Assesment 4DPE - dffdf PDF

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Developing Yourself as an Effective HR Practitioner Assessment -Submission document

AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Development Plan Bibliography


Brief of the CIPD professional Map

The CIPD Professional map is the tool which helping to develop and plan through progression employee’s carrier. The map consists of 10 professional areas, 8 behaviours and 2 core professional areas: Insights, Strategy and solution and Leading HR. Those areas are centralized and are applicable for all HR professionals in all roles and locations but also can be used for any organization to see strengths and weaknesses of. It also has four bands depending on the level of your career. Strategies, Insights and Solutions must focus on the needs of the customers and employees, add value to the organisation, develop understanding of the organisation and use the insights to tailor strategy and solutions to meet organisational needs now and in the future. Leading and Managing the Human Resources professionals need to be able to manage a fit for purpose HR function, act as a role- model leader, make sure that the function has the right capability and organisation design. As the leader put efforts within, developing, supporting each other and understanding what their own role is and how it contributes to the overall organisation strategy.

Eight professional areas Employee Engagement – work on strong connection between the organization and employees. Making the employee happy to get better performance. Employee Relation – good employee management, clear organizational culture principles, compliance with laws and regulations. Service Delivery and Information – customer focused delivery service is applied throughout the entire employee lifecycle. Organisation Design- preparation of perfect influence on long and short period Organisation Development – help achieve all of the organization’s goals, you need to focus on individual employees and their abilities. Resourcing and Talent Planning –the organisation have the right resource, talent and capability to achieve the immediate and strategic ambitions. Learning and Talent Development – build both individual and organisational knowledge and capability to meet the current and strategic requirements and also create a learning culture. Performance and Reward – create and maintain a high achieving organisation by delivering programmes that could reward and recognise key employee capabilities, behaviours, skills, experience and performance to ensure that the reward systems are market relevant, fair and cost effective.

Eight behaviours Curious Decisive Thinker Skilled Influencer Personally Credible Collaborative Driven to Deliver Courage to Challenge Role Model

4 Bands We have 4 bands of professional competences define, the contribution that HR Professionals make at every stage of their career. It helps focus to all HR Professionals development planning and activities and to give a clear pathway. They are specialist areas which identifies the knowledge and activities that is needed to provide Specialist HR Support.

Brand 1

Brand 2

Brand 3

Brand 4

Relationship with client

delivering fundamentals



coach and client confidante , Leadership colleague

Focus of activity

fast and good Client support

managing and advising teambased HR issues or individual and problems

Addressing the HR challenges at the organisation level

leading the organisation, developing the organisational strategy, partnering with client

Where time is spent

data management, providing information

issue analysis, evaluation, solutions and likely consequences

flexible and innovative solutions, risk analyses, providing

Understanding client’s needs, developing strategies and plans

insights and linkages, Service to the client

support process, delivering facts and information

Flexible options and recommendation s

Challenge, ideas and insights


Client satisfaction

problems satisfactorily resolved

Trusted partner

Safe haven for hard subject around the hard issues, surfacing ‘the truth’ Sought by client as development and performance coach

Band 1 HR Assistant Knowledge: - Understand work culture - Understand who customer are - Have CIPD course - IT knowledge - How the HR goals link to business priorities

Skills: - Maintain a positive demeanour throughout even the most difficult situations. - Effectively work with a company's digital human resource systems. - Good listeners Behaviours required: - Problem-solving - Prioritize and plan work activities as to use time efficiently - Communicate clearly, both written and orally, as to communicate with employees, members of the HR management team, and in group presentations and meetings - Follow instructions, respond to management direction, and must be able to improve performance through management feedback

Activity 2

In this activity I am going to describe 3 different HR customers, the way effective communication, how to prioritize work and how to deal with difficult customers. HR team are dealing on daily basis have interaction with several stakeholders on different situations. HR advisor need to make sure that everyone is dealt with fairly and to being always professional. 3 types of customers based on priority 

Senior Management and Area Managers - They would require advice and support with disciplinary, investigations, recruiting process, find ways to increase productivity The HR have 2 days to response for queries via email or face to face

Current employments – They would require information about polices, employee contracts, benefits, payroll issues. Response time – up to 4 days via email or face to face

Candidates for job – Require a clear induction policy and training plan. They will usually send query via email regarding for example start dates. Time to answer- up to 5 days usually by email or phone

Everyone’s query is a priority but sometimes HR is not able to response to everyone on the same time that is why HR team should to prioritize tasks by deadlines and manage time effectively. HR to be able to help all customers must be 





in close touch with the workforce

able to challenge managers when necessary

Prioritising Conflicting Needs Stakeholders can be categorised according to two measures: Influence – the power a stakeholder has over the organisation. Interest – the degree of interest a stakeholder has in the organisation.

It is important to keep all customers informed of what HR can provide in the way of services and set realistic expectations. HR needs to be flexible, easy to contact and able to respond effectively. However the needs of customers may sometimes be conflicting (for example, senior management would like to achieve targets and want to increase working hours however employees want to more time off for social life.)HR would collect data and prioritize task based on importance by taking into account the ease and speed of dealing with each case whilst maintaining focus on the overall needs of the organisation. HR good practice would involve developing a case record that could be reviewed to check progress at regular basis.

Methods of Communication Effective communication between all stakeholders is key to success as all interested parties are informed and involved in the decision making process. The method of communication used depends on the customer’s needs. The best communication to building trust with people its use face to face meeting and it’s applicable for internal and external customer. We can use then also body language with help us establishing good working relationships. Talk together with honest and adaptable can help to resolved problem and issue and build trust of the coworkers. We can communicate with customers on 3 ways method all depends: Face to Face – most basics way to communicate which helping exchange information as humans, and it is important to get it right. Can be used for:      

formal meetings informal discussions interviews presentations team briefings conference and seminars

Email (electronic communication) default method of organisations contacting their stakeholders. Any form of written document, audio or visual recording can be delivered electronically. Telephone (remote communication) can be use when face-to-face meeting can be difficult to arrange. Allow two way dialogue and instant feedback. Improved mobile technology and cameras that given opportunity not only to speak via telephone but also to have

videoconferencing which adding body language. It most important remains for these method is tone of voice.

Advantages and disadvantages of 3 different ways of communication methods





Face to face

Fast and convenient Can be sent at any time of day/night Cheap Can be sent to individuals or groups Attach files & share information Can be encrypted to send confidential information Confirmation of delivery/reading can be set up Conversation/informatio n is recorded in writing

Easily accessible to most people everywhere (mobile) Conversation can be private, or conference call Ideal if a fast response is required Voicemail available

Immediate feedback

Meetings can easily be recording for future reference

Good for delicate situations

Relies on recipient having access to email account Not suitable for group discussions Computer viruses

Person may be engaged/ have no signal, so unable to take call calls

My prove difficult/expensive to get participants together in one place

Tone and nuance can be misread.

It is harder to interpret nonverbal cues via remote communication, even with video conferencing.

Can read body language or facial expressions Can share documents/images and discuss Builds stronger relationships

No record unless note-taker present, so conversation not accountable

Building and maintaining relationships Building and maintaining relationships with key HR stakeholders relies on practitioners performing well in a range of core skills and behaviours like: -good communication skills -good time -managing stakeholders expectations It is important for the HR professionals to maintain effective and nice service delivery to the customers. Good relationships with the stakeholder helping to resolve many issue. Effective communication should be: 

Adaptable for each situation

Clear which help to easy understand required goal to achieve

Straight talking- try to avoid using jargons

Honest- more effective, because it allows all stakeholders to know where they stand. Dishonesty can have serious repercussions for trust.

Two-way effective two-way conversation means employees feel listened to and valued – they have employee voice. This helps employee engagement, which in turn usually improves an organisation’s performance

Appropriate an effective communicator will select a tone and delivery method that is appropriate to the situation.

Effective service delivery within my organisation includes: 

Dealing with queries within 24 hours

Dealing with telephone queries straight away

Meeting deadlines set by line managers

Providing induction training within 2 day timescale

Dealing with application forms and arranging interviews within two weeks

Dealing with change of employee details and informing the relevant departments as soon as possible

Managing stakeholder expectations and delivering services as promised using strong time management skills will enhance your personal credibility. Each of the other elements we set out for managing relationships feeds into personal credibility, from good communication to providing appropriate advice and information.

Difficult Customers When dealing with a difficult customer it is important that the team are dealing with the customer according to our company procedures as this could escalate to a grievance. Any form of communication needs to be correct and clear. As an organisation it is important we find out what the complaint is and how we go about fixing the problem. Explain to the customer they need to remain calm and making sure that any communication is clear and everything needs to be written as we are unable to accept anything verbal due to missing information. Dealing with complains All complaints are sent to the HR Team. This needs to be sent in a written format (letter, email etc.). The HR Team confirm with the customer within 5 working days of receiving the compliant explain how they are looking into the complaint and any extra evidence which they may require for this. Once this has been investigated a meeting can be arranged so we could interview the customer face to face where we could acknowledge the problem by listening to them and not interrupting, identify any key bits of the compliant, see if anyone needs to be interviewed and then look at how we could move forward. When dealing with complaints it is a good idea to: 

Respond promptly and helpfully;

Clarify the problem;

Take the views of different parties into account;

Identify options for solving the problem;

Establish the advantages and disadvantages of various options; and

Don’t let reasonable complaints escalate into dramas.

Exceed Customer Expectation/Review of HR services Stakeholders will have different starting expectations depending on the situation, but they typically include: 

Being ‘involved’ Stakeholders want the HR function to proactively anticipate their requirements, but they also like some control over the service they receive. Specifically, they want an HR function that can quickly and accurately respond to specific requests.

Being advised Stakeholders would like to be aware about situation

Being aware that stakeholders have different reasons for engaging with the organisation or service: Sometimes people will get in contact with HR because

something has gone wrong, or has the potential to go wrong in the workplace. Whatever it is that is causing them anguish is likely to be an ‘inconvenience’ and can influence their attitude both to us and to the issue they are handling. 

Ensuring there is a route for follow up if things go wrong: If stakeholders are not satisfied with the service they receive, the HR function should provide a way to discuss problems, address any outstanding issues and learn from the experience to avoid problems in the future.

Service level agreements Every department will have a Service Level Agreement in place so everyone can be working together and have the same outcomes within a timely manner. SLA ensure that all parties understand the expected level of service is in certain situations, and set out realistic expectations. They set clear guidelines and can help HR professionals make quicker decisions about what they can and cannot provide. Establishing personal credibility will help to manage stakeholders relationships. This allows stakeholders to trust you to provide your services to an agreed timescale and standard. It also means that the information and advice you provide will have greater impact. The CIPD Profession Map identifies core behaviours for personal credibility. At Band 1 (entry level), a personally credible HR practitioner: 

Considers how best to add value and ensures own expertise is sufficiently developed to do so;

Shows enthusiasm to broaden ones’ own experience, knowledge, skills and selfinsight;

Passes on ones’ own skills to others, sharing knowledge and experience readily;

accepts and acts on feedback on own performance, reacting appropriately to both constructive criticism and praise; and

Offers sensible, impartial advice and is considered as wise counsel.

Review and benchmarking We always we should to review and learn from ours experience. As professionals, it can help to do this in a more structured way. We can improve our service by: 

Making notes on recent performance at regular intervals – once a week or once a month;

Build reflection into regular meetings with a supervisor; and keeping a diary of tasks and services undertaken to make it easier to remember what went well and what could be improved.

Using feedback for continuous improvement from stakeholders which provides a different perspective on your effectiveness. Sometimes is difficult to receive feedback from co- workers if everything is working fine but a lot a complains if something goes wrong

Keep reviewing the service Rather than waiting for complaints to appear, effective HR practitioners are proactive. Take the initiative and keep checking to see if stakeholders are getting the service they need keep reviewing and evaluating and keep making use of the information collected to develop and improve the service.

Activity 3 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a combination of attitude, techniques and ideas with help me to manage growth and learning. Developments carry on with the sense that members show an active interest in internal and extern environment and in the fallow in development and forwarding of self and others at both organisation and solitary levels development is owned and managed by individual,learning from all experiences, combined with reflection as a key activity. For employees, CPD helps them keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date. It ensures that the professional standard of their registration and qualifications is maintained. Included it contributes to their professional point of direction. Completing CPD give assistance to build their credibility and confidence, allows them to showcase their equips and achievements them with tools to cope positively with change. For employers, the basic benefit of CPD is ensuring that standards by the company are consistent and high. CPD promotes greater work engagement from the general commitment and workforce to job roles. Having a number of employees undertake CPD, whether over a period of time or concurrently, allows for the sharing of support and best practice. CPD improves staff morale and provides a useful benchmark for annual appraisals contributes to maximising staff potential.

What are my strengths and gaps for my current level? My strengths: -consistent- I always go to the destination no matter what -punctual- I am always on time and I like when others are too -trustworthy-you can trust me and if I promise something, I keep my word -hard working-I work hard because I only know that I can reach my destination My gaps: -insufficient HR knowledge-I started course with help my increase knowledge

My knowledge, skills and behaviours: My knowledge: -c...

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