Assessment #1: Digital Audit Workbook PDF

Title Assessment #1: Digital Audit Workbook
Course Digital Portfolio
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 10
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Assessment 1: Digital Audit Workbook...


Assessment #1: Digital Audit Workbook

AMB330 Digital Portfolio

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Digital Audit .................................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 Customer Persona, Consumer Insight & Product and Competitor Overview............. 7 3.1 Customer Persona..................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Consumer Insights ................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.2 Product and Competitor Overview....................................................................................... 8 4.0 Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Branded content – Social media ............................................................................................. 9 4.2 Seeking Sponsorships .............................................................................................................. 9 4.3 Feedback kiosks (online or instore) ........................................................................................ 9 5.0 References .................................................................................................................................. 10

1.0 Introduction Your mate Brewing is an Australian- based brewing company located in Warana, Sunshine coast. House of four unique beer flavours with a restaurant for the locals. Signature pale called Larry, currently is still ranked #5 as the hottest beer in Australia according to GABS. This report will highlight the company’s digital strategy through a digital audit. Furthermore, this report will identify the consumers insight. This will include the branding for the target audience and the pathway for the business’s adventures. Key factors of the competitors overview and their product offerings will be addressed. Lastly, recommendations will help your mates brewing increase their brand awareness through a digital approach.

2.0 Digital Audit Criteria Digital strategy

Observations, comments and analysis Your mates Brewing’s digital strategy is based on encouraging the community on sharing a special moment with a friend over alcoholic beverages. With another vision to help the local community of sunny coast and working with charity groups. This strategy used by Your mates brewing seems to be very different each digital platform. On Facebook, the content of branding is very frequent. Regularly posts by Your Mates brewing is frequently engaging with the community. Instagram is very similar approach however the content has extra focus on functions and events held for the community. Your Mates Brewing’s YouTube channel is not very engaging with content. Similar approached used here with their current strategy, needs to have more content.

Although the digital media used has potential for the company to grow. Facebook and Instagram showed more engagement which are great platforms to contribute the success of the company. YouTube can be used as a backup when the trends change in the future. Consistent The branding consistency of Facebook and Instagram platform is excellent. Which brand messages includes extra content on promoting their restaurant “brewhouse”. Which also consists of videos enticing consumers with their current menu. However, some content leans away from branding and focus on extra activities like fishing and other outdoor activities. YouTube is the same, consistency is enough with videos leaning away from the main product and focus on outdoor activities. More consistency of branding Their line of Craft beer would be more favoured. Digital and The following Social media platform and website channels are commonly used for social media desktop and mobile viewing. These are the following tools used by Your Mates tools used Brewing: Facebook Your mates Brewing has a great engagement with the community. Very prompted in frequent posting content on brand awareness. Having a review rating of 4.9/5 based out of 195 people within the community. Instagram Great interaction and content shared within the community. having 914 posts, 13.5k Followers which contributes the potential success and brand awareness for the company. Great promotional message “free shipping on orders $100” which caught my eye. Frequent Stories on Instagram, which is nice to see, great for engagement. YouTube Similar approached as the social media however lacking in content. Only having 33 Subscribers and 7 uploads. The current uploads are not frequent, having a gap between each other.

Rating (1-10) 9



Observations, comments and analysis Criteria Examples of content shared Example 1: Facebook Post Showing a token of appreciation for the community.

Example 2: Instagram Post Promoting products and brand awareness

Rating (1-10) 10


Example 3: YouTube Channel Below is a video , aiming to spread the word out on the background of the company.

Your mate Brewing’s social media platforms have a clear message, which uses the branding Strategic user to target potential or existing consumers. The strategy used on each platform is slightly engagement different, although the intentions are the same to boost brand awareness. YouTube channel is quite unique, although Your mate Brewing needs to revamp their channel. Since it’s not very appealing with content and engagement.



3.0 Customer Persona, Consumer Insight & Product and Competitor Overview 3.1 Customer Persona Marshall Mathers

• • •

BACKGROUND Singer/song writer Has one daughter Studying Creative Arts at QUT


I love keeping into shape Slightly Extrovert Current job: Lyrical master /hip-hop (Rapper)


DEMOGRAPHICS Male 28 Lives in Wavell Heights, Brisbane • My sense of humour is interesting with a touch of funniness

• • •

THERE REASONS TO ENGAGE • Australian owned/made • Friendly • Range of products

After a hard day at work or attending university, I always plan to have a nice cold beer to help me relax before having dinner.

THREE REASONS NOT TO ENGAGE • Bad reviews • Social media isn’t updated frequently • Location

BURNING QUESTIONS • How does your refund work? Could I still be eligible, if I don’t like the product? • How long does the delivery process take?

PAIN POINTS • I only enjoy products which use Aussie ingredients. • Hoping my taste buds will enjoy this range of beverages.

GOALS Receive honours in Creative Arts Make the community aware that am a lyrical master and my poetry • Hoping my daughter can one day join me in my footsteps

• •

3.1.1 Consumer Insights Your Mates Brewing target audience comes under the area of the consumer market. Since Your Mates Brewing product is an alcoholic beverage, the target market will be “Australians who consumer/ purchase alcohol”. 1 in 8 Australians consumer beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages (Morgan, Roy 2019). Roughly two thirds of Australians which drink on a regular basis, the most beverage preferred is wine, although beer is sitting on 8.9% of consumption in an average of four weeks (Morgan, Roy 2019). however in volumes of consuming alcohol, Beer is the current victor. In terms of volume, this is based on glasses. Beer accounts for 45.3% of volume of alcoholic drinks, second is wine (29.2%) and followed by spirits (13.2%) (Morgan, Roy 2019). Since Your mates Brewing message is to actively engage with mates and having a good time. This highlights a positive message to drink responsibly. Australians ages between 18-24y/o (62%) are “comfortable with how much they drink”, which is followed by ages 25-34y/o (61%), 35-49y/o (66%) and lastly, 50y/o+ (73%)(Statista, 2019). Another key factor, within the last 12months 50% of the ages between 25-34 have “ordered Alcohol online for delivery” (Statista, 2019). In favour of beer accounts of 45.3% of the volume Australians consume within a duration of four weeks, Your mates brewing can utilise this advantage. With a clear message of the target audience, your mate brewing can focus on the ages of 25-49. These age cohorts’ drinkers have an attitude of having a comfortable drink socially, which has a correlation with the responsible message of Your mates brewing. Another advantage which Your mates Brewing can use, 50% of Australians within the last year purchased or ordered alcohol online. This works in favour of your mates brewing since their website has this option.

3.1.2 Product and Competitor Overview Your Mate Brewing has four unique flavours of beers. Out of the four flavours, Larry (Pale Ale) is ranked #5 according to GABS top 100 Aussie beers (GABS, 2019). This market is very competitive since BWS, Dan Murphy’s and liquorland are the top alcohol retailers in Australia (Morgan, Roy 2017). According to GABS,BWS , Dan Murphy’s and liquorland’s products are not in the top100 list of hot beers in Australia. Although your mates brewing does have a beer ranked top #5. This is a key sigh that Your mate Brewing product range supreme to other Australian Alcoholic competitors.

4.0 Recommendations 4.1 Branded content – Social media As a key findings of company’s digital strategy are made from often by the branded content. Using the platforms of social media, companies can overlook traditional media and have a connection with the consumer directly (Harvard business, 2016). Almost eight in ten Australians use social media and 59% of Australians access social media, roughly five times per day (sensis , 2018). With collected information , Your mate Brewing could potentially host events for the community through their social media. Focusing on social media will have more range of brand awareness rather than traditional marketing tools mentioned in the client brief. Another idea would be having taste testing when running events, since consumers may want to taste products they haven’t before.

4.2 Seeking Sponsorships Sponsorship is a great way to support companies when launching events (business studies, 2019). By having sponsorships this will increase brand awareness and help generate consumer loyalty (business studies, 2019). Your mate brewing should consider on finding a company which can sponsor their products. Should only focus on advertising online, since traditional marketing tools doesn’t have enough range than digital (lyfe, 2019). This will cover fundamentals of marketing and can help the company with certain benefits. These benefits may include attractive content of product range, building a business reputation in the eye of the public and support sale campaigns (business studies, 2019).

4.3 Feedback kiosks (online or instore) Customer feedback is very important, information provided by clients can distinguish between if their satisfied or dissatisfied with your product or service (medium, 2016). Clients opinions is vital information. Companies can consolidate this information and improve in the sections where necessary (medium, 2016). Installing a feedback kiosk on site or digitally will be a vital approach in receiving customer feedback. By having a feedback kiosk this will benefit Your mates brewing with a integrated business system, more data with better analysis and reaching out to non-purchasing visitors (local measure, 2019).

5.0 References GABS. (2019). GABS. Retrieved from hottest 100 craft beers 2019:

Hughes, C. (2019, October 23). Statista. Retrieved from Alcohol consumption behaviors of drinkers in Australia in 2019, by age group:

Measure, L. (2019, November 16). Local Measure. Retrieved from 4 Ways Customer Feedback Kiosks Can Benefit Your Business:

Morgan, R. (2017, March 20). Roy morgan. Retrieved from The Australian alcohol retail market in review:

Morgan, R. (2019, August 12). Roy Morgan. Retrieved from 1-in-8 Australians consume beer, wine and another alcohol:

Sensis. (2018). Sensis. Retrieved from The must-know stats from the 2018 Yellow Social Media Report:

Sherman. (2019, October 4). Lyfe marketing . Retrieved from Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: Which Produces Better ROI?:

Startquestion. (2016, July 27). Medium. Retrieved from 7 Reasons Why Customer Feedback Is Important To Your Business:

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