Aspca commercial - Grade: A PDF

Title Aspca commercial - Grade: A
Course English
Institution Southeastern Louisiana University
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1 21 February 2019 Rhetorical Essay The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) aired its first heartbreaking commercial in 2007. Even though so many years have passed since the commercial was made, it has made an everlasting impact on individuals today. Every day thousands of dogs and cats in the nation suffer from severe cruelty and neglect. The video exposes the unfortunate truth about these innocent animals and what Americans can do to prevent such tragedies from happening. This commercial was very successful by connecting with the audience and displaying a powerful message. Within this advertisement, the ASPCA organization utilizes all three modes of persuasion successfully which are pathos, logos, and ethos to raise awareness of the negligence committed against animals in America. The commercial begins with a somber and heavyhearted song, called “In the Arms of an Angel” written by Sarah McLachlan, playing in the background while multiple pictures of injured and distressed animals are shown. This choice of music is intended to provoke emotion in the audience. The advertisement then forwards to a fact just like several other infomercials. The statement reads, “3,000 animals were rescued last year. For hundreds of others, help came too late” (“Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video”). By starting off the advertisement in this particular way, the ASPCA is making the public concentrate on the fact that these animals are in critical conditions and these animals need the public’s help to survive. These statements throughout the entirety of the video are to bring attention to the situation and inform individuals who are not familiar with the issue. The narrator, Sarah McLachlan, then begins to explain to the audience how an enormous number of animals are violently abused every day. She persuades the audience that they can help these poor animals with only seconds of their time by donating to the

2 ASPCA organization for only nineteen dollars a month. For many people, this commercial might make them burst into tears when they view the photos of hurt animal’s flash across the screen. The video is intended to be depressing and tear-jerking in order to convince viewers to donate to the cause. This video is effective at accomplishing this approach because of the way it connects to the viewers and the way it uses many different methods to attack the viewer’s emotions. Pathos is a method of persuasion that creates an emotional response in the audience. As stated previously, the ASPCA organization demonstrates the method of pathos very well by using sad music and heartbreaking photos and videos. Pathos is the main goal of all ASPCA commercials in order to receive attention and donations. For instance, in the video, Sarah McLachlan is petting a dog and says, “Will you be an angel for a helpless animal? Right now there is an animal who needs you” (“Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video”). This line is specifically put into the commercial to make the viewers feel and act a certain way. It refers to her own song “In the Arms of An Angel”, and it also intended to make the viewers feel like it is their job to help these adorable animals. They use videos of beaten and neglected dogs to show their potential donors why they should donate and whom it is actually benefitting. I feel the scariest part of this commercial is all of the number of animals affected every day by human beings. In a way, the ASPCA spreads hope throughout the commercial by letting the audience know they can help by simply donating one’s time and money. The pathos in this commercial makes the viewer want to do anything they can do in order to save these animals. The commercial was definitely successful in terms of wanting to get the audience involved and devoted to this mission.

3 The ethos in this ASPCA commercial is displayed successfully. For starters, the spokesperson is a famous artist Sarah McLachlan. Towards the end of the commercial, she is shown sitting on a couch with a dog in her lap. This is a demonstration of ethos because the commercial uses a celebrity to make her seem relatable to ordinary animal lovers and pet owners. The commercial shows the audience that what is being shown in the videos is real-life tragedies and injuries. The gruesome, saddening images are eye-opening and vivid to the audience. The ASPCA draws in the audience’s concern and attention to these helpless animals. They also advise the audience that they can help by rescuing, donating, and volunteering. This commercial definitely affected my family and I. My families’ household turned into a temporary home for three dogs, three cats, and a turtle. I could go on for a while about these animals’ stories, but there is one that stands out. My cousin and I rescued around a five-week-old white kitten from the sewer by our house this past summer. I wanted to take the kitten into my home and take care of her and clean her up. She stayed with us for a couple of months before we found her a permanent home with a wonderful family. It broke my dad’s heart giving her away, but he knows she is with a family that will give her all the love and care she needs. These commercials have a strong impact on the audience because of the ethos being displayed. Lastly, the commercial demonstrates the method of logos by providing logical points and statistics throughout the video. The ASPCA displays their website and phone number at the bottom of the screen that can be visited to provide more information or any questions. The actual website shows all of the facts that the audience may need to know about the donation or adoption process. The website also shows ways you can improve the ASPCA organization. There are numerous articles and links for rescues, local shelters, and donations. The facts they gave were helpful and educated the audience. The commercial states, “For just eighteen dollars a month,

4 only sixty cents a day, you will help rescue animals from their abusers and provide medical care, food, shelter, and love” (“Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video”). The video is stating that normal people can alter these animals lives drastically by donating merely sixty cents a day. The video is implying that this small donation will not impact your pockets as much as it will impact several animals’ lives in various ways. Various statistics about animal cruelty and animal rescues are shown on a black screen during the video. One example is when the commercial states, “Every single hour in BC, an animal is violently abused” (“Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video”). This fact brings attention to how poorly these animals are being treated every day and how something needs to be done to change it. The facts that are introduced are necessary for the audience so they know that the ASPCA’s intentions and actions are good and they are not just scamming people for their money. The ASPCA organization has produced excellent results after the airing of this commercial. The ASPCA’s mission was to bring awareness, support, and money to the organization. The commercial successfully completed their project by intertwining the three methods of persuasion throughout their commercial. While the commercial appeals to the ethical and logical senses of the audience, the commercial largely relies on the viewer’s emotions to take action towards the situation. Such little donations have a huge impact on animals across the nation. Animal abuse is a very serious crime that could be easily prevented. To this day, the ASPCA hopes to end the suffering of helpless animals with the help of the citizens of America.

5 Work Cited “Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Oct. 2006,

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