Assessment Tool 1 Knowledge Based Questions Ictnwk 301 - MAR-25-2021 PDF

Title Assessment Tool 1 Knowledge Based Questions Ictnwk 301 - MAR-25-2021
Course ICT - Information and Communications Technology (Release 3.1)
Institution South Metropolitan TAFE
Pages 7
File Size 667 KB
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Download Assessment Tool 1 Knowledge Based Questions Ictnwk 301 - MAR-25-2021 PDF


Knowledge Based Assessment

Form no: XXXXX Issue date: 1/12/2017 Review date: 1/12/2018

Qualification details

Package Training P ackage

ICT - Information and Communications Technology Training Package

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ICTNWK301 - Provide network systems administration Student’ Student’ss name:

Anthony Walker

AUP69 Student ID: Assessment Date:

Assessor’ss name: Assessor’ Time allocated: Re sources allowed: Resources

Resources included in blackboard or found through research via internet search.

Task Assessment T ask Instructions:

Complete this assessment individually and submit via blackboard for marking.

Questions to be answered by the student:

Satisfactory response

Yes  No 

Q1 Give an example of a Network Operating System. Describe Network Operating System and explain what characteristics make it a Network operating System.

Response:  Example: -Window Server -Linux Server like Red Hat or CentOS 

Network Operating Systems are … -Servers OS’s -Software that manages network resources of SOHO -the software that runs on a server and enables the server to manage data, users, groups, security and permissions, networking functions (Like DHCP) and other various networking functions.


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Knowledge Based Assessment T Task ask

Q2 Compare a full, differential and incremental back-ups and explain what is required in order to restore these back-ups

Response:  What is a full back up: -A one to one copy of everything of OS or a project. Often the initial backup or the first. -Full backups have the most storage requirement and therefore are the biggest size wise 

How to restore a full backup: -If you did a one to one partition backup, for instance; you would just clone the partition from your back up hard drive to the in use HDD that is in use. -If you using windows: Select Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Backup and Restore. Assmuning a restore point was made. -Follow the backup software you are using procedure. It will be well documented.

What is an incremental backup: -The second backup after the first. -A backup of all the changed files and folders, since the first backup. -Advantages: Least storage space required, it’s faster than a full, no duplicate files.

How to restore an incremental backup: -Use Easeus Backup software if on windows. Selecting the backup and the restore point. -Use the Backup and recovery feature that is part of windows, selcting the backup from the list and click restore. Links:

Q3 Research examples of the Disaster Recovery Policy and describe what key information does this policy contain.

Response:  Disaster Recovery Policies contain information about: 1. Who is responsible for making sure the necessary staff know what to do in case of a disaster and who is responsible for enforcing and creating it and that it is in current code and regulation. File name & location: [/home/www-data/deploy-task-2021-0504_11_38_44/storage/pdfconv/0406284242031c216451bd71558d2577/0406284242031c216451bd71558d257 7.docx]

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Knowledge Based Assessment T Task ask

2. Who has the authority in case of an emergency or disaster. 3. What safe guards are put into place 4. A detailed procedure of all steps to take in the event of Disaster. Q4 Research and describe main features of the File Share Permissions and NTFS Permissions

Response:  Share permissions: Each set’s it owns permission’s and when used together the most restrictive permission wins. Can be edited by going to properties, sharing, adv. Sharing, permissions and clicking the boxes to give or revoke permissions.  

NTFS Permissions: -Can be edited by right click folder, Properties, sec tab. -offers more options than sharing. -can be complex in server environments.

Q5 Research examples of the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and outline the key information commonly included in these agreements

Response: 

SLAs commonly include information about… -A contract between vendor’s technology and the end user -Expectation of service type and quality. -Remedies when requirements aren’t met. -Contracts between vendors and partners. -Outlining responsibilities of each party

Q6 During your studies, we have used multiple Operating Systems. Pick 2 and list their functions and basic features.

Response: 

Operating System 1: Windows 10:

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Knowledge Based Assessment T Task ask

Functions and features: -End user OS for Office, Home and corporate use. -Preconfigs user environment during set up with a Wizard. Supports all keyboard layouts and languages -Office and productivity software built extensively around this OS for SOHO use. -License cost money

Operating System 2: Windows Server various builds:

Functions and features: -File sharing and networking OS for server use. -Preconfigs user environment during set up with a Wizard. Supports all keyboard layouts and languages -Can enable DCHP for SOHO -GUI interface for ease of server configuration. -License cost money


Review the ‘SM TAFEs Information Access and Security Policy and Procedure’ and outline the key points addressed in this document

Response:  The document contains information about: -To outline how SMT manages risk in relation to on site IT facilities in compliance. -Outing user personal security of personal items and private data. -Outing how passwords should be created.


Think of and describe 2 organisational or technical systems,that rely heavily on information technology, used in SM TAFE. (For example, OnTheHub is the system used by SMTAFE to provide students and lecturers with the access to software licenses. These licenses are meant to be used for educational purposes and allow students and lecturers to use the software for free)

Response:  Example 1: Blackboard is an example of an organizational tech system through the means of a central website where students can download relevant study material and assessments. It’s used as a calendar and place to upload assessments. File name & location: [/home/www-data/deploy-task-2021-0504_11_38_44/storage/pdfconv/0406284242031c216451bd71558d2577/0406284242031c216451bd71558d257 7.docx]

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Knowledge Based Assessment T Task ask

Example 2: Microsoft 365 – is a another example that is used for editing documents, cloud storage, as an email service and calendar for tafe students. Research and briefly describe the purpose and contents of procedures used by the organisations to protect against or to eliminate computer viruses


Response:  The purpose of this procedure is: -To make an guideline protection procedure to manage risk in an organization from computer viruses. -To support necessary legislation and policy. -To define what devices are needed to be part of the network and which should be excluded and forbidden to join. 

This procedure contains information about: -Roles and responsibilities -The AntiVirus software to be used. Where and how. -Protection Procedures that apply to the network.

Q10 Research and briefly describe the purpose and contents the policy and/or procedures used by the organisations to manage deletion, restoration and archival of files

Response:  The purpose of this policy/procedure is: -To outline the recovery procedure in case of systems or the network being infected. -Where AV is installed and who has access to the devices. 

This policy/procedure contains information about: -Initial response procedure when issue is detected. -Who is responsible for inspecting and managing the situation when an issue is detected. -

Q11 Research and briefly describe the purpose and contents of procedures used by the organisations for user account creation and management

Response:  The purpose of this procedure is: File name & location: [/home/www-data/deploy-task-2021-0504_11_38_44/storage/pdfconv/0406284242031c216451bd71558d2577/0406284242031c216451bd71558d257 7.docx]

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-Minimization of risk -Fulfilling legislation -Delegating roles. 

This procedure contains information about: -All persons roles -Definitions -The application of security and software solutions where needed.

Q12 Research and briefly explain 3 guidelines for ensuring network security

Response: 1. … Password is the not default one that can be easily found online. Both the wireless password and the defualt router password. 2. … Don’t use old insecure standards like WEP. Use more modern WPA and WPA2 encryption standards. 3. … Don’t write down passwords on paper or sticky notes where they can be discover by unauthorized personnel. 4. Use Ethernet cords instead of wireless if wireless isn’t required 5. Have a MAC address white list and blacklist. Q13 As a Software Developer, what responsibilities do you have under the Copyright law when developing software. List 3

Response: 1. … As a Software developer you are legally required not copy, steal code or ideas from other developers. This called respecting Intellectual Property(aka IP) rights of others. 2. … To not the break the IP law of AUS: Copyright Act 1968 (in Australia) 3. … To keep confidentiality and or follow a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

If required to sign one. 4. If borrowing code that is open sourced. In most cases you must reference

the original owners Work.

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Knowledge Based Assessment T Task ask

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