Thus, interpersonal conflicts frequently emerge because some people want to exert more influences while others desire to work on various tasks within the project. After that, the whole group starts to display signs of togetherness in norming stage. Almost arguments are managed and/or compromises are obtained. The members of the group are figuring out how to operate together, which indicates that the

group is normalizing. In the fourth stage, the conflicts do still persist, but they are nicer and more productive. Team responsibilities become more flexible and people operate more effectively as team unit, thereby increasing team productivity. In 1977 - few years after the origin concept was first introduced, the fifth stage of group development was added. The Adjourning phase is the final stage. The team is nearing completion, and members are being rewarded for their contributions to the group. (Render, b) TEAMWORK DEVELOPMENT REFLECTION Forming: Our group has known each other for a while, but we have not actually interacted much. Dan Le, the group's leader, gathered everyone to create a team, and everyone began to get to know one other better. At that moment, all duties and positions are unclear, therefore the majority of them depend on the team leader's instructions. Storming: When it came to making decisions, our team also had some disagreements. Some members with the great ego have a strong desire to express themselves and impose on the whole group, which causes to an internal power struggle. Simultaneously, the team leader - Dan Le - took on too many jobs instead of distributing the work for the other people. Norming: There were no more contentious problems owing to having a specific roles which were agreed upon by everyone. The members recognized their own and their teammates' skills and flaws, so they set aside their egos and collaborated to achieve a shared objective. Most essential, the team develops a set of goals from which to strengthen regulation in order to generate maximum efficiency.

Performing: Vision, mission, and objectives had all been clearly and explicitly accepted, so everybody knew, understood, and cooperated effectively. Trang Nguyen - team’s manager, worked directly with and oversaw personnel, pushed them to improve themselves and their job. Leader - Dan Le, no longer needed to participate because team members had complete control. They understood team operations and knew how to respond when things go wrong. Adjourining: As the meeting came to a close, Dan went over outcomes, while Trang reviewed the individual's performance. We were assured that no one would be unhappy or experienced obstacles in their development.

4. GOALS SETTING PROCESS a) EDWIN LOCKE & GARY LATHAM THEORY  According to Locke and Latham, there are five goal-setting criteria that can contribute towards achieving objectives:

First of all, in terms of clarity, when goals are specified, individuals comprehend what they are attempting to accomplish. Thus, outcomes are precisely measured, and appropriate behaviors deserved to be rewarded. However, when an objective is unclear, it is difficult to quantify and is not compelling. Secondly, setting challenging goals can usually motivate people to work harder. Determine how persons may reward themselves for making improvement. Therefore, incremental incentives for attaining certain milestones will encourage individuals to complete demanding activities. Thirdly, to be productive, the entire team must understand and agree on the targets. Enabling team members to create their own goals will foster a sense of commitment and empowerment. Fourthly, when creating objectives, it is critical to evaluate the task's complexity since failure to do so might have a wide range of negative consequences. To accomplish this properly, set deadlines that impose a reasonable level of pressure while remaining doable, and break down huge, complicated goals into smaller, easier sub-goals to stay

motivated at work. If any team member is feeling overwhelmed when working in a group, immediately consider pairing them with a mentor or a more experienced colleague. Finally, in addition to selecting the right goals, there is a need to listen to feedback as feedback gives people the opportunity to clarify their expectations and adjust the difficulty of their goals. Regarding to the teamwork performance, the Stop – Keep Doing – Start model can be used for quick feedback sessions. ( b) GOALS SETTING REFLECTION Clarity & challenging: The clarity and difficulty of our team’s biggest goal for the “Meeting CEO discussion” project includes: 

Every individual's content and speech in the video must provide all information, including the extension.

 All participants must be attentive in their research on the assigned topic. 

Members' interpretation throughout the recording must be straightforward and flowing. Moreove, the video's overall running time is only approximately 20 minutes

 The scripts and lines were to be sorted as neatly as possible, and the members had to practice speaking and presenting every day to avoid any issues while filming. 

The video's visual and audio components must be extremely unique and eye-catching.

 To create an eye-catching completed product, the members must have very creative thoughts or ideas, especially the leader and manager, who must have the proper vision and direction, remarks, and selections. 

The project has to be finished as soon as possible (2 to 3 days before the appointment date) and each member's individual work must get the best outcomes attainable within her abilities.

 Motivation to finish modest tasks and progressively reach the team's common main objective

Commitment: The whole team had a common agreement when defining those goals and everybody in the team could even contribute their own opinions in the areas of goals which were in charge of their responsibility such as: video, information, etc. Complexity: Leader and manager had a thorough discussion before we set deadlines to ensure that the team was not overburdened. Small tasks were assigned and divided equally so that everyone could reach mutual targets. During the working process, individuals had to be honest with their capabilities. Hence, work was organized and allocated properly. Feedback: The leader was the one who observed and evaluated each member during the process so that they adapted their personal goals or changed the working style as needed. And vice versa, if the leader had had an unstable situation, the members and manager would have provided feedback to her. This increased efficiency and fairness in teamwork performance.  The task of the leader, manager and other team members to achieve the goal.


Leader - Dan Le

Manager - Trang Nguyen

Secretary - Thao Le

DUTIES Breaking down the massive goals into small tasks, setting deadlines, and conducting an overall assessment. Monitoring the project's progress, managing issues, and correcting faults in the work. Keeping track of project development, taking responsibility of preparing and presenting documents.

Information collector -

Finding and collecting all useful information or ...

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