Assessment info PDF

Title Assessment info
Course Introduction To Psychology: Physiological & Cognitive Psychology
Institution University of Queensland
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5. Assessment UQ students: If you are enrolled in this course, please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access the assessment criteria and marking details associated with individual assessment items for this course.

5.1 Assessment Summary This is a summary of the assessment in the course. For detailed information on each assessment, see 5.5 Assessment Detail below.


Learning Objectives

Research Participation Up to Six Research 24 Jul 17 - 27 Oct 17 Participation Sessions


1, 4

21 Aug 17 09:00 - 24 Online Quiz Aug 17 15:00 Mid-Semester Online 4 days to complete Quiz


1, 2, 3, 5

Assessment Task

Due Date

Essay Draft of Essay Introduction

4 Sep 17 23:59

0% Formative assessment

2, 3, 4, 5

Essay Complete Essay

3 Oct 17 23:59


2, 3, 4, 5

Exam - during Exam Period (Central) Final Exam

Examination Period


1, 2, 3, 5

5.2 Course Grading Grade X: No assessable work received. Grade 1, Fail: Fails to demonstrate most or all of the basic requirements of the course: 0 - 24.99%

The minimum percentage required for a grade of 1 is: 0% Grade 2, Fail: Demonstrates clear deficiencies in understanding and applying fundamental concepts; communicates information or ideas in ways that are frequently incomplete or confusing and give little attention to the conventions of the discipline: 25.00 - 46.99%

Grade 3, Fail: Demonstrates superficial or partial or faulty understanding of the fundamental concepts of the field of study and limited ability to apply these concepts; presents undeveloped or inappropriate or unsupported arguments; communicates information or ideas with lack of clarity and inconsistent adherence to the conventions of the discipline: 47.00 - 49.99%

Grade 4, Pass: Demonstrates adequate understanding and application of the fundamental concepts of the field of study; develops routine arguments or decisions and provides acceptable justification; communicates information and ideas adequately in terms of the conventions of the discipline: 50.00 - 64.49%

Grade 5, Credit: Demonstrates substantial understanding of fundamental concepts of the field of study and ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts; develops or adapts convincing arguments and provides coherent justification; communicates information and ideas clearly and fluently in terms of the conventions of the discipline:

64.50 - 79.49%

Grade 6, Distinction: As for 5, with frequent evidence of originality in defining and analysing issues or problems and in creating solutions; uses a level, style and means of communication appropriate to the discipline and the audience: 79.50 - 89.49%

Grade 7, High Distinction: As for 6, with consistent evidence of substantial originality and insight in identifying, generating and communicating competing arguments, perspectives or problem solving approaches; critically evaluates problems, their solutions and implications: 89.50% +

5.3 Late Submission

Extensions The School of Psychology does not guarantee a trouble-free semester of study. The best preparation for unexpected illnesses and other disruptive events is to start your assignments early in the semester. Extensions are not a remedy for students experiencing more significant interuptions to study. Research Participation - All participation must be completed on or before the last day of the teaching semester (Friday 27 October). There is no form of extension for Research Studies. Online Quiz - If you are unable to attempt the online quiz at the time specified and wish to request a deferred quiz please complete the online application for extension form. All applications need to be received within 5 calendar days of the quiz dates and if the application is based on medical grounds, your medical certificate needs to be dated within 2 days of the last day of the quiz and should cover the entire 4 day period of the quiz. Assignments - Please refer to the policy and guidelines (6.1 of this course profile) for futher information as well as the following link on myUQ for extension eligibility Late essays will be penalised one mark for every day or part thereof past the submission deadline. No essays will be accepted after midday, Friday 27th October 2017. Final Examination The application for a deferred exam is to be submitted to the University via mysinet>My Requests. Note that the decision to grant a deferred exam lies completely with the University, not the course coordinator, the course administrator, or the School of Psychology. Information regarding deferred examinations and details about the application process can be accessed via this link:

5.4 Other Assessment Information Final Grade of 3 If a student receives a final grade of 3 they may be eligible to apply for a supplementary assessment to attempt to improve their grade to a grade of 3S4. Students should seek advice about their program rules regarding supplementary assessments directly from their Faculty or the Student Centre and consult myUQ Appealing Assignment Marks If you are unhappy with your mark for the essay, or would like more feedback, you must talk to your tutor first. We recommend that you take your assignment away for a few days, read the comments and then approach your tutor and discuss it with them. If you are still unhappy with your mark, you can then apply for your lab report to be remarked. Please consult myUQ for information on how to apply for a remark (UQ Policy and Procedures Library (PPL) policy 3.10.10 section 4 at The deadline for remark applications is listed in section 4.4 of the PPL. No exceptions will be made to this deadline. Also note that this remark is final and your mark (and possibly your grade for the course) can go up or down. Requesting a Deffered FINAL Examination Applications for deferred examinations are now lodged via your mysinet by the due date. For information on lodging your on-line deferred examination request, including supporting documentation please see myUQ website:

Difficulties Submitting Assessment If students experience difficulties submitting assessment they should retain proof of their attempt and email [email protected] as soon as possible (preferably before the assessment deadline). For turnitin, this can be the email receipt received, while for an online quiz, a screenshot of the difficulty encountered should be saved. Please note that screenshots of the assignment properties will not be accepted as proof of submission.

5.5 Assessment Detail Up to Six Research Participation Sessions Type: Research Participation Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 4 Due Date: 24 Jul 17 - 27 Oct 17 Weight: 6% Task Description: As a valuable adjunct to learning about research from lectures, tutorials, and texts, PSYC1020 students have the opportunity to learn first-hand through participation in actual research studies, and to earn up to six marks towards their course grade. You will receive an automatically-generated email in orientation week containing a username and password to allow you to access the research participation site and sign up for studies. You will learn about this in your first tutorial and also via the course outline distributed at the first lecture. Criteria & Marking: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access marking criteria held in this profile More Information: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access more information about this assessment item

Mid-Semester Online Quiz Type: Online Quiz Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 5 Due Date: 21 Aug 17 09:00 - 24 Aug 17 15:00

4 days to complete

Weight: 9% Reading: 0 minutes Duration: 180 minutes Format: Multiple-choice Task Description: Content: Material and concepts covered in the first four lectures (weeks 1-4) Time & Date: The online quiz will open at 9:00am on Monday 21st August and will close on Thursday 24th August at 3:00pm You will have the opportunity to view the questions and complete them over the 4 day period. This is an open book quiz, please attempt it on your own. You will be able to complete the quiz from your home computer or from one of the computers in the library. You must complete the quiz online between 9:00am on Monday 21st August 2017 and 3:00pm Thursday 24th August 2017. *Note - while this ECP states a "Duration" of 180mins, the quiz will be open for the entire 4 days (the ECP software forces an upper limit of 180 mins but the quiz software will be set for the dates and times above. Further instructions and details will be provided in lectures, tutorials and on the Blackboard site.

Criteria & Marking: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access marking criteria held in this profile

Draft of Essay Introduction Type: Essay Learning Objectives Assessed: 2, 3, 4, 5 Due Date: 4 Sep 17 23:59 Weight: 0% Formative assessment Task Description: This is a formative piece of assessment designed to give you feedback on a draft of the introductory paragraph of your evidence-based essay (as such, you do not receive a formal mark at this point). Your tutor will discuss, in depth, the requirements of the introductory paragraph and you will receive written comments from your tutor via the blackboard site, you will be notified by your tutor when these comments will be available. You will be able to view the feedback and make any revisions to your paragraph for inclusion in your complete essay before submitting it for marking. you will find the essay topics and information on how to write your essay as attachments below and more detail will be given in tutorials. Criteria & Marking: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access marking criteria held in this profile More Information: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access more information about this assessment item Submission: The essay must be word-processed using 12 pt font and minimum 2 cm margins. Use double line spacing. You must submit your draft electronically by 11.59pm, 4th September. To submit your assignment electronically log in to with your UQ username and password, then click on PSYC1020>>Assessment>>Assignments, and then use the appropriate assignment submission link for each piece of assessment. No e-mailed submissions will be accepted. Full instructions on how to submit your assignment through turnitin can be found under 'Assessments' on blackboard. You will be required to keep evidence that your assignment has been submitted by keeping the e-mail that is sent through to you by turnitin. If you unable to submit your draft by the due date, you need to

apply for an extension as set out in point 6.1 and 5.3 of this profile. There is no mark penalty for late submissions of the draft. However, submissions after the due date without a valid extension will not be marked.If you wish to avail yourself of the opportunity to have your tutor review your paragraph, it must be submitted on time, or you need to apply for an extension.

Complete Essay Type: Essay Learning Objectives Assessed: 2, 3, 4, 5 Due Date: 3 Oct 17 23:59 Weight: 35% Task Description: You will find the topics for your essay attached above and you will receive further information and instruction at your tutorials. The readings can be accessed electronically via the library site under 'reading lists'. Word count: 1000-1500 words. Your essay will be marked by your tutor (that is, the tutor who teaches the tutorial you are signed on to in mySI-net) with respect to the marking criteria sheet which will be discussed in tutorials and will be made available on the course Blackboard site. More information on how to write your essay will be given in tutorials. Criteria & Marking: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access marking criteria held in this profile More Information: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access more information about this assessment item Submission: The evidence-based essay must be word-processed using 12 pt font and minimum 2 cm margins. There is a 1000 - 1500 word limit. Use double line spacing. Your student number should be on the top of every page of the assignment. You must submit your essay electronically by 11.59pm 3rd October. To submit your assignment electronically log in to with your UQ username and password, then click on PSYC1020>>Assessment>>Assignments, and then use the appropriate assignment submission link for the assessment. No e-mailed submissions will be accepted. Full instructions on how to submit your assignment through turnitin can be found under 'Assessments' on blackboard. You will be required to keep evidence that your assignment has been submitted by keeping the e-mail that is sent through to you by turnitin. Screenshots of your assignment properties is not proof of submission. If you are unable to submit your complete essay by the due date, you need to apply for an extension as set out in point 6.1 or 5.3 of this profile. Late essays will be penalised one point out of 35 for every day, or part therof past the deadline. No essays will be accepted after midday the 27th October 2017.

Final Exam Type: Exam - during Exam Period (Central) Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 5 Due Date: Examination Period Weight: 50% Reading: 10 minutes Duration: 120 minutes Format: Multiple-choice Task Description: Length: Two hours. Format: All multiple choice questions. Content: Material and concepts covered in lectures, tutorials and required readings across the semester. Time and Date: During end of semester official examination period. Location: To be announced.

Further details of the exam will be provided in lectures, on the web-site and notice boards, and a practice exam will be set in tutorials. Criteria & Marking: UQ students: Please sign in to mySI-net to view your list of enrolled courses and click the relevant Profile link to access marking criteria held in this profile feedback copyright | privacy | disclaimer © 2014 The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia ABN 63 942 912 684, CRICOS Provider No:00025B Authorised by: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Maintained by: Software Services Last Updated - 24 May , 2006...

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