Assessment 1A Part 1 (Yong Mun Chin) PDF

Title Assessment 1A Part 1 (Yong Mun Chin)
Course Integrative Business Capstone
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Four Levels of Thinking Model...


Session: 1,2021 Subject: Integrative Business Capstone (COMM331) Name: Yong Mun Chin Tutorial Group: Tue 11:00am-12:00pm

(UOW ID: 6690993 )

Tutorial Submission 1A: Covid19 and the climate crisis are part of the same battle Based on the newspaper article about COVID-19 and climate crisis, climate change has been one of the main concerns of the government during the early stage of the pandemic. The scientists have been tackling this issue for decades when uncontrolled greenhouse-gas emitted from wildfires, deforestation, and other environmental damages. These eventually also lead to the birth of Covid19, and that causes the government to need to take this global issue seriously. In the Four Levels of Thinking Model to be applied, events, behavior patterns, processes, and mental models are the four layers that a strong system thinker should be able to operate at the same time. At the peak of the iceberg analogy, events level is the visible part that always need immediate attention. From the article, the issue that is placed at this level is the climate change caused by wildfire and deforestation. The pattern repeats itself many times. Based on the National Interagency Fire Centre, there were about 5,700 wildfires in 2020 (Insurance Information Institute, 2020). From the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED), California wildfires have estimated to generate more than 91 million metric tons of carbon dioxide gases (Alberts, E.C, 2020). Besides, the rate of deforestation in between 2015 and 2020 is estimated to be at 10million hectares per year (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 2020). Based on the newspaper article, it was said that deforestation is one of the main causes of the animals such as bats that carrying the virus to cause COVID-19 due to the contact of their virus to humans while moving to find other habitats. Structures are used to aid and maintain the patterns that we see in the case, which are made up of cause-and-effect interactions. The wildfire in 2020 has increased tremendously by 6,523 compared to 2019, and it is especially frequent in California, either from the changing climate, man-made fire by a single spark, fire suppression, or the Santa Ana winds in fall season (Pierre-Louis, K et. al. 2020). Mental models, which include attitudes, values, and morals in some of the system's components, are what keep it going. Judging by year 2020 being the hottest year on record, according to NASA (Global Climate Change, 2021), we can see that the climate change has gotten worse year by year, and people have bad moral practices by not checking the greenhouse-gas emissions. The next theories are from Senge’s Principles for managing the performance and growth of an organization. First and foremost, system thinking should be used to see the interconnections and patterns of change rather than individual circumstances (Taggart, J. 2010). For example, to prevent climate change, the scientists and government should perform system thinking, that is to view the bigger picture to identify the root cause of such issue. Next, understanding the company's ideals as well as the nature of business may help define mental models. People should pay more attention to the greenhouse-gas emissions and implement more control on reducing the emission by not burning rubbish at least and especially not to ignite fires in the forests as based on the California wildfires record as mentioned, forests are prone to fire during hot and dry seasons. Interaction between workers in organizations helps to create a shared vision. People do not aware of the greenhouse-gases emitted due to the lack of concern of the people. It can be reduced by a few ways such as reduce water waste and buy LED lightbulbs that use only twenty percent of energy. Team learning is crucial as it brings personal mastery and share visions together, and it is especially important for the employees to be honest as honest mistakes are forgiven. Lastly, when a person has a clear vision of a goal and a thorough understanding of the facts, they have achieved personal mastery. The disparity between perception and experience motivates the employee to complete all activities necessary to realize the dream. In the concept of links and loops, links are defined as a relation that influences one element on another, while loops are defined as cycles that repeat themselves in a circle. Climate change happens due to human activities, from the rise of using fossil fuels, deforestation, and the increase of intensive agriculture, and this repeats as a loop in each year when people still do not take this issue in a serious matter. In the nutshell, climate change can be avoided by implementing a system approach, as the system approach would help the government restructure internal procedures. (Word count:749words)


Reference List Alberts, E.C. (2020), ‘Off the chart’: CO2 from California fires dwarf state’s fossil fuel emissions. Mongabay News & Inspiration From Nature’s Frontline. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2021] Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, (2020), The State of The World’s Forests 2020 [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2021] Frankel, J (2020), Covid-19 and the climate crisis are part of the same battle. The Guardian. Gibbons, B 2021, COMM 331 ‘Dynamics of Systems ’, lecture notes, accessed 13/03/2021, eLearning @ UoW Insurance Information Institute (2020), Facts + Statistics: Wildfires [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2021] Global Climate Change (2021), 2020 Tied for Warmest Year on Record, NASA Analysis Shows. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2021] Knight, K 2021, Systems Thinking, lecture, COMM331 Integrative Business Capstone, University of Wollongong, delivered 16 March

Pierre-Louis, K., Schwartz, J. (2020), Why Does California Have So Many Wildfires? The New York Times. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2021] Taggart, J. (2010), The Five Learning Disciplines. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2021]


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